General Wellness | Clever Girl Finance Empowering women to achieve financial success. Mon, 29 Jul 2024 15:05:38 +0000 en-US hourly 1 General Wellness | Clever Girl Finance 32 32 8 Tips On How To Find Your Why! Thu, 28 Mar 2024 13:15:10 +0000 […]

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Do you feel a sense of fulfillment in your career, relationships, and life in general, or do you feel so-so? Sometimes, life can become confusing if you haven’t answered the question, “What’s your why?”. So if you are reading this, it’s time to find your why to bring more intention and focus to your life.

Find your why

Finding our why is a journey of self-discovery. It focuses on uncovering the underlying purpose that drives us to take action. By being honest with ourselves, we can uncover our true motivations and clarify what makes our lives meaningful.

It seems that the vast majority of people are simply walking through their daily routines, jobs, and lives without a greater sense of purpose. But it is possible to find the why behind our activities and goals!

This article will cover what it means to find your why and provide an actionable step-by-step guide you can use today.

But first, let’s break down what having a “why” really means.

What is a “why”?

Think of a why as your personal mission statement to help you create a bright future. It is the driving force that helps us discover purpose and make better decisions.

It’s less vague than having gut feelings and more in tune with our direction in life.

A why is the framework we use to make decisions in every area of our lives, and so having one could be on our list of important concerns. It keeps us going when we’re tired and ready to quit, and it’s the essence of how we want our lives to feel.

Simon Sinek, the author of multiple best-selling books, including the self-help book, Start With Why, defines having a why “your purpose, your cause, what you believe in”.

It may look like a single word, such as “integrity,” “service,” or “create.” Or, it may be a more expansive phrase such as “spread joy and laughter to everyone I meet” or “equitable access to health and fitness resources.”

Most importantly, it encompasses your vision of the world and helps you achieve long term life satisfaction. It can also help you create elements of change in your life.

Why is it important to know how to find your why?

When we know our why, whatever that may be, we can create a life that fulfills us day in and day out.

I know this sounds lofty and maybe unnecessary. After all, you’re not a business; you’re simply trying to find a more enjoyable approach to life.

However, I’ve personally realized that if you find out what’s most important to you, you’ll identify (and free yourself from) obligations that don’t align with your personal core values and goals.

As a result, it may become easier to form new habits, launch creative ventures, save money, form long-lasting relationships, etc. You’ll find it simpler to create long-term success with your professional life, relationships, behavior, and mindset.

Ultimately, when your why becomes innate to your every action, it is easier to contribute to your community and help others flourish in their own whys. Finding your purpose and knowing what aligns with your goals and values is a privilege.

8 Action steps to get clear on your why

“Finding your why” may seem impossible, like trying to answer, “Which came first, the chicken or the egg?” But you already have all the answers you need.

You just need to take some time to put your ideas and goals in order with some detailed exercises. It might take more than one draft and some actual work, but you will eventually develop something that makes sense.

These 8 steps will help you do just that.

Tip: Be kind and patient with yourself through this process, and listen. Think of it like you’re dating yourself. The nicer a date is to you, the more likely you’ll be honest and share your story.

1. Interview yourself

The first stage of the process is to interview yourself. Start by asking yourself “why” every time you make a decision, an unexpected feeling comes up, or you want to buy something. You’ll start to notice a trend.

See if you can distill the answers down into core values, which will often point you toward your purpose or, at a minimum, highlight what’s most important to you.

For example, my core money values are aesthetics, health and well-being, and education.

Knowing these, I can better manage and simplify my finances by asking “why” with every purchase or social event I consider. And if it doesn’t align with one of those three ideals, I don’t buy into it.

The result? I’m creating a life filled with items and experiences that fill me up, rather than a life filled with “stuff.”

2. Reflect on your current and past jobs

If you hope to get clear on an aligned career path, start reviewing where you are today.

For example, ask yourself:

  • What do I like about this job, and what don’t I like?
  • What skills do I use in my day-to-day work?
  • What are my defining moments or standout memories with this job?
  • What was my first job? Did I enjoy it?
  • Do I thrive in jobs that are more practical and hands-on, or do I prefer an office setting?
  • Do I want to be in a leadership position or am I in one already?
  • What would make me feel most fulfilled if I only had a single morning a week to get work done?
  • What are my hidden talents that I’ve discovered from this job?

In addition to finding purpose in your career, you may be able to use these skills to help with areas of your life where you experience dissatisfaction.

Additionally, perhaps your why is to use the skills you learned in your current (and prior) positions to help others address the same problems as you have.

3. Ask your friends and family

This activity to help you find your why requires you to ask questions of your friends and family, or even a colleague, not just yourself. Someone close to you might teach you the most important lesson about what inspires you.

So ask the five people whose opinions you respect the most what activities make you light up.

For instance, what conversations cause you to go on and on like a Shakespearean monologue?

You may be surprised by the answers you receive. Often, we’re so caught up in our heads, worrying what others will think, that we aren’t aware of what we think, what we genuinely enjoy, and what we’re experts in.

4. Reflect on your interests as a kid

Your hobbies and interests as a kid are wonderful indicators of your why as an adult. They show you what you were innately drawn to before societal expectations and standards steered you in a different direction.

So if you can, ask your parents or other caretakers what you were most absorbed in as a kid.

Maybe you were obsessed with dinosaurs but ultimately didn’t get a degree in archeology because someone suggested it’s not a lucrative career path. Or you wanted to be an astronaut but were told not to pursue your dream because it was unreasonable.

What could you do today to follow those same passions?

For example, could you write a book? Film a documentary? Work at a museum?

Understanding what is interesting to you can help you find your why.

5. Find inspiration

One of the best ways to find your why is to peruse various topics across various mediums. And see what sparks your interest.

During the why discovery process, you might take online classes, listen to a podcast, and examine life through a new lens to determine what matters to you.

For instance, what topics do you keep going back to? What do you share the most with others?

These will hint at the answer to the “what’s your why” question.

6. Consider your goals in life

What do you plan or hope to do with your life, and how will you get there?

For instance, do you want to be the CEO of your own company, start volunteering for a cause you care about, buy land, and live on a farm?

Consider where you see yourself in the next several years and the steps you must take to get there. Doing so can help you discover your purpose and the things you need to work on each day.

Think about financial goals, professional goals, and goals for fitness, family, and more.

7. Note what words resonate with you

Try reading a set of words or action phrases to see what inspires you the most.

For instance, see if any of the following sounds like something you value or is related to a way that you’d like to live: loyalty, curiosity, creativity, health, mental wellness, security, strength, learning, experience, joy, peace, kindness.

You might find several words that you feel truly represent your why. If so, remember them to help you determine your goals and find your purpose.

8. Write it down

You’re almost to the finish line! By now, you may have a pretty good idea of what your why is. To be sure you don’t forget your ideas, start writing down words, phrases, or whole pages about your why.

Your written thoughts can create an organized space for your ideas. By writing and rewriting all your thoughts, you can come up with your purpose. Think a paragraph, sentence, or word that best describes your why.

For me, I’ve found journaling to be incredibly effective in laying out my why.

Expert tip: Change your environment

If you’re having trouble discovering how to find your why, try going to a new place or a new environment. It might be a coffee shop or an outdoor space.

Sometimes I find that it’s easier to see things clearly when I get out of my day to day routine. It allows me to look at things in a different light.

It may be the same for you. While it’s a very simple exercise that doesn’t take much time or effort, it may invite change and clarity.

You found your why. Now what?

Now that you’ve identified your “why,” it’s time to create an action plan to keep yourself accountable as you work towards realizing your goals.

Create daily intentions

To build your intentions plan, list easy ways to incorporate your why into everyday life and own who you are.

For example, if your why is “service,” maybe you make sure to hold the door open for at least one person every day, help your mom, roommates, or spouse with the dishes without being asked, or simply ask a co-worker, “how can I help?”

Now, remember these intentions by writing them down daily during your morning routine.

Additionally, put it on a Post-it note and stick the note to your bathroom mirror. Make it your phone’s home screen. Or add it to your desktop or laptop.

Schedule monthly check-ups

Getting caught up in the daily grind and forgetting what we are working towards is easy.

So, set aside time each month for a self-reflection session. Take some time to think about your answers and also write them down.

Writing will help you see patterns and areas you need to focus on. Reviewing your previous self-reflection sessions to see how far you’ve come can also be useful.

Journal through the following prompts:

  1. What did I learn about myself this month?
  2. Did I act in alignment with my purpose? How?
  3. What can I work on in the upcoming month to get back to or stay on the right track?
  4. What do I need to detox or delegate?

You can also check out our more in-depth list of journal prompts for self discovery to expand on this exercise.

Plan annual reviews

Return to this exercise every year, as your “why” may change as you grow and find your purpose. What motivated you five years ago might not be what motivates you today. And that’s OK!

But if your “why” answer changes without you realizing it, you may find that your commitment dwindles. To stay focused, it’s important to take a beat and re-interview yourself every year.

For instance, ask yourself:

  1. What did I accomplish over the past year?  Were there any significant moments of the past year? (This will help you to see how far you have come and how your why has enabled you to succeed.)
  2. Did these accomplishments feel joyful and exciting, or did I become neutral as time passed? (If the joy ebbed, your why may have shifted.)
  3. What would I like to achieve in the coming year? Do these goals align with my purpose, or are they arising from my ego?
  4. How does my purpose fit into the bigger picture? Is it still serving me well?

Get accountability

You’ve decided to find your purpose and learned how to set intentions. So, how do you ensure that your actions align with your why?

An accountability partner like a trusted friend or relative can be very useful. Share your why with this person, and explain your goals and ideas. Then, ask them to keep you accountable.

Accountability can be achieved by regularly chatting about your goals, asking about progress, or simply meeting for coffee with someone to see if your why is still the same and what motivates you.

How do I know what my purpose is?

You can learn what your purpose is by sitting with yourself, reflecting on your skills and interests, and thinking about what kind of energy you want to bring to the world. It may take a bit of time, but you can find your why by thinking about words that resonate with you, how you chose a career, your hobbies, and your mindset.

You aren’t alone if you are still struggling to discover your why. Focus on what matters most to you, and you will eventually find the answers.

Try asking yourself questions about how you see yourself. Are you an unshakable optimist or a visionary thinker? What is most important to you in life?

If you keep asking, the answers will become clear.

What is an example of “find your why”?

An example of “find your why” might go like this: Someone who loves fitness and health may discover their why and phrase it in the following way. “Bring awareness to health and fitness, maintain a high standard of wellness, and help others to feel their very best.”

Alternatively, here’s another example from someone who values attitude and service: “Create an atmosphere of peace and reassurance for myself and others each day.”

There are as many varieties of a why as human beings on the planet! The goal is to find your own why that makes sense for your life.

Is it okay to change my mind about my why?

Yes, it is perfectly fine (and likely) to change your mind about your why! Over the years, you may have various interests and careers, and you will be at different places in your life.

Since all of this contributes so much to your why, it is only natural that it will shift or change over time. The key is to continue to grow and to stay inspired.

If you found your why, you might be interested in other similar articles. Check out these next!

Find your why to enjoy a more fulfilling life!

I hope this practical guide to finding your why helps you. The bottom line is to filter through your specific stories, beliefs, and lessons to start discovering purpose behind your daily actions and choices. Doing so can help you achieve your goals and dreams, and better understand yourself.

But if you need an extra sprinkle of inspiration, here’s my personal why: “To help women cultivate a path to financial freedom, which enables them to leave behind jobs or careers that no longer serve them, and to find a livelihood that lights their soul on fire.

And for more inspiration, check out our content on how to clearly define your priorities in life, or take an online course or two. Finally, remember to practice intentional living so you can achieve your goals!

The post 8 Tips On How To Find Your Why! appeared first on Clever Girl Finance.

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26 Things To Do Instead Of Watching TV! Tue, 03 Oct 2023 14:08:11 +0000 […]

The post 26 Things To Do Instead Of Watching TV! appeared first on Clever Girl Finance.


Have you ever wondered about what to do instead of watching TV?  When the working day is over, you may find yourself reaching for the remote control. Television consumption usually doesn’t require much cognitive effort and it’s a way of shutting down while trying to relax. Keep reading to learn more!

Things to do instead of watching tv!

While there’s nothing wrong with kicking back and catching up on your favorite shows, too much of anything is unhealthy. When you’re working towards your goals or looking to achieve overall wellness, watching television may not be the best use of your time

If you feel like you don’t have enough hours in the day, there’s a simple way to find more. Cutting back on your television time will open up new space in your calendar. In this article, we will talk about what to do instead of watching TV but first let’s discuss over-consuming TV and your mind!

Revealed: What over-consuming TV does to your brain

We all love a good TV show but you may have also heard the saying: “Watching too much TV rots your brain”. But, is it really true? 

There’s a body of research that reveals how this so-called relaxing habit could be impacting your mind. According to Scientific American, over-consuming television can be linked to antisocial behavior, a new structure in your brain, and even lower verbal IQ.  

To break that down, watching hours of TV could hinder your brain and your verbal skills. Luckily, there is an answer. You don’t have to cut out the television completely. However, finding things to do instead of watching TV will give you more options. 

As you will see in the following section, there are loads of fun and productive things you could be doing rather than binge watching shows. You can use the below ideas as inspiration if you always feel tempted to reach for the TV remote!

26 Fun and productive ideas of what to do instead of watching TV

Rather than spending your free time in front of the television, be more intentional with your time to make the most of it. Here are 26 productive things to do instead of watching TV:

1. Journal

Take some time to journal and get your thoughts and ideas out onto paper. Journaling helps to clear your mind and may even bring about new ideas and goals.

It is also a great way to decompress. If you need some inspiration, check out these 60 journal prompts for self-discovery.

2. Read a book

Whether you’re reading something educational or getting lost in a novel, reading is a great alternative to watching television. Reading non-fiction gives you the opportunity to learn or improve upon something. Your relaxation levels will go through the roof. 

Reading fiction opens up your imagination and provides a deeper, less superficial form of entertainment. So read a good book during your free time.

3. Go for a walk

Being out in nature is beneficial for your physical and mental health. You’ll get the benefits of movement and exercise while also giving yourself time to think without too much external stimulation.

You may even discover things that you may not have noticed or paid attention to in your neighborhood.

And if you’re up for it, a hike is a fun idea for weekends or after work in the summertime. The fresh air and exercise will keep you from wondering what to do instead of watching TV.

4. Go for a drive

Maybe there’s an area in your city that you’ve been longing to explore. Get out of the house and drive around for a while. 

Go somewhere that’s new to you and familiarize yourself with the area. You may uncover some hidden gems and find some other things to do instead of watching hours of TV.

5. Spend time with your friends

Host a dinner party or game night to spend some quality time with your best friends. You could even go and get manicures and pedicures at a local salon. Enjoy some time being social and conversing with others.

Being isolated can be overwhelming, and seeing and spending time with your friends can be a better alternative to watching movies alone.

6. Complete projects around your house

There may be some home improvement projects, either big or small, that you have started or want to start. If you’re wondering what to do instead of watching hours of TV, get to work on those projects.

You may have put them off due to a lack of energy or time. Make some time to complete them by cutting back on your TV time.

7. Deep clean and organize your home

When looking forWhen looking for things to do instead of watching TV, organizing and decluttering is a great task to take on. Spending time cleaning & organizing will reveal things that you no longer want or use.

You can then donate or sell those items at a garage sale or online to free up space in your home. You may even find things that you do need or want that were misplaced in the clutter.

You can even take the time to organize your closet and who knows, you might discover new outfit ideas you didn’t consider before.

8. Listen to music

Pull up your favorite albums or playlists and listen to the music that you love. Some of this music may be tied to memories that spark and inspire conversations.

Listen to music from certain eras of your life, and allow it to inspire thoughts and feelings from that point in time.

Take some time to belt out and dance to your favorite tunes. The music may also make you feel productive and help you get other things done.

9. Learn something new

When it comes to achieving your goals, increasing your knowledge or learning a new skill may be a big part of the necessary work.

Maybe there’s something that you’ve always wanted to learn but you’ve never had the time to do it. Like learning to play an instrument, learning how to cook, or finding out how to invest, and be better with your money. 

Putting some time into your education is one of the most useful things to do instead of watching TV. Discovering something new not only increases your knowledge and skills but also gives you the opportunity to experience new things.

Instead of watching tv 1

10. Practice meditation

Turn inward and bring your awareness to the present moment via meditation. Meditation will relax your mind and can clear your brain of racing thoughts.

It also improves your mental health and self-awareness which can help you be more productive and work towards achieving your goals. If you’re looking for a way to combine relaxation with a productive activity, this is the way to go. 

11. Improve your finances

Instead of watching TV, spend some time working on tasks that will improve your finances. Set financial goals or make a written plan to meet the goals that are already in place.

Take a few moments to create or update your budget so that you’ll have more control of your money and where it’s going.

Use this time to improve your knowledge of personal finance. You can research and read about financial management, budgeting, investing, etc. with your time not spent watching television.

12. Make more money

One of the most beneficial things to do instead of watching TV is to make more money. If you have a side hustle, put some work in to bring in more extra cash. If you don’t already have a side hustle, take this opportunity to start one.

There are several different ways to bring in extra income such as blogging, starting a business, passive income streams, selling on Amazon or Etsy, and joining the gig economy. Cut back on the hours of TV to do something that will bring in extra money.

13. Volunteer your time

Take some time away from the TV to volunteer and make a difference. Find a cause that you’re passionate about and volunteer to help out.

Volunteering is also a great way to socialize and meet new people while doing your part!

14. Rest and relax

We spend a lot of our day mentally stimulated in one way or another. How often do you get some time to relax and just be without any sort of stimulation?

Resting is one of the most productive things to do instead of watching TV. Yes, rest is productive.

Your mind and body aren’t meant to always fire on all cylinders, so resting is a cheat code to help you be more productive. Instead of watching TV, just relax and do nothing for a little while.

15. Get more sleep

Cut back on TV in favor of getting more sleep. If you’re watching a show or movie late at night while the day is winding down, you’re cutting into the time that you have to sleep. Turn off the TV and get some rest instead.

Watching TV whenWatching TV when you’re about to go to sleep increases external stimulation and you may get caught up and continue watching even if you told yourself that you would only watch an episode or two.

Limit yourself to how much TV you watch before bed, and set a time when you turn off the TV and go to sleep.

16. Find new hobbies

If you find that you’re spending your time watching too much television, it’s a great time to find a new hobby. Take up rock climbing, write poetry, try a craft like learning how to knit, or do any other fun things you can think of.

And even better, get a friend or two to start a new hobby with you. That way you can be social and try a new hobby at the same time.

If you’re not sure where to start with this one, take a look at Pinterest and see what catches your eye. You might be surprised by what you find there.

17. Listen to some podcasts

Trading Netflix for podcasts is a great idea! You can laugh and be entertained, or find out more about a subject you care about.

So next time you’re tempted to reach for the remote, grab your headphones and tune in to a podcast instead. You can binge a podcast series and learn something new at the same time.

18. Take a class

When you’re wondering what to do instead of watching TV, you can try out a class for a subject that you find interesting. Whether that’s painting, writing a book or freelancing, or playing piano, you’ll gain a new skill.

And taking a class, either online or in person, can introduce you to a whole new network of people. You may find people to cheer you on in your career, finances, and life.

Instead of watching tv

19. Cook or bake something

Try out a new recipe or two instead of watching television. Go shopping, or see what you have in the fridge or pantry and work with that.

It’ll get you off the couch and instead, you’ve discovered a fun way to spend an hour or two. And who knows? Maybe you have a hidden cooking talent you didn’t even know about. You can even start creating meal plans to save yourself some more money.

20. Work out

A workout at the gym or at home is the perfect thing to add to your evening routine. You might take up running, tennis, a yoga class, or other fitness activity.

The point is to get moving and find a good alternative to TV. As a bonus, you’ll likely feel better and be healthier.

21. Start a garden

Spend time outdoors in the fresh air by starting a garden. If you have a lot of space, you might try growing tomatoes and other plants that take up a lot of room.

But even if you don’t have a yard, you can still create a small herb garden in a window box or even indoors. You can make watering and care for your garden part of your daily routine instead of TV.

22. Go to a local event

Find out what’s happening in your city and go check out an event. A concert, restaurant opening, or some other fun activity is a great way to get out of the house and do something interesting.

Invite friends or family to join you to make it even more fun.

To find out what to do instead of watching TV, check out the interesting places in your town or city.

Visit an art gallery, or try out a museum for a fun and educational experience. Or you can always visit the library and check out some books.

24. Take a bike ride

A bike ride is a fantastic way to get some exercise and explore your town. You can even take some friends or family with you and make it an adventure by bringing along a picnic.

You can start out with an easy path, or if you’re an expert bike rider, challenge yourself with a more difficult trail instead.

25. Spend time with a pet

Instead of sitting around, take your dog out in the backyard for a game of frisbee, or teach your pet a new trick. Not only do you get to spend quality time with your pet, but pets also lower your stress levels.

26. Start a photography project 

Photography is a great hobby that could also make you some serious money. If you’re a creative person, it may be worth looking into this side project. You can start taking pictures of the environment around you, go on nature walks, or even create some portraits. 

Get started by looking into photography courses, investing in some equipment, and learning as you go. You might find that you have a natural knack for taking epic photos. 

Expert tip: Start monitoring how much TV you watch 

Chances are, you have a few TV shows you enjoy watching. You don’t have to cut them out completely. Start tracking how much time you spend watching tv and then aim to cut back by a few minutes (or hours) each time.
Based on your assessment, you may find that it’s helpful to only watch one hour per night (or every two nights!). You could spread a TV series over a few weeks, rather than binge watching it. Being aware of how much TV you tend to watch will help you to dedicate less time to it.

Another option is to use “rules” to determine when you watch TV. For example, you can choose to avoid watching it after 9 PM. Or you can watch shows once a week on a Friday. Whatever you choose to do instead of watching TV, can be a positive move.

How do I stop myself from watching TV?

If you are trying to stop yourself from watching TV, self-discipline is the answer. Watching TV can be addictive. So start by working out how long you spend watching TV first.

When you know that, it can help you to curb your screen-time. Next, create a list of things you can do instead of watching TV. Try a few of them for yourself the next time you are tempted to start watching a show. 

Are there other activities that are healthier than watching television?

Yes! There are certainly several other activities that are healthier than watching television. For example, you can join a gym or a sports team. Physical exercise not only supports your body but it helps to boost your brain power.

If you’re not into physical fitness, you can to take up another type of hobby. Reading can help to broaden your vocabulary, for example. Gardening can also give you a chance to spend time in the fresh air. Consider what interests you have — other than watching TV — and start exploring them now. 

What happens when you quit watching TV?

When you quit watching television, you will find that you have more time than ever. The average American spends 294 minutes per day watching TV. Think about what you could do with that time.

If you’re not sure where to start, consider things like meditating, volunteering your time, reading or listening to books, working out, or even decluttering your life and home. 

How do I stop watching TV and start reading?

If you want to stop watching TV and start reading more, focus on making reading a habit. The good news is that reading books can be a great habit to build!

Let’s say that you tend to watch TV each evening. You finish your dinner and then turn on the television. Well, rather than turning on the TV, pick up a book. Start by trying to read for five minutes. You can set a timer to help you along the way.

Chances are, when the alarm goes off, you ill be absorbed in the story and want to carry on reading!

If you’ve enjoyed this article on what to do instead of watching TV, check out this related content!

Leverage this great list of what to do instead of watching TV!

There’s nothing wrong with enjoying TV, but too much of it has proved to have some unhealthy consequences and can be detrimental to achieving your goals.

Over consuming TV can cause you to be antisocial, unproductive, and anxious, among other things. So rather than spending several hours in front of the TV each day, think of better ways to spend and maximize your time.

You don’t have to cut out watching TV completely, just cut back a bit and use that time to do other things that contribute to your productivity, your goals, and your overall quality of life.

The post 26 Things To Do Instead Of Watching TV! appeared first on Clever Girl Finance.

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Are You Living A Fantasy Life? (The Financial Edition) Tue, 23 May 2023 12:47:00 +0000 […]

The post Are You Living A Fantasy Life? (The Financial Edition) appeared first on Clever Girl Finance.


We all wish that we could live in a perfect world—a world where we could determine exactly how our stories are written. I’m sure it’d be one of bliss and happiness.

Although living a fantasy life may sound fun, it can do more harm than good—especially when it comes to your finances.

Living a fantasy life

It’s important to take a realistic look at your finances if you want to be successful with money. If you find yourself thinking, "I am broke", and struggling to get a grasp on your financial situation, even while overspending, you may be living a fantasy when it comes to your finances.

What living a fantasy life means

Living a fantasy life means that you disregard what’s actually happening in reality. Though it sounds great to take a break from the real world and live in perfect bliss, it’s not realistic.

Living in a fantasy world is great for things like fantasy football—where you get to pick the perfect team of star players for an inconsequential wager. It's also fine if you're in the middle of a good book or movie and want to ignore the outside world for an hour or two. But for the rest of the time, it's not good to live this way.

In real life, it causes you to make poor financial decisions with no regard to the real-life consequences. You begin to believe in unrealistic results and are often left in a worse position than before.

We’ve all had moments where we’ve imagined our fantasy selves in perfect scenarios, and everything just worked out. But that’s not reality. Every decision we make has consequences, especially with our finances.

6 Ways you’re living a fantasy life when it comes to your finances

When it comes to your money, the last thing you want to do is live in a fantasy world. Maybe you are fantasizing about your finances and just don’t know it. Here are some ways that you might be living in a fantasy world with your money.

1. Believing your debt will be miraculously forgiven

Though loan forgiveness does exist, it’s the exception, not the rule. In particular, only about 1% of those who apply for Public Service Loan Forgiveness actually get approved.

With these statistics, believing that you shouldn’t pay off your debt is definitely more of a daydream than a reality. You must have a plan to pay back what you owe.

Unfortunately, lenders don’t just sweep your debt under the rug and allow it to be forgotten. There are consequences to avoiding your financial obligations. Failure to pay your debt in hopes that it’ll be forgiven will negatively impact your credit score and may leave you wondering, "Why did my credit score drop?".

It can cause issues if you need to find a new job, buy or rent a home, or access future financial capital. Facing your debt can seem overwhelming, so just take it one step at a time. In fact, you can leverage these tips for a debt reduction strategy.

2. Spending on credit without a plan

Using credit cards can have some advantages if you know how to use credit cards wisely and with discipline.

However, you’re living a fantasy life if you make a habit of spending without a plan. In this case, you may think you’ll pay your credit card bill off at the end of each month, even though you have no idea how you'll pay the bill.

If you’re going to use credit, you should have a plan on how you’ll pay it back. Otherwise, your debt will accumulate exponentially due to interest. With average credit card interest rates as high as 26%, depending on your credit score, your debt can accumulate quickly!

Instead of spending without regard to your ability to pay it back, only spend what you can afford by living below your means. Limit your credit spending to what you actually have in cash to pay back so that you aren’t getting into debt.

3. Saying you’ll save money but living paycheck to paycheck

It’s always great to have a goal to save money. After all, you want to be prepared by having an emergency fund and cash on hand for large purchases. But saying that you’re going to save money without a plan to actually do it is living a fantasy life.

Here are a few questions that you need to ask yourself when creating a savings plan:

What are you saving for? Where will you keep your money? Also, ask yourself, "How much should I save each month?"

This is the start of creating a plan for saving money. Once you have a plan in place, you need to execute it. Open those savings accounts that you’ve included in your plan.

Then, automatically transfer money into your accounts so that you don’t have to think about it. That’s how you turn your savings goals into reality.

4. Saying you're "on a budget" but never making one

Saying you’re on a budget but not actually having one is another financial fantasy that you may be living. A budget helps you proactively plan your money.

So without having a plan, you’re not actually budgeting.

If you’re on a budget, you’ll actually need to have a written out plan for how you’re going to allocate your money. You can use some of the best budget templates to do this.

Remember, a budget doesn’t mean that you don’t spend money. It means that you have a plan for where it will go.

Not sure how to budget? You can use this example of a budget to get started.

5. Wanting to build wealth but not investing

For most people, the ultimate financial goal is to build wealth. Not just wealth that you can enjoy now but generational wealth for your future family. Though you can become wealthy without investing, you limit your ability to exponentially grow that wealth when you don’t invest.

Investing is the vehicle for wealth accumulation. It allows your money to work for you. This means that you can earn money passively and not have to trade your time for income.

There are many ways that you can invest, including investing in securities or real estate investing.

Even if you don’t have a lot of money, you can learn how to start investing. Start small and build your investment portfolio as you go. You can learn more about investing in our book, Clever Girl Finance: Learn How Investing Works, Grow Your Money.

6. Believing that marrying rich or winning the lottery is your ticket to financial freedom

Although we’d all love to win the lottery or marry rich, it’s not quite a realistic financial plan. In fact, you’re much more likely to get struck by lightning than your chances of winning the lottery.

Instead of spending all of your time swiping left or scratching to find your financial savior, do the work to create your own financial freedom. That includes learning the best way to get out of debt, investing, and becoming a better steward of your money overall. Don't let your fantasy self decide your financial situation.

Expert tip

Whenever you find yourself avoiding thinking about your finances or believing things about your money that are likely not true, you are probably living a fantasy life financially. When this happens, it's important to evaluate your situation honestly and find ways to improve it instead of continuing to ignore it.

How to stop living a fantasy life with your finances

Living a financial fantasy can lead to frustration when reality doesn't match your expectations. Now that you know the signs of living a fantasy life with your money, you can take steps to change how you view your finances.

Be honest with yourself about debt and your budget

Take a look at how much debt you owe on credit cards and loans, as well as any budgets you've created. Are you paying off debt? Are you sticking to your budget?

If you answer no, it's time to figure out how to do things differently. Consider the steps you can take in your daily life to follow your budget. Make it realistic, pay your bills on time, and give yourself some fun money, too.

As for debt, once you know what you owe, start paying it off by paying more than the minimum amount necessary. There are a few different plans for debt payoff, like the avalanche method and the debt snowball worksheet method. Choose the one that's best for you.

Create some goals and a plan

If you've been living a financial fantasy, chances are, you already know what you want to achieve with money, you just haven't made a plan to get there.

Take the time to consider how money might create a better life for you. Then make a few goals that you can stick to, like building an emergency fund or debt payoff.

Finally, make a plan that helps you to make your financial goals happen. For example, setting aside $200 extra a month for savings. Use creativity to make goals and a plan that you're excited about.

Be consistent in your decisions

Now that you've decided not to live in an imaginary world with your money, it's important to follow through consistently with your plans. Ask yourself each day what needs to be done to make progress, and consider these 5 ways to achieve your goals.

Though it may feel tedious sometimes, reminding yourself of the reason why you're budgeting, saving money, or working extra hours, is sure to help you keep a good perspective.

Notice if you start living in a fantasy world with money again

If, at any point in your financial journey, you find that you've slipped out of the present moment and back towards a financial fantasy, remind yourself of your goals.

It's important to acknowledge what's true about your money. Perhaps your fantasy self would like to think that debt is no big deal. But you can remind yourself that your debt won't go away if you ignore it.

You can also start changing your perception of money. For instance, even if you have debt, remind yourself that if you stick to your plan, you'll pay it off soon. That's an optimistic way to think but also a realistic one.

Can you become smarter with money?

Yes, you can absolutely increase your financial literacy and learn how to handle money well. Start reading books about money mindset, gathering information, and applying it to your finances.

How do you get your finances under control?

If you feel like your finances aren't where you want them to be, you can learn to make better decisions. Start with a budget, begin to save money, and make plans about investing and debt payoff.

What's the best way to avoid living a fantasy life with money?

A smart way to avoid this is to understand what you wish was true about your money and what is actually true. Then you can make goals to improve your finances based on your actual savings, budget, and debt.

Create a better financial reality instead of living a fantasy life

As you can see, living in a fantasy world with your money may be an easier trap to fall into than you probably thought. Perhaps you’ve even done some of the aforementioned. But now that you know the harm it can cause to your finances, it’s not too late to make a change.

It may be difficult to stop living a fantasy life with money. Maybe you even feel shame or depression about your money situation. But there is hope for your finances!

The best way to make sure you’re handling your finances in a realistic way is to create a plan and adopt systems.

This includes creating your own financial planning process, using a budget, and even learning how to automate your finances. Make it a priority to continue educating yourself about best money practices with our completely free courses and worksheets!

The post Are You Living A Fantasy Life? (The Financial Edition) appeared first on Clever Girl Finance.

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7 Ways To Overcome Procrastination Sat, 13 May 2023 14:38:07 +0000 […]

The post 7 Ways To Overcome Procrastination appeared first on Clever Girl Finance.


Procrastination is something almost everyone struggles with from time to time, and most of us have tried to combat procrastination in one way or another, but it doesn’t always work.

We all have tasks that we need to complete and goals we want to reach, but it can be quite a challenge to find the motivation to get started and finish. In this article, we share 7 ways to overcome procrastination to help you get things done once and for all!

7 Ways to overcome procrastination

If you tend to procrastinate, don’t worry, you’re in good company. Recent studies have shown that 20% of people consider themselves to be “chronic procrastinators,” and about 88% of those in the workforce procrastinate for at least one hour a day.

But we’ll discuss 7 ways to overcome procrastination, and because this is Clever Girl Finance, we’ll also point out how this can help you give your finances a boost.

Before we dive into those 7 ways to overcome procrastination, it’s helpful to understand a few ways procrastination can negatively impact your life. That way, you can have even more motivation to overcome it.

For starters, procrastination significantly hampers productivity. It can also result in missed opportunities, damaged relationships, emotional distress, and elevated stress levels.

Heard enough and ready to learn how to win with your time? Here are our top tips:

1. Break tasks into small chunks

The first of our 7 ways to overcome procrastination? Breaking your task into smaller chunks. One of the primary reasons we procrastinate may be because we feel overwhelmed by the size of a task.

A massive project can seem daunting and can lead to inaction. But breaking the task down into smaller, more manageable chunks can help you overcome this feeling.

To break down a task, start by identifying the key steps or milestones involved. Then, break each step down into smaller ones. Doing this can make the task more approachable and less daunting.

Smaller tasks are less overwhelming and help you get more done

Breaking tasks into smaller chunks has several benefits.

First, it makes the job feel less overwhelming, making it easier to get started. Second, it helps you make progress even when you have limited time.

Third, it helps you stay motivated by providing you with a sense of accomplishment as you complete each piece. Lastly, it can reduce stress and anxiety by making the task feel more achievable.

Achieving smaller money goals can help you win in the long run

Lots of financial goals require multiple steps before you reach the end. Sometimes, it can feel like you’ll never be able to achieve a goal, but by breaking it down into smaller bites, you’ll see that you can achieve it.

Let’s say you really want to find a new job with higher pay. Many people stop themselves from finding a new job because they don’t know where even to begin their search.

However, if you break the job hunt down into smaller tasks, it can look something like this, which is much more manageable:

1. Update your resume.

2. Draft a cover letter.

3. Reach out to your network – contact one person every weekday for two weeks.

4. Research types of jobs in your industry.

5. Start looking through new job postings for one hour every Monday afternoon.

6. Submit your resume to three jobs per week.

7. Prepare for interviews for two hours by looking up and rehearsing answers to common interview questions.

By breaking down this big financial goal of landing a higher-paying job into many smaller steps, you’ll be on your way to reaching it in no time!

2. Create deadlines

One of the 7 ways to overcome procrastination is to set deadlines for yourself. Setting a deadline makes a task feel urgent, which can help you stay focused and motivated.

To set deadlines, start by identifying the key milestones or tasks involved in the project. Then, assign a deadline to each task, and give yourself an adequate amount of time to complete each one.

Be sure to hold yourself accountable to your deadlines and reward yourself for meeting them.

Deadlines help you form good habits

Setting deadlines has several benefits.

First, it helps you to prioritize and manage your time more effectively. It also enables you to make progress toward your goals and objectives. Lastly, it provides a sense of structure and discipline, which can help you develop a good habits list and good routines, leading to more success.

Stopping procrastination by giving yourself time limits can earn you money

Do you ever find yourself dragging your feet on a task? Do you find it hard to get started? If so, your lack of deadlines might be getting in your way and hurting your finances, too.

Perhaps you’ve been talking about starting a side hustle for some time but haven’t taken action yet. If so, this tip might be just what you need.

Give yourself a deadline for starting your new venture, tell someone about it, and hold yourself to it like you would any other commitment. You’ll thank yourself later when your side hustle is finally up and running.

3. Use the “two-minute rule”!

The “two-minute rule” is a technique that can be very effective if you want to take your time back. The idea is simple: if something takes less than two minutes to do, do it right away.

This could be as easy as replying to an email or tidying up your desk. By completing these small tasks right away, you can build momentum and have a sense of accomplishment that can help motivate you to tackle bigger tasks.

The two-minute rule causes you to take action

Using the two-minute rule has several benefits. First, it forces you to take action instead of procrastinating. If you can do a task in two minutes or less, you have to do it!

It is also a great way to help you build momentum and create a sense of accomplishment. Once you get the ball rolling on getting things done and see how easy it can be, you’re more likely to keep it up.

Doing simple tasks that don’t take much time can save your finances

With the two-minute rule, you’ll never miss another credit card payment or bill again. Take two minutes – that’s seriously all the time it takes – to set up auto pay on all of your bills and learn how to automate your finances.

If auto-pay isn’t an option, the next time that bill comes your way, don’t open it and tell yourself you’ll pay it later. Instead, take two minutes to write a check or go online and make the payment.

4.Remove distractions

Distractions can be a huge barrier to productivity and can make it challenging to get started on a task. To overcome this, try removing any distractions from your environment.

This might mean learning how to spend less time on your phone or closing all social media tabs on your computer. You could also benefit from working in a quiet, distraction-free space, such as a library or a (quiet) coffee shop.

Focusing your attention saves you time

Removing distractions helps you focus your attention on the task at hand, leading to better productivity. It also helps you avoid wasting time on non-essential activities, clearing up your time and space for what is really important.

Fewer distractions can help you save more cash

Not only do distractions take away your time, but they can also take away your money, too. That’s because many of our common distractions involve following social media influencers or shopping online.

Start with deleting your shopping apps and unfollowing anyone who makes you spend unnecessarily. By learning how to stop shopping you’ll free up your time for what you really want to do and save yourself money.

5. Find your motivation

Sometimes, procrastination can stem from a lack of motivation or inspiration toward a task. Of these 7 ways to overcome procrastination, finding your motivation or learning to find your why behind completing a task might just be the most beneficial tip of all.

Your motivation could be as simple as impressing your boss at an upcoming meeting or as big as providing for your children. By focusing on your motivation, you will create a sense of purpose that can help inspire and motivate you to get started (and to finish).

Knowing your motivation helps you make progress

Finding your motivation helps you clarify your goals and priorities, giving you a clear direction to follow. It also helps you build a sense of purpose and fulfillment, making your task feel more meaningful.

Lastly, it enables you to develop a growth mindset or an abundance mindset, which encourages continuous improvement and progress.

Understanding your goals can help you to not spend on unimportant things

Trying to reach a big financial goal often takes a lot of sacrifices. It’s hard to give things up, like learning how to stop eating out or taking on a no new clothes challenge without being really clear about why you’re doing something. This can lead to big-time procrastination.

Let’s say you’re trying to save up for a big purchase. For example, you’re finding out how to save up for a house. If you list all of the reasons why you want to buy a house, it can really help motivate you when the going gets tough.

Maybe your “why” is to raise your children in a safe home, have a backyard to host parties, or just have a place to call your own. Whatever the reason, have one (or many), so you’ll have meaning behind the goal and will be less likely to procrastinate.

6. Practice mindfulness

Practicing mindfulness is an underrated yet effective way to overcome procrastination. Mindfulness involves you being fully present in the moment, leaving behind judgment or distraction.

To practice mindfulness, try taking a few deep breaths before starting a task or engaging in a brief meditation or visualization exercise. Focus on your breath, and try to let go of any distracting thoughts or worries.

If you develop attitudes of mindfulness, you can create a sense of calm and focus that can help you to overcome procrastination and stay motivated.

Mindfulness helps you stay focused and get more done

Practicing mindfulness has so many benefits.

First, it helps you to stay present and focused on the task you’re doing, reducing the temptation to procrastinate. It can also help to reduce stress and anxiety, making it easier to stay motivated and productive.

Lastly, it can improve your overall sense of well-being, allowing you to feel more energized and engaged in your tasks.

Practicing mindfulness can decrease financial stress

Life can be stressful, and your finances are no exception. Hopefully, you’ll be prepared for whatever comes your way financially (an emergency fund is key for this).

Even so, that doesn’t mean an unexpected financial emergency won’t cause you some anxiety. That’s why having a mindfulness practice in place before anything stressful happens can help you reduce your stress levels and manage the unexpected.

7. Celebrate your accomplishments!

Lastly, an effective way to combat procrastination is to reward yourself for your accomplishments. By setting up a system of rewards, you can create a positive association with completing tasks and motivate yourself to keep going.

A reward can be as simple as going out for a walk, listening to a favorite podcast, or indulging in a hobby you enjoy.

To set up a system of rewards, start by identifying specific milestones or even mini goals you want to achieve. Then, determine what kind of reward you will give yourself for each accomplishment.

It’s important to choose rewards that are enjoyable to you. Appreciating your accomplishments can transform a task from something you dread to something you look forward to.

Celebrating reinforces positive behavior

Celebrating your accomplishments gives you a sense of achievement and progress, boosting your confidence and self-esteem along the way. It also reinforces positive behavior and habits, making it easier to stay on track.

Take time to appreciate when you reach a money milestone

All of that hard work you’ve put in to pay for college, buy a Chanel handbag, fund your emergency savings account if you started with no savings, or stick to a monthly budget deserves some recognition!

Just as you would celebrate reaching other milestones, if you reach a financial milestone, you should celebrate, too!

The great part is, you don’t have to celebrate by spending more money or buying something expensive. There are plenty of ways to treat yourself that don’t involve spending much at all.

Take a friend to lunch, buy a new scarf, or simply toast to yourself with a glass of wine after a long week. Whatever it is, celebrate yourself and all of your accomplishments to keep the momentum going and keep procrastination at bay!

Expert tip

Beating procrastination can affect your finances and life in positive ways. By taking a balanced approach, such as setting deadlines and also celebrating wins, you can more easily stop procrastinating.

What is the easiest way to overcome procrastination?

Use the two-minute rule to quickly accomplish any small tasks that you need to do. Then you’ll feel more accomplished and have less on your mind.

How can you completely avoid procrastinating?

Have a clear goal and direction for your life. You can refer to this whenever you want to procrastinate with work, finances, a task at home, etc. Knowing how this task fits into the bigger picture of your life is very helpful.

The best strategy to stop all procrastinating?

Don’t forget to celebrate when you accomplish something. Then you’ll want to continue completing big tasks.

If you’ve enjoyed this article on combating procrastination, check out our other related articles!

Set yourself up for success with these 7 ways to overcome procrastination!

Ready to stop putting things off and improve your life and finances?

Try one of these 7 ways to overcome procrastination today. Or even try a few different ideas at once. There’s no better time than right now for starting a new life without procrastination that improves your career and finances and brings you more success in life.

The post 7 Ways To Overcome Procrastination appeared first on Clever Girl Finance.

12 Steps For Creating The Life You Love Wed, 10 May 2023 01:21:36 +0000 […]

The post 12 Steps For Creating The Life You Love appeared first on Clever Girl Finance.


If you are honest, how do you really feel about your life? Are you meeting your goals and chasing your dreams? If not, know that you deserve to start creating the life you love, and it's totally possible. Keep reading to learn more!

Creating the life you love

Believe it or not, less than half of Americans are actually happy with their life. A recent Gallup poll revealed that a mere 41% of people are satisfied with the various parts of their life.

Let’s put that into perspective: the majority of people are settling for less than the best when it comes to their everyday lives.

Yes, all too many of us sleepwalk through life. We make choices because we think we have no other option. We do what other people expect of us and take the easy route.

Before we know it, our lives are less than perfect. But here’s a secret: You are in complete control of your future. So, by living intentionally and making the right choices, you can create the life you love.

Ready to get started? In the following guide, we will take a look at the core 12 steps to creating the life that you love. If you’re unsure where to start, sit back and read this.

How to create a life you love in 12 approaches

Creating a life you love is all about balance. You need to successfully level up the four core aspects of your life — your job, your finances, your relationship, and your lifestyle.

 1. Identify your calling in life

First up, let’s tackle your job and career. Are you fulfilled in this area of your life? Be honest.

If your day job is sucking the life out of you, it may be time for a change.

Consider what it is that you enjoy about your current role and how it aligns with your personal core values.

What parts of the role give you a sense of meaning? And, frankly, what parts make you want to pull your hair out? Think about whether the position works for you.

If the short answer is no, it may be time to look at new career pathways. You can work alongside a careers coach to get started creating the life you love.

Alternatively, you may decide to speak to trusted friends or family members when making this decision.

Should you need some extra help along the way, The Princeton Review has a free career quiz you can complete online. The answers may help to inform your next job decision.

2. Gain extra qualifications or training

If you have decided it’s time to switch careers, you need to do some groundwork. It’s unlikely that you will be able to apply for and find a new job overnight. (But hey, if you are so lucky, that’s great news for you!)

Should you want to try something completely new, you may need to gain some additional qualifications. The first step of the process is figuring out what accolades you need to apply. You can take a look at job boards and adverts to give you a baseline understanding.

Once you’ve got the inside scoop, take a look at your training options.

You may want to take an online course, attend an evening class, or even look at apprenticeships. Having the right qualifications under your belt will give you the basis you need to get that job.

3. Network and apply for new jobs

Did you know that a massive 85% of jobs are filled through networking? If you’re looking to land a new job, it’s worth starting there.

Sign up to attend local networking events in your area. Rubbing shoulders with the right professionals may be half of the job here.

LinkedIn is also a savvy tool if you’re looking for a way to get your name out there. Make sure that your profile is current and reflects the professional you want to be. You should also make an effort to share interesting content there and engage with users.

Of course, you cannot neglect the traditional route to getting a new job: applying for one. Set aside some time to revamp your cover letter and resume.

Next, start looking at entry-level jobs that suit the career path of your choice. Get sending those applications!

4. Take an honest look at your finances

Do you have a clear view of your personal finances? If the answer is no, you are not living your best life.

Poor financial management will ruin every aspect of your lifestyle. Let’s start with the basics.

Review your financial standing. That means looking at your income, regular outgoings, and any long-standing types of debt that you have. Are you on top of things?

Do your expenses exceed your income? Do you have real saving power? Are you on your way to clearing those pesky debts you have racked up? Start by answering these questions (just for yourself!) so that you understand what needs to change financially.

5. Create a reasonable budget

If you’re not budgeting, you’re missing a trick for how to create a life you love. When you're thinking about creating the life you love, you need financial freedom.

So, once you have an understanding of your personal finances, you should learn how to budget.

There are different budgeting methods you can try, so figure out which works for you. You may want to use the envelope or cash system, percentage breakouts, or the reverse budgeting approach, for example, to start better budgeting practices.

Budgeting is about putting the power back in your hands. No longer will your money control you, but you will control it. You will have a reasonable understanding of what your expenditure is and how that is impacting your overall balance. Don’t be scared to start it.

6. Add new streams of income

Let’s say you’ve completed steps four and five, and you’ve hit a wall. No matter how you try to cut the budget, you simply don’t have enough cash to splash each month. When payday is looming, you find yourself scraping together your last cents to make ends meet.

If that scenario sounds familiar, you need to look at ways of increasing your income. One option may be to go for that promotion or find out how to ask for a raise.

However, not everyone has the opportunity to do that immediately. So, you may want to look at ways to boost your streams of income.

There are plenty of options to consider here. You may want to learn about starting a side hustle, getting a second job, consider selling things online, or look at the best passive income ideas. Delve into the opportunities you already have, use your talents, and get some more money.

7. Evaluate your current relationship

Next up, it’s time to take a long, hard look at your love life. We all know that real life is not a Hallmark movie. You can’t expect to be swept off your feet by the perfect partner.

However, if you are settling for less than you deserve romantically, things need to change.

If you are in a relationship, look at it closely for a second.

What do you like about it? What don’t you like? How can you improve things?

Are you feeling satisfied? Do you love your partner? Be clear about whether you are fulfilled by your partner or if it’s time to walk away.

When you are in a relationship for a matter of years, you may not have considered that there’s another option. But if the relationship you’re in is not right for you — and there’s no chance to salvage things — it may be time to call it a day and start prioritizing yourself.

On the other hand, if you have hit a slump, you may want to work with your partner to improve the relationship. Understand that this will take time, energy, and maybe therapy.

8. Work on yourself first (before finding love!)

If you’re looking for a new partner, you may be eager to meet “the one”. Before you can do that, it’s important to work on yourself.

So that you can be the best partner possible and attract the right person, you need to be willing to do the groundwork.

Now, that may mean getting counseling, looking at your triggers, or working on your communication style. When we talk about creating the life you love, you need to address all of the above. Improving your mental wellness is one of the best places to start.

When you are in the best possible place mentally, you will be ready to welcome a healthy relationship into your life. It’s all about taking ownership of yourself and your love life.

9. Look for a partner who aligns with your vision

Your romantic partner is the most important person in your life. This individual has the most influence over you, how you feel, and your everyday perspective. If you’re with the wrong person, they could be hindering your chances of true happiness and fulfillment.

Now it's time to look for a partner who aligns with your vision. When you think about creating the life you love, what does that look like, and who exactly is by your side? It's important to practice listening to yourself to figure out what you truly want.

As we have mentioned, your current partner may fit the bill. If they tick all of the boxes, that’s great news.

However, if they are falling short of the mark or you don’t have a partner, look elsewhere. Date with the intention to find someone who suits your future.

10. Learn to say “no” when you're overwhelmed

Do you know about the strength of the word “no”? Many of us are people-pleasers. We want to make those around us happy.

So, when we are asked a favor or to do something, we say “yes”. We always say “yes”.

So much of your time, money, and energy is taken up by the things that you simply don’t want to do. You might end up babysitting for a friend when you’d rather be working out. You might go to a bottomless brunch when you would have preferred a lie-in.

Before you know it, you’ve filled up your calendar with other people’s needs. You end up resenting the fact that you have agreed to these things.

So, how do you say “no” without offending them? Try out these suggestions:

  • “Sorry, I don’t have the social energy to attend [insert event] this week!”
  • “I would like to help you, but I already have a lot on my plate right now.”
  • “Thanks so much for thinking of me, but I don’t have the time for that.”

When someone makes a request — of your time, money, or energy — you don’t have to oblige. Be firm but polite when telling them that you can’t do whatever it is.

11. Schedule some much-needed rest days

When was the last time you simply did nothing? If it’s been a while since you allowed yourself the gift of rest, this is a public service announcement. You are perfectly entitled to having some time to yourself so that you can rest and recuperate.

That may mean having a lazy weekend, reading a book in bed, taking a leisurely bath, or having a stroll in nature.

The modern world is demanding. You might have a whole bunch of commitments at the moment. Make sure you are scheduling some rest days too.

12. Start prioritizing enriching experiences

Your time is limited. Yes, it’s the most valuable resource that you have, and so you need to be spending it wisely. So, when it comes to the new experiences you could be having, you should be selective.

Whenever an opportunity comes up, ask yourself what you are getting from that situation.

How does it serve you? Are you learning something new?

Are you meeting interesting people? Will you enjoy it? Before you commit to something, answer these questions.

Creating a life you love means choosing to do things that align with your needs. Next time you are asked to do something or someone invites you to an event, think about whether you actually want to accept. Quit making snap decisions and be intentional to avoid living a wasted life. 

Expert tip

As you can see, creating your dream life has a lot to do with evaluating where you're at, as well as where you'd like to be. Half the battle is knowing what you truly want. Once you decide that, you can begin to create a strategy to get there.

Why you deserve a life that you love

We've talked about how to create a life you love, but let’s discuss why you should. The first thing that you have to acknowledge is that it is very possible to achieve your dream life.

That vision you have of the perfect existence is not as elusive as you imagine. It’s within your reach. Once you realize that, you can start taking the steps to work toward it.

Helpful theories about fulfillment in life

Chances are, you’ve heard of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. The pyramid illustrates the different levels of needs we each have. They include the following, from bottom to top:

  1. Physiological needs (e.g., food, shelter, and clothing)
  2. Safety needs (e.g., personal security, health)
  3. Love and belonging (e.g., connection and intimacy)
  4. Esteem (e.g., self-confidence and freedom)
  5. Self-actualization (or fulfillment)

If you have a home, food to eat, health, and a loving family, you're halfway up the pyramid. For most of us, that is reality.

However, to be truly happy, you want to move towards the level of self-actualization. In the modern world, that is wholly possible.

Unlike our ancestors, we don’t have to fight so hard to have our basic needs met. Food and shelter are not as scarce as they once were. Advancements and modern technology have afforded us the first levels of the pyramid as standard.

You deserve a chance at creating a life you love. What’s more, there is no one holding you back here except maybe yourself.

By targeting the different aspects of your life, you can improve it in all areas.

What is the first step to creating a life that you truly enjoy?

The first step to creating a life you truly enjoy is to understand what matters to you the most. Then you can build your life around your values and ideals.

What is an easy way to know if your life is where you want it to be?

The simplest way to know if your life is where you want it to be is to ask yourself if you are content and happy with your life the majority of the time. No one is 100% happy always, but if you feel that most of your life is enjoyable and you are happy, then that's a good sign.

How do you embrace the life you have and enjoy it?

To embrace the life you have, notice the great things about your life in the here and now. You can find ways to improve your life but don't forget to enjoy the process.

If you enjoyed this article on how to create a life you love, here are some others:

Start creating the life you love now!

Your dream life is there for the taking — are you willing to reach out and grab it? In this guide, we have covered 12 steps you can take toward your ultimate success. It’s a good place to start when you want to transform things.

No matter what your current life looks like, there are ways that you can change it for the better. You can fix salary problems, change your money habits, realize you can't pour from an empty cup, and start prioritizing wellness.

If you do nothing, nothing will happen. Check out each of these steps and see whether you can apply them to your life. Then, find your why and build your dream life.

The post 12 Steps For Creating The Life You Love appeared first on Clever Girl Finance.

A 30 Day Glow Up Challenge For A Major Health Boost! Sun, 20 Mar 2022 16:43:00 +0000 […]

The post A 30 Day Glow Up Challenge For A Major Health Boost! appeared first on Clever Girl Finance.


30 day glow up challenge

The phrase “glow up” can bring to mind the idea of outward appearance, and there are certainly easy steps to take to make big changes to your appearance.

However, there are also plenty of 30 day glow up challenge tips that involve aspects of mental healthemotional health, and even financial health to help you not only look but also feel your best.

Enhance your life with this 30 day glow up challenge over the next 30 days!

So for our 30 day glow up challenge, let’s consider the whole person. Who you are inside and out matters, and these are simple ways to improve just about every aspect of your health.

This 30 day glow up challenge can be a fun way to spark the changes you want to make in your life. Remember that some of these ideas are habits you can implement on a daily basis, while others might be something to do periodically when you need refreshing. Here's are things you can try every day for the next 30 days!

1. Cut the caffeine

For the first step in your 30 day glow up challenge, you could give up or cut back on caffeine. The reasons for this can vary, and caffeine isn’t universally bad for everyone, but having too much caffeine can be a problem. The Mayo Clinic says that up to about 400 milligrams of caffeine daily is okay for most healthy adults, which is around 4 cups of coffee.

However, many experience issues with caffeine, such as jittery feelings or sleeplessness. Plus, if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding, or trying to get pregnant, your limit may be much lower.

Figure out what’s best for you. You might quit caffeine entirely for a month or so or simply reduce your intake. If you normally have three cups of coffee daily, maybe you experiment with only one or two and see how you feel.

2. Write in a journal every day

Getting your thoughts down on paper can be a calming and healing exercise. Writing can help you clarify your thoughts, express gratitude, solve problems, and get creative. You don’t need an expensive journal, although a pretty one can make a journaling practice more appealing.

Writing in a journal can offer numerous mental health benefits, which happen to impact your outer beauty as well. Journaling can reduce anxiety which may lead to better sleep. It may also give you more energy to do the things you love, and give your face a glow from the inside out! Check out these journal prompts if you’re stuck without ideas.

3. Try deep breathing exercises

If you want a technique that you can use anytime, anywhere on your 30 day glow up challenge, look no further than deep breathing, one of my favorite exercises. I realized that breath is one of my most powerful tools, and I can train myself to use my breath to calm down in stressful moments.

If you’ve never really tried deep breathing for relaxation, check out WebMD for deep breathing exercise ideas, or use YouTube or a meditation app like Calm to help you focus on your breath. One simple trick is to breathe in for the same amount of time as you breathe out: for example, breathe in for a count of four, then out for four.

4. Wash and moisturize your face before bed

It may sound overly simple (and maybe you already do this), but plenty of women feel they’re too busy to even wash their face. You can give yourself a beauty boost by making sure to use a gentle facial cleanser morning and night, plus a serum and moisturizer to keep your skin hydrated.

I know I’ve been guilty of this: I think I’m too tired at night to wash my face, but leaving on makeup and sunscreen and everyday dirt isn’t good for my skin.

But keeping your face clean and moisturized is one of the most basic kinds of self-care (and one of the easiest). Not only that, it will help promote a natural glow as you take care of your skin.

5. Use a face mask or scrub

Using a face mask or scrub as part of your beauty routine can help with skin issues like tightness, dryness, and clogged pores. During your 30 day glow up challenge, use a face mask or scrub about once a week to help your skin appear softer and more radiant. You can find plenty of DIY facial scrub recipes online, many of which use ingredients you already keep in your house.

6. Give yourself a scalp massage

The next step in our 30 day glow up challenge is one I bet is less commonly done: a scalp massage. The benefits of a scalp massage can include improving headache symptoms, stimulation of hair growth, and overall relaxation.

Just think about how amazing it feels when your hairdresser massages your scalp during the hair-washing part of the process!

7. Use sunscreen daily to glow for years to come

Although it’s been many years since women casually sunbathed with no thought of sun damage, you might still be slacking. Consider this your wake-up call to use sunscreen daily. Sunscreen can greatly reduce your risk of skin cancer, plus it prevents visible signs of sun damage like wrinkles and age spots.

Talk about a simple way to look and feel better, both now and in the future! I recommend paying particular attention to your face since that’s what sees the most sun on a daily basis. Of course, you should also limit sun exposure as well.

8. Use calming scents to reduce stress

As you’re tending to your appearance through some of these glow up tips, remember your mental and emotional state as well. Scent is a powerful tool that many of us don’t use enough. You can try to bring calming scents into your pampering routine.

Lavender, rose, bergamot orange and chamomile are just a few of the scents that many people find relaxing. If you’re unsure of how to use scent to calm anxiety, think about taking a long hot bath with scented bath salts or diffusing essential oils.

9. Drink plenty of water

No 30 day glow up challenge would be complete without a call to drink more water. Water is essential to our lives and can provide a ton of benefits such as weight management, endurance in exercising, improved brain function, and even prevent headaches.

The typical rule of thumb says drinking 8 glasses (8 ounces each) per day is enough water. You might need more but shoot for that amount. If water is just too boring, add a slice of lemon or cucumber for a fresh hint of flavor. You'll find yourself drinking lots of water in no time.

10. Clean out a disorganized area

Let’s face it: a cluttered home can really pile on the stress, making you feel tired when you’re there. Try cleaning up an area of your home that’s a disaster right now. This may be your bedroom, garage, closet, desk or home office, or even your car.

I hate organizing, but I have to admit after I’ve done it, I feel so accomplished and as if a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. Maybe you could even consider trying our 30-day minimalism challenge too!

11. Swap unhealthy snacks for healthy ones

Raise your hand if you enjoy comfort food and snacks! (That’s me for sure.) A great step in a 30 day glow up challenge is to swap at least one not-so-healthy snack for a better option. For example, have a piece of fruit instead of sugary cereal before bed. Or cut up veggies with hummus instead of chips and dip. Fiber-rich foods can be yummy and satisfying.

Drinks count too: try mineral water instead of soda or Starbucks frappuccinos. It’s okay to start small—you may not give up all junk food in a day, but you can pick one food or drink to swap out in your quest for better health.

12. Spend time outdoors daily

Nothing can boost your mood like getting outside a bit every day. If you spend zero time outdoors, start with ten minutes a day, whether you take a walk in the park or just sit in your backyard.

Research shows that spending time outside, especially in green spaces, has numerous mental and physical health benefits. Nature, fresh air, vitamin D, and the opportunity for exercise—these are all great reasons to go outside today and every day.

13. Finish tasks you’ve procrastinated on doing

We all have those pesky little tasks we put off doing. For me, it’s making appointments with doctors because I dislike regular phone calls. (Why isn’t online scheduling always available?). For you, it could be getting your car’s oil changed or updating your estate plan.

During your 30 day glow up challenge, take an hour or more one day to focus on your procrastinated tasks and knock out as many as you can. You’ll feel so much better when you do!

14. Send a thank-you

Isn’t gratitude a wonderful thing? The next step to help you glow is to show gratitude to someone you appreciate. This can be super-quick, whether you write an old-school thank-you note or shoot a friend a quick text.

If you’re feeling extra grateful, keep it going and write multiple thank-yous. Or make it a daily habit to thank one person. You could also consider an inexpensive thank you gift.

15. Get a manicure or pedicure

Sometimes, a little pampering can go a long way toward making you look and feel your best. One day of your 30 day glow up challenge can be devoted to a manicure or pedicure.

Either DIY or going to a salon can be fabulous. This can be such a luxurious experience, and it doesn’t have to break the bank either.

16. Phone a friend

Sometimes we grow apart from friends for legitimate reasons, but a great way to boost your emotional health is to simply call a friend you haven’t talked to in a while. Taking a little time to call or video chat with a dear friend can help you recharge your emotional batteries and remember who you are.

17. Open up a savings account

In your 30 day glow up challenge, a great way to give yourself a health boost is to tackle your finances. If you don’t have savings or an emergency fund, that should be a high priority. Living without a safety net is stressful and risky, so why not take that first step and open a savings account?

Remember, even if you can’t spare a lot of money right now, it’s important to start with something. Save $20 or $50 to start, and set up an automated deposit to keep growing your savings. The peace of mind you can gain from greater financial security will help you feel your best.

18. Do push-ups before watching TV

This will be a fun one if you find yourself streaming Netflix or scrolling social media. Why not add a healthy glow-up habit before watching TV? You might make an agreement with yourself to do 10 pushups before watching shows or hopping online (or a similar entertainment habit).

Of course, feel free to customize this—maybe you’d prefer 10 crunches, 10 jumping jacks, or a five-minute walk around your yard. The point is simply to get your body moving before settling into what most of us do while lounging on the sofa.

19. Stretch daily

We know we should stretch daily, but many of us don’t take the time to do so. I've found that taking even a minute or two each morning for stretching gives me a fresh outlook on the day. If you prefer to make it later in the day, such as after a brief warmup and before a full workout, go for it.

Stretching is so important for building flexibility, which can improve your range of motion and help protect you from injury as you go about your activities. Remember that in your 30 day glow up challenge, you’ll gain flexibility by working consistently on it through stretching exercises.

20. Try self-tanner

Self-tanning lotions and sprays have come a long way, and they don’t have to leave you with wild tiger-striped skin. Outdoor sun exposure can increase skin cancer risk. So instead, you can give your skin a sun-kissed glow with a quality self-tanning product.

21. Give yourself a bedtime

In our hustle-focused culture, it can seem taboo to seek rest and sleep. But our bodies are wired to need sleep (the CDC recommends 7-plus hours a night for adults).

Moreover, many of us are not getting the recommended amount of sleep regularly. We miss out on health benefits such as mental focus, energy, stable blood sugar, and more. I know I've personally struggled with getting enough sleep, and I can honestly say I feel better with a regular bed time.

Why not use your 30 day glow up challenge to set a bedtime for yourself? You might go to bed 30 minutes earlier than usual and see how it impacts your overall well-being.

22. Snooze negative influences

While we’re on the topic of sleep, you might also take a few minutes to “snooze” people or information sources that are negative. I bet when you read this, a few names immediately come to mind.

Don’t be afraid to hit snooze or unsubscribe on social media if someone is bringing you down emotionally. You don’t have to tell them; just choose to stop listening to them. You’ll free up mental space for true friends who encourage you and keep you focused on the right things.

23. Read a real book or magazine

Now, this isn’t meant to be a critique on technology, but if you haven’t read anything off a screen for a while, now’s a great time to do it. I love my e-reader, but there's nothing like the feel of an actual book in your hand.

During your 30 days, take some time to pick up a real book or magazine. Remember the experience of getting caught up in a story, not on a screen or flashy online ads. Bonus: it’s better for your eyes, too!

Need some ideas? Check out these great self-help books or financial literacy books to start.

24. Try teeth whitener

Next, you may be thinking about how to show off your smile as you increase your happiness through this 30 day glow up challenge. Coffee and tea are two of the worst offenders for staining your teeth, so trying tooth whitener can boost your self-confidence, so you’re more willing to smile!

25. Get a haircut or new hairstyle

Are you in love with your current hairstyle? If you still look the way you did a decade or more ago, maybe it’s time for a change for your mane! Going to a salon may be a worthwhile splurge to give you a fresh new look.

26. Go green at the office

While there are ways to reduce your carbon footprint at work, like giving up disposable coffee cups, you can also “go green” in a simple way: get a plant. Plants are an inexpensive way to boost your mood and brighten up your office space.

27. Eat your veggies first

Although you may not be up for a full revamping of your dietary habits, you can try a simple rule to increase your intake of essential nutrients: eat your veggies first. Even if you don’t count calories or follow a particular diet plan, you can make it a general rule to eat a salad or some type of vegetable first at lunch and dinner.

If you’re not big on veggies, try to get creative. Look up recipes online and ask your friends for their favorite veggie dishes. Consider these tips for saving money on your food budget, too.

28. Mix up your makeup routine

Just like with your hair, makeup habits can be hard to break. Since this is a 30 day glow up challenge, remember that makeup can do wonders for your face.

If you’re totally clueless about makeup like me, check out our minimal makeup guide. Even a simple lip balm can be beneficial. You can also ask a good friend to help you choose a color palette. Or you can find YouTube tutorials for assistance.

29. Map out financial goals

Along with making sure you feel physically well, you might remember the importance of financial well-being in your overall happiness. Take some time to think about your most pressing financial goals, rank them in order of importance, and then plan to achieve them.

Your financial goals may include becoming debt-free, saving for a vacation or other major purchase, saving for college or retirement, and many others.

30. Make time for exercise

To help yourself to glow both inside and out, exercise is a fantastic tool. Whether you’re a multi-sport athlete or you can’t remember what it’s like to break a sweat, there’s an exercise for you. My idea with exercise is to consider my talents and interests and whether I'd exercise more faithfully alone or with a pal.

The point of this last part of the 30 day glow up challenge is simply to get your body moving more. You can try to commit to a new exercise goal, from taking a 20-minute walk each day to incorporating strength training. A personal trainer isn’t a necessity but could offer the motivation you need.

Try this 30-day glow up challenge today!

After you’ve read over these suggestions, figure out which ones work for your own 30 day glow up challenge. You may choose as many as you like and gradually add them to your daily or weekly routine.

Remember that this is all about a health boost for you, so you’re in the driver’s seat. Everyone deserves to take a little time for themselves. Don't forget to check out our other 30-day challenges to start improving your life even further!

Start your financial glow up challenge with our completely free "transform your mindset" bundle!

The post A 30 Day Glow Up Challenge For A Major Health Boost! appeared first on Clever Girl Finance.

100 Positive Affirmations for Self Love Sat, 18 Mar 2023 15:04:00 +0000 […]

The post 100 Positive Affirmations for Self Love appeared first on Clever Girl Finance.


Affirmations for self love

Positive affirmations for self love are all about being kind to yourself. Because be honest, how many times have you said phrases like these?

  • I’m such an idiot.
  • Wow, that was stupid of me.
  • I need to stop being so dumb.
  • That was so foolish of me.
  • I’m never going to accomplish ___ if I keep being such a moron.

The words you tell yourself have power. These one-off comments may seem harmless, but when you repeat them over and over, your mind starts to believe them.

It can change the way you think, which is why affirmations are important.

They begin to shape your thoughts and determine your actions. And if you’re not careful, negative words can alter the course of your life for the worse and become negative beliefs.

Self love affirmations are key to silencing this inner critic so you can fully and completely enjoy life.

Positive self-talk can stop limiting beliefs and also help you to overcome low self-esteem. Not sure where to start?

We've compiled a list of 100 positive sayings for self love, self-esteem, and everything in between.

List of 100 affirmations for self love

Everyone struggles with self love in different ways. For instance, maybe you feel ashamed of your past money mistakes, or you struggle with imposter syndrome.

Whatever it is, these 100 positive affirmations can help you get past them.

Read through the list now, and then write down any that jump out at you. Then use affirmations that you relate to in your daily life.

Affirmations for forgiveness

If the past is weighing you down like a backpack full of bricks, and you're having a bad day, these are our favorite affirmations that can help you find forgiveness.

These mantras focus on healing and also giving yourself grace:

1. My mistakes do not define me.

2. I forgive myself for my past mistakes.

3. I am doing the best I can, and that is enough.

4. I give myself room and permission to heal.

5. My mistakes have made me a stronger person, and I also learn and grow from them every day.

6. I let go of all the criticism and self-hate holding me back.

7. I release the guilt and negativity that doesn’t serve me.

8. My past does not define my future, and I am at peace with it.

9. I let go of the things that are out of my control.

10. I give myself space to express my feelings and emotions when I need to.

11. I am my own safe space.

Affirmations for body confidence

Society has forced us to believe that beauty standards are very specific and we have to look a certain way. But this simply isn’t true.

You, dear friend, are beautiful just the way you are. Every stretch mark and blemish you criticize in the mirror is perfect in the most perfectly imperfect way possible.

And the moment you start to love the skin you’re in is the moment you unlock true happiness.

Wanna try? Give some of these powerful affirmations a go and see how they boost your body confidence.

So go ahead, give compliments to yourself with these daily affirmations for self love.

12. I am beautiful, inside and out.

13. I respect and honor my body and all that it's brought me through.

14. I am grateful for this body I get to call home, and it is worthy of love.

15. I nourish my body and take care of it.

16. I am strong, beautiful, and courageous.

17. I take care of my health so I can feel my best — not so I can look a certain way.

18. I accept every part of me — imperfections and all.

19. My imperfections are not flaws. They make me beautiful and special.

20. I do not need to be fixed. I am perfect just the way I am.

21. I listen to my inner self and rest when my body and mind tell me to.

22. I love my ____ (face, stomach, thighs, or another body part you often criticize.)

Affirmations for self love

Have you ever heard the song Love Myself by Hailee Steinfeld? There’s a line that says: "Gonna love myself, no, I don't need anybody else (I love me)." It’s a pretty powerful daily affirmation for self-love.

And so I encourage you to crank it up loud when you need some empowerment — and throw these other affirmations into the mix while you’re at it:

23. I speak kindness over myself.

24. I love myself for who I am.

25. I love my personality and how unique I am.

26. Love and abundance flow through me like energy.

27. I am amazing.

28. I am my own best friend.

29. I love myself freely. I do not have to earn it.

30. I am enough.

31. I matter.

32. My life does not have to be perfect to be great. I love my life.

33. I am filled with appreciation and gratitude for this life I get to live.

34. My happiness is found within. I do not look for it in others.

35. I prioritize myself and my needs.

36. I am unique and special.

37. I love myself and those around me fiercely.

38. I am surrounded by love and joy.

39. I am proud of the woman I’ve become.

40. I’m worthy of all the good that comes to me.

41. I wake up grateful and overwhelmed with love for myself each morning.

42. The love I have for myself is limitless.

43. I am the coolest person I know.

44. I am worthy of having friends and deep connections with others.

45. I treat myself with the same kindness I’d show to a friend.

46. I have a lot to offer this world. I am a gift.

Affirmations for success and work

Sometimes when pursuing success in your career, education, or life, negativity can set in. Imposter syndrome is a real jerk because it tricks your brain into thinking you’re a fraud.

That you’re undeserving of success because other people know more than you. But let’s get one thing straight.

Imposter syndrome is a dirty, filthy liar. Hush it up with these positive self love affirmations for success at work and also in life.

47. I am capable of achieving my dreams.

48. My fears do not hold me back from going after the things I love.

49. I have limitless potential.

50. I am confident in my ability to achieve my goals and also accomplish my dreams.

51. Creativity and good ideas flow through me on a daily basis.

52. I am worthy of big dreams and audacious goals.

53. I believe in myself.

54. I am in control of my actions.

55. My creativity heals me and those around me.

56. I am created to succeed in life and accomplish wonderful things.

57. I am designed to win at what I put my mind to.

58. I am equipped to overcome any challenge that comes my way.

59. I have the power to change my destiny.

60. I trust my gut and follow my intuition.

61. I possess the power I need to create my future.

62. I push through when things get tough because I know I’m worthy of success and prosperity.

63. I strive for progress, not perfection.

64. I enjoy my life and actively seek out ways to make it better.

Affirmations for being yourself

Do you ever feel like you have to shape-shift around certain people? Like maybe you need to act one way around your family and another way around your co-workers?

Doing this can lead to anxiety and also negative emotions. But you can be comfortable in your own skin using these positive affirmations for self love.

For example, these statements for self love contradict the belief that you need to change yourself for others. They invite you to be your true self — the one true you who is beautiful, opinionated, captivating, and also powerful: check out these affirmations.

65. I live my life for me. Not others.

66. The only opinion I value is my own. I don’t worry about what others think of me.

67. I am 100% myself around others, always.

68. I let my light shine bright for all to see.

69. I do not shrink or change myself for others. I show up just as I am.

70. I do not apologize for being myself.

71. I express my true self without hesitation.

72. I stay true to myself because I’m worthy just as I am.

Positive affirmations for self-esteem

Ever struggle with low self-worth and need a little boost of self-confidence? These positive affirmations for self-esteem remind you that you’re perfect just the way you are.

That you’re learning, growing, adapting, and also making space for the version of yourself you’ve always wanted to be:

73. My self-worth is not defined by my ______ (weight, looks, bank account, job title).

74. I am proud of the person I’m becoming.

75. I am worthy and deserving of love.

76. The story of my life is still unfolding. I’m excited about what lies ahead.

77. I deserve happiness.

78. I expect joy and laughter everywhere I go.

79. My time and energy are precious. I'm good at setting boundaries and using my time wisely.

80. I radiate confidence everywhere I go.

81. I am good at asking for help.

82. My life is filled with unimaginable joy and abundance.

83. I give myself space to grow every day.

84. I nourish my soul by making room for the things I love in life.

85. I determine my own self-worth. It is not defined by others.

86. I show myself infinite compassion every day.

87. I am blessed beyond measure.

Affirmations to conquer anxiety

Feeling anxious, stressed, or fearful can be brought on by many things. Financial worries or struggles with self-esteem can also be made worse by anxiety.

To put anxiety in its place and have a peaceful mind, use these mantras:

88. I am completely capable and make good decisions.

89. I think peaceful thoughts and have a positive mind.

90. I can control my thoughts, and that helps me control my feelings.

91. I don't have to do everything perfectly. Doing my best is more than good enough.

92. I gain knowledge and experience every day that helps me be my best self.

93. I absolutely know I have a great future ahead of me, and I make decisions today that will have a good impact later.

94. I have a strong and confident mind.

95. Even though this situation feels stressful, I know I can handle it. I'm smart, kind, and thoughtful, which helps me be up for any challenge.

96. I have many resources available to me to help deal with anxiety.

97. I am surrounded by positive thoughts, and I surround myself with positive people.

98. I am stronger than anxiety, and I choose to focus on the good things that can happen.

99. I'm great at talking with people, handling new situations, and being prepared.

100. No matter what, I can succeed.

Do daily affirmations for self love really work?

Yes — self love affirmations work. Here’s the science behind why:

Affirmations change your brain

Every second of every day, you have an inner dialogue going on in your head.

For instance, some of these dialogues are positive and propel you forward. Others are negative and fill you with fear and self-doubt.

Coming up with positive affirmations that challenge your self-sabotaging thoughts can help re-program your brain and also replace all those painful neuronic pathways with new circuitry.

For example, let’s say you usually tell yourself: “There’s no way I’m going to get better at managing my money. I’m doomed to fail.”

A positive statement that combats this thought may be: “I know I have what it takes to make smarter decisions with my money. I am proud of the financially savvy woman I am becoming. I love myself fully and also forgive myself for my past money mistakes.”

The more you repeat this positive affirmation of self-love, the more your brain will start to believe it. So now you see that daily sayings really do work!

How to use affirmations for self love to transform your life

So I’ll be the first to admit that telling yourself how awesome you are can be really, really awkward. You may feel silly and ridiculous the first few times you do it, but that’s okay.

Just remember the science behind self love sayings and stick with it. Pretty soon, you’ll begin to feel those new truths deep within your bones.

Repetition is key

The key is to come up with affirmations that directly oppose your negative thoughts. Then, repeat them day in and day out until it's a habit.

Daily routine

If you want to make them part of your daily routine, come up with some morning affirmations and then add them to your morning routine.

The important thing is to stop negative self-talk and instead exchange it for positivity every single day.

Positive affirmations can become part of your life in other ways, also. For example, try filling a journal or notebook with affirmations.

Another way to begin having more positive thoughts is through reminders you leave for yourself. For example, these reminders can be placed on your phone, as sticky notes in your car, or somewhere else.

Bonus tip: Take a 30-day self-love challenge!

Want to kickstart your journey to being kinder to yourself? If so, take the Clever Girl Finance 30-day self-love challenge.

It’s designed to hush those negative voices in your head and pave the way for more joy, abundance, and love to enter your life — all in one month’s time.

You can incorporate your new routine of positive affirmations for self-esteem in this challenge. So give it a try!

Use these daily affirmations for self love to change your life!

So that’s a wrap on these positive sayings for self love. I hope you jot down the ones that combat your negative thoughts and recite them until you believe them with your whole heart and develop a positive mindset.

Self love affirmations can truly change everything.

Your life is a work in progress — a journey to self-acceptance - and I can’t wait to see where you go from here! To take it one step further, check out these morning affirmations that will help you succeed!

The post 100 Positive Affirmations for Self Love appeared first on Clever Girl Finance.

12 Rules To Be Happy In Life Mon, 06 Feb 2023 14:12:01 +0000 […]

The post 12 Rules To Be Happy In Life appeared first on Clever Girl Finance.


Rules to be happy

You already know that happiness isn't a switch you can turn on and off. And you shouldn't put pressure on yourself to feel happy every day, after all, we all have good days and bad days. But these rules to be happy can really change your perspective and help you out on the days that are more difficult.

Even amongst the bad days, life is still a pretty darn beautiful thing, and there is a lot to celebrate and be happy about. Sometimes, it can be hard to remember that.

That said, these 12 rules to be happy can help you flip the script, change your attitude, and learn to be happier in life!

Why you should prioritize happiness NOW

People don't just procrastinate on their homework, bills, or chores ... they procrastinate on happiness, too. Unfortunately, a lot of people tend to live with the idea that: "I'll be happy when I get a raise ... or when I buy a house ... or when I get married ... or when I..."

Basically, they're trapped in the mentality that if they can just check one more thing off their to-do list, then everything else will magically fall into place and they'll be happy.

But life doesn't work like that. And why would you want it to, anyway? Why would you want to put off being happy?

Understand that happiness is a journey

It may sound a little cliché, but it's true: Happiness is not a destination.

Happiness is not a state you'll finally achieve. Rather, happiness is something you can prioritize daily throughout life's journey.

That doesn't mean you can necessarily feel happy every day of your life. But you don't have to feel like happiness is some elusive destination you must constantly chase.

12 rules to be happy in life

You don't need to wait for that raise. Or that relationship. Or that bigger house. You deserve to feel happy now.

Of course, if you're going through a hard time, you can't just flip a switch and start loving your life. However, you can make small, pointed actions every day to work towards happiness.

Once you start, you'll see that these small actions can actually make a big difference in your mindset. Get going with these 12 rules for being happy:

1. Stop the self-pity

It's easy to catch yourself playing the victim. Undoubtedly, you deserve to feel heard and have your emotions validated.

But it's also a smart idea to put a time limit on your pity party. When something bad happens, sure—let yourself feel bad.

Talk with a friend. Write in your journal. Eat your favorite comfort food.

But then you've got to move on. After your pity party, you need to put on your big-girl pants and come up with a plan to improve your situation. In the end, that's what will make you feel better—not sitting around and feeling sorry for yourself.

2. Practice gratitude

Even when you're having a terrible day, there are always things to be grateful for. So the next time you're feeling bad, remind yourself to practice gratitude.

Try this: Write down three things you're grateful for. It may seem like a silly exercise, but forcing yourself to reflect and write things down can really help put things in perspective and get you out of your funk.

Better yet, you can be proactive about practicing gratitude.

Instead of just doing it when you feel bad, try to practice gratitude every day. For example, you can start every morning by jotting a few notes in a gratitude journal to give yourself a little perspective and start your day off right.

3. Mind your own business

We all fall victim sometimes to the trap of comparing ourselves to others, whether it's their looks, their house, their job, their relationship, etc.

But ask yourself: Have these comparisons ever made you feel better about yourself? Have they ever made you feel happier?

No? Then stop it right now! Stay in your lane. Focus on yourself. Mind your own business.

Of course, this doesn't mean becoming selfish and self-absorbed. Rather, it means you stop playing the comparison game.

In this way, minding your own business goes hand-in-hand with stopping self-pity and practicing gratitude. Instead of constantly thinking how much better everyone else has it, remind yourself to be grateful for what you do have—and if you don't like something, then take steps to change it.

4. Try new things but also practice good boundaries

How many great experiences and opportunities have you potentially missed out on because you were too afraid to try them?

It's time to start saying yes to those experiences! For example, the next time you get invited to a party that you might not want to go to, say yes.

Who knows—you may have a great time that you didn't expect. Or you may end up meeting new people who become important friends in your life.

That said, some of us are serial people-pleasers who say yes a little too often.

One of the rules for a happy life is also learning how to feel comfortable saying no because it can help you stand up for yourself and set healthy boundaries.

5. Pursue financial wellness

One of the very best things you can do for your long-term happiness is to pursue financial wellness.

We're not saying that money buys happiness, but it can certainly open up the doors to finding your happiness.

For example, money can reduce stress, give you more free time, enable you to try out new experiences, and help others (which is important for your own emotional well-being).

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) tells us that your financial wellness is your ability to direct your finances for each day and month and that you can make financial choices that make you happy, among other things.

6. Let go

Too often, we stop ourselves from moving forward because we are too focused on the past. For example, you may be holding onto things like:

  • Relationships that no longer serve you
  • Insecurities you've been telling yourself for years
  • That old pair of jeans that don't fit anymore and just make you feel bad about yourself

Sometimes, we find comfort in holding onto things from our past. Even if we don't like them, they can give us a feeling of familiarity. But in reality, holding onto these things only holds us back and inhibits our ability to be happy.

When you let go of your old fears, insecurities, and anxieties about being perfect, you can let yourself focus on all the great parts of who you are right now. So let go of the stress, and let the happiness in!

7. Set manageable goals

Sure, you have some pretty big dreams (all clever girls do!). But the best way to achieve those big dreams is to break them down into smaller, achievable goals. In fact, doing so is actually one of the rules to be happy.

According to Rebecka Warren, Clinic Manager at Centerstone, “Goals can do wonders for your mental health." Making progress toward your goals (and ultimately achieving them), gives you a huge self-esteem boost.

The key to turning your big goals into reality is to break them down into smaller, more manageable steps.

For example, let's say you have a goal to save $10,000 in your emergency fund. Get started by breaking that goal into smaller steps, e.g., by siphoning $200 a month into a special savings fund.

8. Give back

When you do something good, you feel good. And it's not just us saying that.

It's pretty likely that you've heard this old adage before. Turns out, there are plenty of studies out there to back it up.

Studies about giving

For example, a study in PLOS ONE Journal reveals that doing things for other people can help with depression. In fact, volunteering is one of the better ways to give back.

A study from the University of New Orleans reveals that there's a much stronger correlation between happiness and volunteering than happiness and donating money.

Besides giving your mental health a boost, giving back is also good for your overall well-being. According to research from the Cleveland Clinic, giving back can give you a "helper's high," and can help you live longer and reduce stress.

So what are you waiting for? Get out there, and start giving back! One way you can get started is by making a charity sinking fund.

9. Ask for help

One of the most important rules for being happy that too many people ignore is remembering to ask for help.

Sometimes, we can feel shame reaching out for help as if we're admitting that we can't handle life's challenges on our own.

People like to help others

What's nice to know, then, is that people are actually more eager and willing to lend help than you may realize. Remember how good you feel when you get the opportunity to help someone out?

Well, the feeling is mutual. According to research from Stanford social psychologist Xuan Zhao, "people want to make a difference in people's lives and they feel good -happy even- when they are able to help others."

This is what makes asking for help one of the key rules for a happy life. When you ask for help, not only do you, obviously, get the help you need to complete a task, but you also make someone else feel good.

Zhao's research also shows that this cycle of asking, giving, and receiving help leads to more meaningful experiences and strengthened relationships—a win-win for everyone involved.

10. Practice forgiveness

Similar to letting go, learning to practice forgiveness is one of the most impactful rules for being happy.

Holding onto bad relationships that no longer serve you definitely doesn't make you happy—but holding onto grudges won't make you feel any better, either.

We all make mistakes, and everyone needs to be forgiven sometimes. So even if you still feel hurt and even if you still think you're right, you need to remind yourself to practice forgiveness.

How forgiveness benefits you

Turns out, practicing forgiveness is pretty beneficial for your overall well-being, too.

A report from the University of Bolton reveals the many connections between forgiveness and happiness. It mentions previous studies that have made discoveries, including a connection between poor mental health and holding grudges, or unforgiveness, as well as forgiveness relating positively to optimism and self-esteem.

11. Focus on experiences—not things

You've probably heard it several times, but the old saying still rings true: Money can't buy happiness.

Or that is, things can't buy happiness. (Bear in mind that we're not talking about financial security, since pursuing financial wellness is definitely one of our top rules to be happy.)

Why experiences can benefit you

On the other hand, chasing material things, thinking that they'll one day make you happy, is definitely a dead end.

In fact, Elizabeth Dunn, Ph.D., a professor at the University of British Columbia, reveals to CNBC that "research shows that people tend to get more happiness out of buying experiences rather than material things."

12. Exercise regularly and eat healthily

Exercise regularly and eat healthily ... there's a reason you keep hearing this advice over and over again. Because it really can make a big difference in your overall well-being!

And we're not just talking about the obvious health benefits of doing these things. Regular exercise and a healthy diet can give you a serious happiness boost, too.

New research from the University of Kent and the University of Reading indicates that eating fruits and vegetables and exercising actually increases your happiness.

If you're concerned that eating healthily has to be expensive, don't fret! Learn how to live a healthy lifestyle on a budget.

The idea of happiness is different for everyone

Of course, happiness means something different for everyone. For some people, it may mean having a dynamic career; for others, it may mean starting a family or traveling the world or living in the countryside or moving to a big city or opening your own store ... you get the idea.

The point is that happiness is not a singular prize to fight over. We can all have it in our own ways.

And that's the best thing about happiness: It is an endless commodity, and there's enough.

Follow these rules for a happy life every day!

Like all emotions, being happy changes with the days. Some days we just can't stop grinning from ear to ear, while other days it can feel like a real struggle just to get up and go to work. But that's okay.

Above all, remember that happiness isn't an end destination you can reach one day. In fact, it's just the opposite. Happiness is something that can be part of your life every day—even in a small way.

When the going gets tough, turn to these rules to be happy. Need a mood boost? Remind yourself that some of the best things in life are free.

The post 12 Rules To Be Happy In Life appeared first on Clever Girl Finance.

8 Personal Finance Questions To Ask Yourself Today Sun, 29 Jan 2023 21:41:15 +0000 […]

The post 8 Personal Finance Questions To Ask Yourself Today appeared first on Clever Girl Finance.


If you want to manage your money well, asking yourself some key personal finance questions is part of the answer. To help you do just that, we are sharing some key questions you can start to consider. By considering and answering these questions you'll be able to reassess your financial future and make any necessary changes starting today!

Personal finance questions

Taking stock of your finances can be a real task. So maybe it isn't too surprising that only around 33% of Americans have a written financial plan, according to Schwab. Not to worry, the question we've put together as well as suggestions on key actions to take will guide you.

So let's take a look at why you need to manage your money regularly and the financial questions to ask yourself!


Why do you need to ask yourself personal finance questions?

When it comes to your money, the more you know, the better. While the idea of managing your income may make your head spin, the truth of the matter is that you need to do this if you want to have a sound financial future.

Here are some of the specific reasons why:

Understand your finances

Having an in-depth knowledge of your personal finances means that you can make better-informed decisions. When a big cost comes up — such as a vacation or car repair — you will instantly know whether you have the budget to cover it.

Create financial security

When you start to plan for the future, your finances will slot into place. That can make a major difference to the way that you manage your money now.

When you have asked yourself personal finance questions, you can begin to take measures to save money too.

Reassess your budget

As a golden rule, you should continually reassess your budget and see whether it’s working for you. Your personal circumstances will change.

You may get a raise at work, have more outgoings, or inherit money from a family member. When these things happen, you should be ready to adapt your approach to your finances.

8 important financial questions to ask yourself

Ready to get started? Asking yourself the following financial questions will spark interesting conversations and get you thinking.

Let’s dive into our top eight now:

1. Where would you like to be financially in five years?

This is one of the most crucial personal finance questions: do you have a five-year financial plan? Setting long-term budgeting goals helps you to keep your eyes on the prize.

You may find that this activity allows you to curb impulse spending and helps you to have a vision of your financial future.

Define your goals and make a plan

First things first, figure out what your goal is. For example, you may want to be debt-free or have $10,000 in savings. When you have that in your sights, work things backward.

What are the steps you should take to reach that goal? Try breaking them down into manageable chunks that you can approach on a monthly basis. You can then use a budget calendar to help you when you are trying to stick to these targets.

2. How would you cope if you lost your job?

Are you living paycheck to paycheck? 40% of Americans have been fired at some point in their working life, so it pays off to plan ahead. While the worst may never happen, it’s smart to have a financial plan in place — as a safety net.

Think about expenses and save up cash

The first thing you should do is consider your expenses. What needs to be covered if you lose your income? It includes your rent or mortgage, utilities, groceries, and healthcare.

When you have that down, create a budget that would suffice for three to four months. Work out how much cash you need for that period and start setting it aside in an emergency fund just in case.

3. What would you do in an emergency?

You might not lose your job but life is full of unexpected events that can catch you by surprise. Your car may break down, you might have an accident, or your home may suddenly have woodworm in your home. When these instances arise, it’s crucial that you have the funds to deal with them as soon as you can.

Start an emergency fund

The easiest way to deal with this personal finance question is to create an “emergency fund”. Consider what the most costly events may be. You might want to price them up so that you have an idea of how much money you would need to spend.

For instance, consider how much it would cost to fix your car if it broke down. Run the numbers and see whether you have that kind of money in the bank. Next, you can start saving for that fund month by month.

4. Have you created a workable budget for yourself?

Next up, it’s one of the most important personal finance questions. Do you have a budget in place?

If you’re “winging it” with your money, you’re making a mistake. Taking stock of your income and your outgoing expenses is the right place to start.

Budgeting options

There are plenty of budgeting options for you. There's the 70-20-10 budget or the 30-30-30-10 budget, for example. Additionally, you may want to use a spreadsheet or app to track your personal finances on a daily or weekly basis.

Personal Finance Questions To Ask Yourself

5. What is the interest rate on your debt?

Whether it’s credit cards, your mortgage, or another type of loan, you should be clued up on the interest rate of all of your debts.

You may not remember what you signed at the time you took out the debt, so now is the perfect moment to review it.

Make sure you have the best interest rate

Take a look at your debt agreements, such as the terms of your credit card or your mortgage contract. That way, you can figure out what the interest rate is and whether it is fixed or variable over time.

Once you have this information, you can start looking at competitors. It may be worth refinancing or transferring the debt to a different provider so that you have a lower overall interest rate.

Keep in mind that you want to ensure refinancing or transferring your debt will actually save you money over the long term.

6. Do you have a debt repayment plan in place?

When you have a load of debt, you may find things overwhelming. It doesn’t matter how you got into this position.

What matters the most is how you work toward getting yourself out of it. One of the most vital financial questions to ask yourself is whether you have a plan.

Leverage a debt repayment approach

To pay off your debt most effectively, consider the debt snowball method or the avalanche method to accelerate your debt payoff.

With the snowball method, you focus on paying off debts with the smallest balance first. With the avalanche method, you focus on paying off debts with the highest interest rates first.

Both approaches are equally as effective, the key is consistency and sticking to the process.

Consider debt consolidation if it makes sense for you

Reviewing your debts and approaching them with a solid plan is the way to go here. So you may want to look at consolidating your debts to make them easier to manage and if it will save you money in the long run.

7. How can you realistically increase your income?

Looking for some spare cash? One of the most often-asked personal finance questions is about boosting your income. If you are lacking the funds that you need right now, it’s worth taking a look at the ways you can realistically improve your situation.

Consider various options

Start looking at your options now. Can you work toward a promotion at work? Is it worth starting a side hustle or selling things online?

In each case, you should consider whether you have the time, energy, and resources to pursue the path that you have chosen.

8. How can you make improvements to your credit rating?

Are you in control of your credit rating? One in eight Americans doesn’t know their credit score, according to recent research. If that sounds familiar, you need to switch things up. Learning how to improve your credit rating is a smart financial move.

Find out your credit rating and improve your score

To get started, you should check your credit rating. There are plenty of systems you can use to do this. Pick one that suits you and take things from there.

Next, look at ways you can boost your credit score. For instance, not making too many requests for new credit, paying off debt quickly, and using 30% or less of your credit limit.

Considering personal finance questions can help you thrive with money!

Have you asked yourself the above personal finance questions recently? Now that you’re well-versed on what you should be thinking about, it’s time for a quick financial review. While looking at your budget can be intimidating, it becomes less so when it’s a habit.

Take the time to ask yourself the above questions and figure out workable answers that suit your lifestyle. When you do that, you will feel like a weight has been lifted from you, and your finances will benefit, too!

The post 8 Personal Finance Questions To Ask Yourself Today appeared first on Clever Girl Finance.

15 Personal Growth Questions To Ask Yourself Fri, 27 Jan 2023 18:24:24 +0000 […]

The post 15 Personal Growth Questions To Ask Yourself appeared first on Clever Girl Finance.


Personal growth questions

While we might stop growing physically as adults, that doesn’t mean we can’t learn and grow in other ways. One way to continue growing and developing is to ask ourselves personal growth questions.

Asking profound questions and checking in with yourself can help your mindset and help you connect with yourself and others. So how do you have a deep conversation with yourself?

Keep reading for our top 15 self-growth questions!

Why personal growth questions are helpful

Personal growth questions are deep questions that help you connect with and know yourself better. It’s also a great way to continue to grow.

In fact, a study from Taylor and Francis Online shows that reflecting can have a significant impact on your learning outcome.

Spending some time every quarter or once a year can help you improve your attitude and figure out how to be at peace with yourself.

And it can help you figure out what the most essential things in your life are, like slowing down or personal development.

What is personal growth?

Personal growth is when you improve yourself, whether that’s changing your attitude, behavior, or habits. For example, practicing mindfulness can help you improve your overall outlook. Or maybe you want to learn to control your anger.

Self-growth questions are one of the first steps toward personal growth. Becoming more aware of who you are and also where you want to improve can help you become a better person and create a self-growth plan.

15 personal growth questions to ask yourself

Interested in improving yourself? If so, take out your favorite journal and pen or open a document on your laptop and write down the answers to these top personal growth questions:

1. What am I grateful for?

Identify the areas in your life you appreciate. So what are you most grateful for? That can be outside things, like where you live, your loved ones, or personal things like how you laugh, your sense of adventure, or how you overcome difficult situations.

You can keep a gratitude journal and write down three things you’re thankful for on a daily basis.

2. Is there anything I'm worried about?

Is there something that you are constantly worried about? Maybe it’s money or your health.

Find the source of your anxiety and fear so you can work on overcoming those feelings.

3. What type of worker am I?

Think about the type of worker you are. According to one study, there are six different types of workers: operators, givers, pioneers, artisans, explorers, and strivers.

So think about what motivates you at work and what irritates you to figure out which one you might be.

4. What do I want others to see in me? 

Another one of the personal growth questions you can ask is what you want others to see in you. Do you want people to think of you as kind or patient?

Then reflect on whether you have those skill sets and if there is anything you can do to improve.

5. How do I see myself?

This question can help you figure out what type of person you are. Do you see yourself as being thoughtful or impatient? Angry or gentle?

Knowing how you want others to see you and also how you see yourself can help you make sure that the two images are as closely aligned as possible.

6. What do I value in myself? 

Another personal growth question to ask yourself is to ask about your values. What you value can change over time, so it’s a good idea to revisit this question regularly. Maybe you value the time you spend with your family or maybe you value your alone time.

Whichever the case, knowing this can help you establish your personal core values.

Personal Growth Questions infographic Personal Growth Questions infographic

7. Am I afraid of anything?

Another of the self-growth questions you can ask yourself is what you are scared of, or what keeps you up at night. Are you scared of failure? Or maybe you’re scared of spiders.

Knowing what you’re scared of can help you identify ways to overcome your fears.

8. What inspires me?

Is there something that inspires you? Do you know what it is? Maybe it’s a type of book, a song, or something a loved one once told you.

Whatever it is, knowing what inspires you can help you on days when you’re not feeling motivated.

9. What helps me relax?

When you are feeling stressed, do you have a go-to relaxation method? It could be deep breathing, playing with your pet, or just going for a walk.

Spend time reflecting on the best method to help you relax the next time you’re feeling overwhelmed. That way when you have anxiety you already have some healthy coping mechanisms in place to help you overcome your feelings.

10. Do I like who I am?

One of the most important yet difficult personal growth questions to ask yourself is whether you like who you are. Are there aspects of your personality you want to improve?

Or maybe you’re really happy with yourself and how you’ve grown over the years. Knowing that answer is an important part of self-growth.

11. What's most important to me?

Do you know what is most important to you? Maybe that is your career or you want to spend more time enjoying your hobbies.

Asking yourself what aspect of your life and your values are most important can help you identify if they are lacking in your life. And you can then figure out the best way to make sure you’re living up to your values.

12. What is my greatest accomplishment?

Sometimes we don’t value ourselves or what we have done enough. Write down your greatest accomplishments, no matter how small they might seem. Maybe you were the first to graduate from college or you paid off your credit card debt.

However big or small it might seem, having a list of accomplishments in front of you will do a lot to boost your self-esteem and show you how much you’ve grown.

13. How would I describe my ideal day?

While this might seem like one of the easier personal growth questions, it can help you identify what you truly value in your day-to-day life. Do you like to get up early and go for a walk? Or maybe you like to spend your Sunday cooking.

Asking yourself about your ideal day can help you identify when you are not doing the things that make you happy. Once you know that, you can work towards finding a way to rectify the situation.

14. What am I good at?

Another of the self-growth questions worth asking yourself is what you are good at. This is not only to help you feel proud of yourself but can also help you identify options if you are looking for a career move.

Knowing what talents you have can help you market yourself to potential employers and seek jobs you’ll enjoy and thrive at.

15. Are there areas of my life that I need to improve?

For this question, reflect on different areas of your life, such as your career, friends, family, spiritual life, or health. Do you feel that one area is lacking? Maybe you’re not spending enough time with your partner or exercising as much as you should.

Identify which areas of your life you want to work on so you can make a personal development plan.

Use these personal growth questions to grow and improve your life today!

Asking yourself these personal growth questions can not only help you know yourself better but can also help you grow as a person. One of the first steps to self-growth is identifying where you need to improve.

Once you've answered these questions you can focus on figuring out what areas of your life you want to improve. And remember to never stop learning!

The post 15 Personal Growth Questions To Ask Yourself appeared first on Clever Girl Finance.

What Are Your Money Values? How To Define Them For Yourself Tue, 17 Jan 2023 19:01:05 +0000 […]

The post What Are Your Money Values? How To Define Them For Yourself appeared first on Clever Girl Finance.


themMoney values

If someone asked what your money values were, would you have any idea how to answer? Or would you find yourself searching for a response and coming up blank?

Our values are such a key part of who we are, yet often we don’t take the time to intentionally think about, define, and understand them!

For anyone looking to transform their relationship with finance, figuring out your money principles is a great first step.

Let’s explore what exactly this is, why it's important, and how to determine your own set of financial values.

What are money values?

In short, money values are the beliefs and principles that (consciously or unconsciously!) shape your relationship with money. They are your "why" around your finances.

In addition, they motivate the various decisions you make about saving, spending, investing, etc.

Examples of priorities

For instance, if you view money as a tool to help those around you, you could say that one of your core values is generosity.

If your goal is to build up a large investment portfolio so you can retire early, etc., you probably place a high value on freedom. (There’s a reason there’s a whole movement called “Financial Independence,” FI for short!)

People who are motivated by the idea of using finances to create a safe, stable life for themselves and their families value security.

Money might help you do good in the world and leave your mark—in which case you prioritize things like impact and legacy.

If you value experiences, you’ll happily spend cash on things like travel and events where you’ll be able to make memories to cherish forever.

Budgeting for yourself/your wants can signal positive values like self-care or self-expression. (As long as you’re in control and not getting into overspending territory!)

These are only a few examples of what’s possible. As you can see, our values don’t exist in a vacuum. They fit into our overall perspectives about what’s truly important and where we find fulfillment.

Why are money values important?

They matter because they impact all your financial decisions, whether you’re aware of it or not!

When your actions align with your values, you’re more likely to know what you want out of life. Living your values brings a sense of peace and confidence that you’re on the right path.

But if you don’t really know what your values are, it’s hard to always live in accordance with them. You may find yourself making choices that you regret later because they conflict with the values that you unconsciously hold.

Once you understand your priorities, you can start examining your financial decisions through that lens. It brings a deeper sense of meaning to our relationships with money and to life as a whole.

7 steps to determining your money values

Ready to start figuring out which financial priorities matter to you? Here are seven steps that can help you identify your values so you can start putting them into practice!

1. Reflect on the money beliefs you grew up with

In order to define what matters to you with purpose and intentionality, you’ll first need to unpack the principles you may have developed subconsciously. And that all starts with our formative experiences in childhood!

Questions to ask yourself

How did your parents/guardians handle money? What kinds of lessons did they teach you, either directly or indirectly through their actions?

The example parents set really can have a measurable impact on their kids’ futures.

One of the core money values I grew up with was frugality. My grandparents were all immigrants who had their formative years during times of war and the Great Depression.

Their values of things like simplicity, thrift, and a reluctance to waste anything have lasted through multiple generations.

So how have these learned values influenced me and my financial behavior? Well, you’ll never catch me throwing away leftovers or letting ingredients go bad in the fridge.

I don’t usually replace things until they stop working...or have literal holes in them. I shop at thrift stores or wait for sales. (But I’ve learned a little balance, too—like I recently stopped using the $1 shampoo from the bottom rack. You’re welcome, hair!)

Your past money experiences can be a lesson

Our childhoods can teach us good or bad lessons about money. Someone with parents who preferred spending over saving might want to unlearn some of their inherited values (e.g. instant gratification or materialism). Take the good and discard the bad!

Try writing a journal entry about the examples and experiences you had regarding money growing up, and reflect on the ways they could still influence you today.

2. Make a list of the ways money impacts your life/your “whys”

Money is part of everything in our lives, from health to career to relationships. So make a list that’s personal to you about the different ways money matters to you. It could look something like this:

  • Health: Money enables me to buy fresh, nutritious food/have a gym membership/afford my fitness hobbies/go to the doctor when I need to.
  • Career: My career is my source of income/I make career decisions based on their financial benefits/being financially independent would allow me to pursue more meaningful opportunities.
  • Family: Money allows me to provide stability for my family/spend quality time with them/build generational wealth and a better future.
  • Education: I value growth and learning and am willing to invest in my future self to improve my earning potential/myself as a person.
  • Lifestyle: A balanced lifestyle means I can live frugally and save money, while still knowing when to treat myself and have fun.
  • Mental wellness: Being financially secure will decrease my stress and anxiety around money.
  • Giving: Money is a tool for me to help causes that matter to me, e.g. helping animals/protecting nature/supporting disease research/investing in my community.
  • Retirement/future: Saving for retirement now means I can secure a safe, comfortable future as I grow older.

Think of as many categories as you can and go for it! This list is going to provide the why behind your money values and everything you do.

3. Outline your financial goals

What do you plan to achieve in the short and long term? You can use your list of categories to help you brainstorm goals for yourself that are tied in some way to your finances.

For instance, your goals could be a mix of things like:

There are some tricks to approaching goal-setting in a way that increases the chances that you'll succeed. Learn about strategies that will help you really achieve your goals.

4. Think about your personal values/ethics

Chances are, your money values are going to be rooted in your personal values. So what sort of person do you want to be?

What causes matter to you? How do you want to treat those around you? In addition, what beliefs and principles do you rely on to guide your life choices?

Establish 5 principles for your money

Take a quick detour to our article on how to establish your personal core values. Once you have that framework, come up with around 5 values/ethical principles you’d like to live by.

It might be helpful to read through a list of values and see which words resonate with you. You can certainly pick more than 5, but try to keep yourself focused on the ones that truly are most important to you.

Think about some of the actions you've taken and decisions you've made in the past and what values those might exemplify.

Examples of values

So if one of your personal core values is compassion, you might be more driven to donate your money/devote your career to causes that help others.

If a core value is adventure, you might dedicate a larger percentage of your budget to travel and experiences.

For those whose core values revolve around family, your financial decisions will be oriented toward protecting and providing for those closest to you.

Being driven by success might help you climb to the top of your career ladder, start a thriving business, etc.

5. Figure out your priorities

You can’t do everything at once, so what values and goals are your top priorities? Keeping these front and center in your mind will motivate you and help with your day-to-day financial choices.

It’s a lot easier to resist impulse purchases when you remember the bigger picture you’re working to create!

Saving and investing can feel like a slog, but money values help you apply meaning to every dollar you’re putting aside so you can build a fulfilling life.

Not sure how to sort through your goals and make a priority list? Here are some steps to help you define your priorities.

6. Revisit your values over time

As our lives change, it’s natural for our values to shift too. Consider making it a yearly tradition to sit down with yourself and reflect on your personal journey, the lessons you’ve learned, and the goals you’ve checked off your list.

Look back on the financial priorities you put on your list in previous years and see if those are still the most important things to you.

Are they still supporting your personal and financial journey? If not, there’s nothing wrong with making a few tweaks or even starting fresh!

Reinventing yourself from time to time is healthy and natural—it happens as we grow, learn, and change. You never have to be locked into one version of yourself, and the same goes for your personal values and your financial principles.

Time to start living your money values!

Coming up with your list of money values is just the first step. But you won’t see those values start to impact your life until you put them into action!

Consequently, it’s helpful to think about your values and your goals in tandem. Your goals are the actionable steps and outcomes you want to achieve, while your values are the reason those goals are important to you.

Lastly, it’s up to you to keep yourself accountable here, because no one gets to chime in on your values except you! Here are some ideas for how to keep a commitment to yourself in a way that helps you achieve your goals—and put your priorities into practice!

The post What Are Your Money Values? How To Define Them For Yourself appeared first on Clever Girl Finance.

34 Important Life Lessons That Will Change Your Life! Tue, 17 Jan 2023 11:43:00 +0000 […]

The post 34 Important Life Lessons That Will Change Your Life! appeared first on Clever Girl Finance.


Important life lessons

Did you know that many of our most important life lessons can teach us a thing or two about how to also handle our money? That’s right! Many of the principles that we learn to live by can be applied to other areas of life, including your finances.

For example, you’ve probably learned that life is what you make it. Well, your finances are what you make of them too!

The best lessons in life can help you make better decisions with your money and also give you a new perspective and a better life.

34 Important life lessons to learn for your finances

Here are 34 important life lessons that can teach you a lot about money and even help you get your life together!

1. Patience is valuable

Among the good life lessons that we can all stand to learn, there's the necessity of patience. Patience is when you're able to wait on something with peace and without reacting in a negative way.

There are many things in life that we have to wait for that require a lot of patience.

How patience relates to money

When it comes to managing your finances, this virtue is also essential. You can use patience when weighing your investment options when starting a business (and taking the time to make it successful) and you can also practice patience when saving money.

If you can learn to have patience on your financial journey and not be deterred from your goals, you’ll be able to experience true financial success.

2. Learn from your mistakes

We all make mistakes in life. Some mistakes are more consequential than others, but they all can serve as learning experiences.

As you progress in your financial life, you’re bound to make mistakes. The key, though, is to not let those mistakes define your future.

Instead, you should learn from them and make better decisions going forward. If you can learn from your past failures, they can be leveraged to help you make progress.

3. You shouldn't care what others think

Unfortunately, we can easily get caught up in what others think of us. When you care too much about other people’s opinions, it impacts how you make decisions.

Instead of doing what is best for you, your decisions are based on what others think you should do.

When it comes to making decisions about your finances, it should be personal. That means that you shouldn’t care what others think as long as you’re working toward positive financial goals.

One of the most important life lessons to learn that can affect your finances is learning not to focus on what others think of you.

4. Get out of your comfort zone

If you want to achieve something of significance in life, you’ll have to get out of your comfort zone. Likewise, if you want to achieve big things with your finances, you’ll also have to move beyond what's comfortable and take risks.

Examples of risks that pay off

An example of getting out of your financial comfort zone would be doing something big with your money, like buying a house or beginning to invest, even if you're new to it. Adding new experiences and exploring different ideas can be great for your finances.

Another example could be switching jobs so that you earn more income. Although it may be difficult, it’ll lead to significant benefits for your finances, proving that moving beyond your comfort zone is one of the valuable life lessons.

To help you get started, check out our list of comfort zone challenges!

5. The early bird gets the worm

In life, when you’re first to arrive or adopt something, you usually have an advantage over people that arrive later.

For instance, if you get up early, you may find that you can accomplish more in your day than others do.

Investing early

It's one of the good life lessons you can take into your finances as well--specifically when it comes to investing.

The earlier you are investing, the more of an advantage you have. You might also be one of the first to invest in a company that ends up doing incredibly well.

Your money has more time to grow in the market, which means that you’re able to build more wealth. So be an early bird and start investing as soon as possible.

6. You have not because you ask not

You get more in life when you actually ask for what you want and need. The same is true for your finances.

We tend to overlook opportunities to save money or even make money because we simply don’t ask.

For example, a few things that you should be asking for when paying off debt include:

Can the interest rate be reduced?

Can the fees be waived?

Could the interest be temporarily removed?

These are all things that you can take advantage of, but you won’t know until you ask. Take this life advice and ask for what you want and need with your money.

7. Be comfortable with failure

There’s going to be something that you fail at; it's one of the big lessons in life. But did you know that failure is actually part of success?

You may have had some errors in judgment with your money, but that doesn't mean you can't learn from it and keep going. In addition, if you expect that failures will happen on occasion, you can prepare yourself to succeed in the future and recover from failure faster.

8. The only way to make progress is to start

One of the most important life lessons you can learn that is pretty obvious but still worth stating is to make progress.

The only way that you can make progress in life is by actually doing something. There’s absolutely no progress in simply knowing what you should do but doing nothing.

Likewise, you can’t make progress in your finances if you don’t start. You’ll never be able to save money if you don’t start with your first dollar. You’ll never pay off debt if you never make the first payment.

Progress begins with starting. A huge part of starting is setting goals. For instance, setting professional goals, financial goals, and more can create a plan to accomplish them!

9. Planning for the unexpected is an important life lesson

Life is full of surprises. Ultimately, these surprises can impact your finances. That’s why it’s important to prepare for the unexpected with an emergency fund and the proper insurance coverage.

As an example, no one expects to lose their job, but it happens. You can mitigate the financial burden of losing a job by having an emergency fund in place.

When it comes to your finances, you should always have a plan to help mitigate risks.

10. If at first you don’t succeed, try again

It's nothing unusual for parents to encourage their children to keep trying when they don’t get things the first time.

Despite it being ingrained in us as children, that resilience sometimes escapes us as adults. So, I’ll remind you again—if at first, you don’t succeed, try again.

Perhaps you haven’t been successful at finding a higher-paying job or even buying your first home. Don’t let a minor setback or delay in your progress cause you to quit.

Get back out there and try again! Your financial goals depend on you being resilient no matter what is thrown at you.

11. Failure to plan is planning to fail

Not having a plan to accomplish your goals is a recipe for failure. Success doesn’t just happen by luck or coincidence. It would help if you had a plan that will guide your actions to reach your goals.

Your financial success won’t happen without a plan. Start by creating your own financial plan along with a budget.

With a solid roadmap for reaching your financial goals, it’s almost inevitable that you’ll achieve them.

12. Your network determines your net worth

There’s a belief that the people around you will determine your trajectory in life. If you have friends that aren't a good influence, it’s likely that you won’t go far in life.

On the other hand, if you surround yourself with successful people, it’s almost impossible not to be successful.

How network influences finances

Your network of friends can also have an impact on your money. If you know the right people, you’ll have access to opportunities to make more money. It could mean job opportunities or business ventures.

Either way, from a financial standpoint, it literally pays to surround yourself with the right circle of influence.

13. Be grateful

Out of all the important life lessons, learning to be content is a game-changer. It’s easy to look at the things that we don’t have in life and complain.

However, when you learn to be grateful for what you have, you’ll find that you’re content.

You may not have all the money that you’d like to have, but the great news is that you have something. Something is always better than nothing.

Likewise, you may not be at the point you’d like to be financially, but you’re not where you once were. These are all things to be grateful for.

14. Your words will create your world

Did you know that one of the most valuable life lessons is we have the ability to shape our lives by the words that we say? If you say that negative things will happen, don’t be surprised if they do!

Ultimately, your life will be the sum total of your decisions and the words that you speak. It would be prudent to speak positively.

Knowing that your words have power, you should speak positively when it comes to your finances too. We’ve even made it simple for you!

You can recite these financial affirmations that’ll help you start speaking positively about your finances.

15. Give and it will be given to you

In life, there is a law of reciprocity. It means that when you do something, it’ll be done to you. So if you give, others will give to you as well.

Which doesn’t mean that you do things just to get something in return. Instead, you do things out of the kindness of your heart.

The principle works with your money too. When you learn how to be generous with your money, you’ll find that you’ll be on the receiving end of generosity too.

So as you budget your money, make room for giving. It can be to a religious organization, a philanthropic cause, or even a stranger in need.

16. Seek wise counsel

It’s always important to seek wise counsel when you’re making decisions. Although you don’t want to merely live a life based on other people’s thoughts and opinions, there is a time and place for advice.

Financial advisors

The same is true for money. At the end of the day, you have to do what’s best for you. However, it doesn’t hurt to also get the advice of experienced financial advisors.

Hiring a financial advisor is great if you’re stuck on how to manage your money, you’re just starting on your financial wellness journey, or you have a complicated financial situation.

In any case, it’s important to do your due diligence to find the right advisor for your situation.

17. Having boundaries is important

Having boundaries is necessary for a peaceful and productive life and is one of the good life lessons you should remember. Without boundaries, people will treat you however they feel. That isn’t healthy.

By setting boundaries with friends, family, and colleagues, you establish how you want to be treated in life. You also establish the access you allow others to have to you.

Financial boundaries

It’s important to have boundaries in your finances as well. Some examples of financial boundaries that you can set include how much you spend on specific items if you give money to family and friends, and how much risk you’re willing to take with investments.

Having these boundaries allows you to further control your finances and manage them in a way that you’re comfortable with.

18. Nothing in life is free

As you matured into adulthood, this one thing became clear to you: nothing in life is free! Everything comes at a cost—whether time or money. Preparing financially to pay for the things that you want is one of the lessons in life.

A great way to do this is to have sinking funds that will allow you to save for your future expenses. Learning that nothing in life is free is one of the most important life lessons to learn and apply to your finances!

19. Slow and steady wins the race

Have you ever heard of the story of the tortoise and the hare? The moral of this old tale is that “slow and steady wins the race.”

Sometimes, it may not feel like you are making progress in life, but you’ll eventually reach your goal if you keep at it.

Working on your financial goals may seem like a slow and arduous process, but just like the tortoise, you'll achieve your goals if you keep at them. Apply this important life lesson when paying off debt, saving money, and even investing.

Slow, strategic steps will inevitably lead to success.

20. Ignorance isn’t bliss

Sometimes being ignorant of life’s realities can feel like bliss. Ultimately, it gives us an excuse not to challenge ourselves to do better. That isn’t bliss.

Being ignorant of how to manage your finances isn’t bliss either. In fact, not knowing what to do with your money can cost you in the long run.

Getting access to financial education—like our completely free courses—allows you to know exactly what to do with your money so that you can build and afford a life that you enjoy.

21. Prioritize your health

Maintaining good health can not only save you money and time, but it also helps you to function at your very best for many years.

Focus on eating right, drinking lots of water, and being consistent about an exercise routine, whether that's yoga twice a week or running a mile each morning.

Taking care of your health can lead to better discipline and habits in other areas of your life, too, like with money.

22. Buy things based on value, not convenience

One good way to make sure you spend your money wisely is to think about value. Knowing how much an item or experience is worth to you is among the valuable life lessons to learn.

Begin buying things based on their value to you, not just on convenience. Or even worse, buying something because everyone else is.

Value-based buying can truly help you not waste money and be more content with what you purchase.

23. Habits are key to winning at anything

Whether you would like to acquire a new skill, succeed at work, or become a morning person, healthy habits are going to get you there. It's good to set a specific goal but also follow that up with a plan and then be consistent every single day.

Good habits over time will help you accomplish things that, at one point, seemed completely impossible.

Not to mention it helps with money by helping you build consistency into your life. You can apply your habits and rituals to money by budgeting at specific times, setting short-term goals and reaching them, and routinely earning more money.

24. Always presume that you have something to learn

Rather than thinking you have all the answers in life, assume that you have something to learn in every situation. Doing so can help you with your finances and other things, too.

For example, if you've been saving money for years but haven't invested any of it, assume you have things to learn and start researching. You'll soon find that the knowledge you've gained helps you a lot!

25. Work isn't everything but it's important to work efficiently

Rather than working constantly, be efficient about the way that you work. Group similar projects together and don't waste time. That way, you can get more done and also increase your chances of pay raises and promotions.

In addition, you may find that you have more free time to spend on the things that matter to you.

26. Be present instead of living in the past or the future

Staying focused on the present moment is a beautiful thing. There are times for considering the past and planning for the future, but most of life should be spent right where you're at - in the present.

That way you don't miss out on the wonderful opportunities and great moments that are part of each day.

And since you work so hard to pay for the things that you have, like a nice home or the opportunity to travel, one of the best ways to live is to enjoy the moment.

27. If you're wondering if you should read more, the answer is yes

Reading can help you gain wisdom for many things, including finances, career, time management, and more. Even better, reading great books is many times free and can help you learn many important life lessons.

So make time for reading so you can keep learning.

28. When it comes to finances, think long term

You aren't necessarily going to become rich tomorrow. Instead, you need to plan with money many years into the future.

Yes, a budget is a good place to start, but also consider things like investing, retirement, and where you want to be financially in twenty or thirty years.

29. Recognize distractions from your goals for what they are

Even if everyone else you know seems to be wasting time or only focusing on fun, stick to your goals.

Knowing what you want in your career and finances will keep you moving in the right direction. There is a time and place for free time and enjoying life, but don't forget to work hard, too!

30. Emotional intelligence is highly underrated

A lot of people are smart, but if they lack empathy or self-awareness, they may find working with others and making friends to be difficult.

Take the time to really listen to others and try to understand what their feelings and motivations are. Then everyone can succeed and you may find that you do well with your career and your financial opportunities increase.

31. Don't let what you own control you

It's better to have less stuff and less debt than to have to keep working very hard to pay for the items you own.

You don't want to be constantly paying things off and never getting ahead with money because of possessions. Instead, be mindful of spending and saving so what you own doesn't control you.

32. Live your life according to what matters to you

You probably have money and career goals you want to meet, but remember that your values are the most important thing.

Don't compromise what you believe to be most important in order to make more money, such as giving up time with your family to work extra long hours for years.

When you make decisions about finances, always do so according to what matters most.

33. Sticking to a schedule can help you achieve your dreams

It may sound boring, but planning out your day and your week, or even your whole month, can change your financial life.

When you know how you'll spend your time each day and how many hours you'll work, you can plan your budget and goals. It can help you to take your dreams from seeming impossible to being part of your future.

34. When it's about your money, do your own research

Others advice can be beneficial in many situations. There are a lot of financial experts who can guide you in the right direction with your money.

However, even if people mean well, you are the one who is most affected by your financial future.

You should never take anyone's word for it about what to do with your finances. Instead, research and get all of your questions answered before making an investment or spending on something important.

Apply these important life lessons to your finances!

As you can see, some of life’s most important lessons can also be applied to your finances. You simply have to look at the principle in each lesson, and you’ll see how they can help you become better with your money and your goals.

Not only should you apply these important life lessons, but it’s important to also find resources that can help you on your financial journey.

Increase your financial motivation by finding out more about investing and saving your money, in addition to having a great money mindset.

The post 34 Important Life Lessons That Will Change Your Life! appeared first on Clever Girl Finance.

Closing A Chapter In Life And Moving On: 7 Practical Tips Thu, 22 Dec 2022 17:56:06 +0000 […]

The post Closing A Chapter In Life And Moving On: 7 Practical Tips appeared first on Clever Girl Finance.


Closing a chapter in life

Change is a natural part of life but, for some of us, it can be harder than for others. Closing a chapter in life in order to move forward might seem like a gigantic challenge at times.

Whether you want to change the way you manage your finances or walk away from a toxic workplace, getting comfortable with ending things is vital.

In the following guide, we will delve into why it’s important to move forward and how you can start doing it.

Why do we find it challenging to move on?

Moving past the old and welcoming the new can be difficult. You may find yourself holding onto something in your life — even if it’s not doing you any good.

Whether it’s a job that you hate or a spending habit, it can be tough to let go of something that has become comfortable. There’s a reason that you struggle to move forward.

No change can mean less anxiety

Experts suggest that this is because we are in our comfort zone. Quoted from, a comfort zone is “a psychological state in which things feel familiar to a person and they are at ease and in control of their environment, experiencing low levels of anxiety and stress.”

Put simply, when you avoid changing things in your life, it is so that you can lower your stress levels. However, when the thing you need to rid yourself of is causing you stress, that presents a conundrum.

For example, if you always spend too much on expensive clothing and it’s getting you into debt, walking away from that problem will make you happier overall.

The importance of closing a chapter in life

There’s a lot to be said for closing a chapter in life and moving on. When we stay in one place, we may stagnate and not progress as far as we could.

While it’s human to want to hold onto comfortable situations, we need to learn when the right time is to quit something and move on. Here are some of the ways that taking this leap can help you improve your lifestyle.

Avoid repeating old patterns

Are you repeating the same patterns again and again? If you tend to find yourself in the same unfortunate situations — by your own choice — now is the time to stop things. Changing your perspective and attitude will help you redefine your future.

Make room for new experiences

The age-old saying by Alexander Graham Bell goes “when you shut one door, another one opens.” Before you can start having new experiences, you need to stop repeating the old ones.

Or you might be so busy dealing with the chaos that surrounds you that you can’t enjoy new things.

Change your financial future

Your financial future is in your hands, and it always will be. If you are caught up in old habits — such as overspending or failing to save — you can overcome those obstacles.

It is only when you start closing a chapter in life and moving on that you can do that. Learning from your past mistakes will allow you to make a solid financial plan for the future.

Figure out what you really want

What do you really want in life? Chances are, if you’re constantly repeating the same mistakes, you don’t know yet. People stick to comfortable situations when they are unsure of how to move forward.

It’s a common pattern but you have the opportunity to change it. When you close one chapter, you can stop, and consider how you want your story to go.

7 practical tips for closing a chapter in life

Now that you understand the importance of closing a chapter in life and moving forward, let’s go over how you can do that.

The truth is that you need to change your behavior and actions if you want different outcomes. Let’s take a look at seven small (but significant) things you can do that will help you switch the narrative.

1.  Focus on yourself

Before you can leave one chapter behind you, you have to change your perspective. Sometimes, it’s as simple as starting with why.

Why do you do what you do? Who are you doing it for?

Often enough, when we are hesitant to move forward, it is because of someone else. Perhaps you overspent to show off to others and got yourself into debt. Maybe you are staying in a bad relationship because you do not want to hurt the other person’s feelings.

Whatever the reason, you need to start focusing on yourself. When you’re clear on how you want your future to look — without considering everyone around you — you can start taking the steps to get there. Be selfish in a positive way, and think about what you want.

2. Reflect on what you’ve learned

We all make mistakes now and then but that shouldn’t hold you back. While it’s normal to mess things up, what matters the most is what you do next. When you’ve done something wrong, how do you fix it and start to move forward?

If it is time to close a chapter and move on, take a moment to consider what you have learned. In every experience that we have, we learn a new lesson that we can use.

For example, if you have always lived paycheck to paycheck but have no savings, that can be a scary position.

If your car breaks down and you need cash to pay for the repairs, you may find that you come up short! In that case, you have learned the value of saving and can apply that lesson to your future finances.

3. Avoid repeating the same mistakes

What you were doing before now wasn’t working and you should recognize that. For example, if you were running up debt from overspending, that was causing you a problem.

By acknowledging and accepting the mistakes you’ve made, you can start to move past them and avoid making the same mistakes time and time again.

4. Try journaling to stay on track

When you are struggling with change and closing a chapter in life, one of the best things you can do is journal.

Writing down the problem or the experience can be a cathartic activity. What’s more, there are many mental health benefits to journaling that you may not have expected.

As an added bonus, you can also use your journal as a financial planner. If the thing you want to change is your budget, you can write down your spending habits here.

5. Start a new hobby

Think about what it truly means to try something new. Research suggests that doing something fun, such as a hobby, can improve your mental health.

Look for hobbies that don’t cost a lot of money. You don’t want to ruin your finances by doing something expensive. Instead, you might want to try a free activity, a sport, or even volunteering opportunities.

6. Make some plans for the future

What would future you thank you for doing today? Can you make your life easier and, of course, happier as you get older?

If you are focusing on the past, you need to switch things up. Envision the financial future that you want and start working towards it.

7. Start tracking your finances

As you move into this new financial future, you should keep track of your progress. For example, if sticking to a budget is difficult for you, try looking at ways you can stay on track (even when it gets tough!).

For example, you might want to use a spreadsheet or app to see how much you’re spending on a month-by-month basis. If you have always been bad at monitoring your finances, this tip will help you to close that chapter of your life and move forward.

The more on top of your money you are, the easier this whole process will be. Think about which tracking approach will work for your lifestyle.

Closing a chapter in life can be an opportunity for something new

Does the idea of closing a chapter excite or scare you? When you start to clear out the old, unhelpful habits, you can make way for the new. That rule is especially true when it comes to your finances.

If your budget is not in tip-top condition, it’s time to make some positive changes. It’s only when you wave goodbye to bad financial habits that you can start better ones.

Whether it’s saving more or spending less, these practical tips can help you succeed!

The post Closing A Chapter In Life And Moving On: 7 Practical Tips appeared first on Clever Girl Finance.

How To Not Let Things Bother You: 6 Practical Tips Wed, 21 Dec 2022 14:56:09 +0000 […]

The post How To Not Let Things Bother You: 6 Practical Tips appeared first on Clever Girl Finance.


How to not let things bother you

Do you ever think about how much you get irritated by little things that happen? Well, if you know how to not let things bother you when they interrupt your day, that’s an awesome superpower.

It’s all too easy to let tiny incidents affect your mood. Some days things just don’t seem to go your way, or everything that happens is slightly wrong.

Luckily, you can train yourself to let things roll off your back without bothering you.

How small annoyances can bother you

First off, let’s talk about what those small annoyances might be. I’m not talking about major injustices like the gender wage gap, but about much smaller issues.

While your pet peeves may be different from your friends, these small annoyances are just things that get in your way.

When something slows you down, when someone misunderstands you, or when you get inconvenienced, those aren’t major life problems.

Annoyance examples

Do you find that you’re easily annoyed when:

  • Someone cuts you off in traffic
  • You can’t find the brand of snacks you wanted in the store
  • People don’t take you seriously
  • Your partner leaves every light on in the house
  • The kids wait until the last minute to tell you about their science project

There are a million things that could happen on any given day to throw you off. Basically, when things don’t go according to your plans, it can be very upsetting or frustrating.

While it’s normal to be bothered, here’s why you might want to stop letting things bother you so deeply.

Letting things bother you can have big impacts

You might first think about why this even matters. While these small annoyances might not be big by themselves, they can actually do a lot of damage.

It can cause direct harm to your health

When I think through what it means to let something bother me, the main word that comes to mind is stress. Letting things bother you on a daily basis can add to your stress levels.

Even though a bit of stress can be healthy, long-term or chronic stress can have serious effects on your body. That means that learning how to not let things bother you can be a form of stress prevention and management.

Excessive or long-term stress can cause depression, and lead to weight gain and a less effective immune system.

You can use these stress-relieving hobbies to help you prevent stress from overwhelming you, but another strategy is to stop letting things bother you.

It may lead to poor financial choices

Another negative outcome of letting things bother you is that you might not make the best choices. When you’re under a lot of stress because everything and everyone drives you crazy, you could make poor financial choices.

For example, some of us shop when we’re stressed out. “Retail therapy” isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, though.

Stress shopping could lead to high-interest debt, filling your house with stuff you’ll later need to declutter, and not reaching your other financial goals.

When you let things bother you, you might not take the time to think through decisions well. No matter how disciplined you are, you can still make unhealthy spending decisions based on feeling stressed and annoyed.

It can harm your relationships

If you tend to panic or get angry over small things that happen, what is that doing to your relationships? You may realize you need to learn how to not let things bother you when your relationships suffer.

Obviously, when things bother you, it’s okay to tell the people in your life about it.

I’m not saying you shouldn’t communicate your expectations to your loved ones. (If you didn’t, how would the dishes ever get done?) But you can’t be annoyed about every single tiny thing all day long.

Relationship problems will happen if you are always unsatisfied with life. You can’t expect to get along well with your spouse, your children, your friends, or your boss if you’re constantly angry.

Letting things bother you can be a huge source of tension in relationships, so it’s important to learn healthy ways of managing.

6 tips for how to not let things bother you

Now you are aware of how problematic small annoyances can be, why not try some tips for how to not let things bother you?

You won’t avoid all inconveniences or get people to stop doing annoying things (sorry)! But you can definitely take charge and improve your stress levels by changing how you respond.

1. Remember what’s in your control

Our first tip for how to stop letting things bother you is to remember what you can control. When you need to get back on track with anything — finances, family, health, career — you must know what’s in your control. You can’t control everything.

Let go of what you don’t control

Recognizing that you’re not in control of everything in the world is a freeing moment. Admit that there are forces outside your realm of control.

You can’t make annoying family members treat you more kindly or make all the stoplights green for your morning commute.

When you’re tempted to blow up in anger (or silently vent in your head) about something, try to think about the big picture. Practice mindfulness, take a deep breath, and remember that you don’t control it all.

If something is happening that you can’t change or stop, see if you can let it go. This can be really tough — of course, you want to manage your life and your future. But you can lower your annoyance level by recognizing that you can’t control it all.

Fix what you can

The other side of this is that you can do quite a few things to make life better. You might not be able to instantly stop being poor, because that’s a complicated thing. But you can make small choices that will make a big impact on your finances.

If there’s someone in your life who constantly causes stress and irritation, try to fix what you can. See whether taking a different approach with that person would help the situation.

Know that you can't control other people's behavior

A lot of conflict in our lives comes from interactions with others, so knowing that you can’t control others’ behavior is helpful.

Whatever the problem is, it does little good to focus on the things you can’t change. You’re better off spending your energy on actions you can take to make life better.

2. Set clear boundaries with others

Here’s another idea for how to not let things bother you. Too often, do you find yourself annoyed because a friend keeps doing the same things to you? You need to set boundaries with the people in your life.

Maybe your friend is always five minutes late for your monthly coffee date and you sit at the table fuming about it. Instead, you could accept that she’s perpetually late and plan to read a good frugal living blog while you wait.

Decide what you will and won't accept

You can help avoid letting things bother you by setting healthy boundaries in friendships and other relationships. It’s not your fault if someone continually bothers you with their behavior, but you must decide what you’ll tolerate.

Boundaries aren’t rules that you set for other people. Rather, they’re a decision you make for yourself about what you will and won't accept. So you can set boundaries by talking to your friends and family about what you need and want.

Setting healthy boundaries might mean not agreeing to split the cost of an expensive weekend trip. It may mean saying that you’ll come to the party, but you won’t drink alcohol. The key is to stay focused on your goals even if others are unsupportive.

Stop sharing your goals with everyone

Here’s something a lot of us have problems with when it comes to boundaries: We overshare. If you’re someone who always shares your biggest life goals with everyone, you’ll likely get hurt.

Something that might bother you would be when you excitedly tell someone about your new business plans, and they just aren’t impressed. They don’t see the point of your business, or they warn you of how hard it is to succeed.

Know that not everyone will be supportive

Setting big goals is admirable and you should not hold back! Be bold and go for your dreams.

But…not everyone in your life will understand or support you in the way you’d like. This can lead to frustration on your part.

A part of good boundaries is knowing who to tell about your biggest hopes, dreams, and goals. You can avoid a lot of disappointment by being discerning in who you share your goals with.

Sara Blakely, the uber-successful founder of Spanx, has said that in the earliest days, she kept her business idea a secret. She knew that her family might (lovingly) try to stop her from taking a risk.

You may want to do the same with your big ideas. Find one or two people you trust completely, but don’t feel you have to share your goals with everyone you know.

Say no

How can saying “no” help you to learn how to stop letting things bother you? This is another great strategy that goes along with boundary-setting. When you say no to things, you set a boundary of what you’ll do with your time.

If you can say no to things that aren’t important to you, you might be less likely to let things bother you. Here’s why.

Let’s say your child’s teacher asks you to bake 30 cupcakes for tomorrow’s class party. If you say yes after you’ve already provided snacks for three parties this year, you’re probably resentful.

But if you simply say no right away, you let the task slide to someone else. You don’t have to be responsible for everything, and it’s okay to say no. Instead of silently simmering about the teacher asking you (again) or being annoyed with the other parents, make the choice to say no.

Whatever the situation, saying no can help you avoid letting things bother you. It may be hard to say no, especially if you’re a people-pleaser.

But for your own health, you can say no. You’re setting a boundary and letting go of control.

3. Assume the best about others

Whenever random moments are causing stress throughout your day, you can flip your perspective. Instead of growing angry at people for their mistakes, try to assume the best about them. You might call this giving them the “benefit of the doubt.”

Practice empathy

Part of the task of assuming the best means trying to see things from another’s perspective. Empathy is when you have the ability to understand and share the feelings of another.

Learning how to be non-judgmental is a great strategy for not letting things bother you. Practicing empathy, or seeing things from another’s point of view, means you understand they might be having a tough day.

If someone cuts you off while driving, you may not know why. But it doesn’t do any good to get road rage. Instead, try to assume good things about that person, and imagine that they may be hurrying due to an emergency.

Whatever is bothering you about another person, empathy can diffuse your anger. You’ll start to see the person as being like you, and you’ll have compassionate thoughts about them.

Remember that everyone makes mistakes

Along the same lines as empathy, you can remind yourself that we all make mistakes. I’m not saying you should engage in negative self-talk. But it’s easier to assume the best about others when you remember that you aren’t perfect.

Reminding yourself that you are flawed, just like everyone else, may help you to give more grace. When someone drives you crazy, keep in mind that you probably drive them crazy at times too.

We’re all human, and everyone makes mistakes. People will disappoint you — it’s a guarantee. The next time a friend or family member does something you dislike, try to remember that. You’ll be more forgiving and patient, and it’ll help you keep your own stress down as well.

4. Talk or write about your feelings

Another strategy for how to not let things bother you is to find an outlet to express yourself. Often this happens through talking out loud or writing about how you feel. Expressing your frustrations can surprisingly lower your frustration level.

Journal about what bothers you

A great way to improve mental health and learn how to stop letting things bother you is journaling. Writing in a journal or diary lets you spill out your emotions about what has happened. It’s a means of processing your emotions and your life.

The University of Rochester Medical Center explains that when you journal, it “can help you gain control of your emotions and improve your mental health.” When little things in life are bothering you, journaling allows you to manage that stress and anxiety.

Journaling as a form of self-care means writing down your thoughts and feelings in a non-judgmental way. It can help to pour out everything that’s bothering you on paper. Somehow, after journaling about something upsetting, the problem often seems to shrink.

Things that bother you won’t go away with a journal. But you may find that you’re able to let things go more quickly, see things from other people's perspectives, and enjoy lower stress levels.

Talk to people you trust

A similar tactic to journaling is simply talking with someone you trust. When learning how to not let things bother you requires that you communicate with other people at times.

The best person to talk with may not always be the person who did the annoying thing. In fact, sometimes in the heat of the moment, the best choice is to walk away and say nothing. But talking with a trusted friend offers similar benefits to journaling.

Talking it out with a good friend can help you gain perspective on your problems. When things bother you, they can remind you of what’s real. You might be tempted to exaggerate a problem, while they can show you that the problem is smaller than you think.

5. Stay focused on gratitude

Our next tip for how to not let things bother you is to return to gratitude. Cultivating a grateful spirit will offer a much-needed perspective on the little things you don’t like in life.

Gratitude can remind you of how lucky you are

First of all, gratitude opens your eyes to what is good and happy in your life. Practicing gratitude helps you to remember all the blessings you have. Keeping a daily gratitude list is one way to accomplish this.

When you’re irritated beyond belief about some inconvenience, it can be hard to be grateful. But most of the time, you’ll find that you have more to be grateful for than to be angry about.

Remember how fortunate you are. Whether you keep a gratitude journal, or you pause to give thanks in your mind at specific times each day, gratitude is a great tool.

Learn to appreciate things in life, instead of being bothered by the little things. Notice things like a cardinal perched outside your windowsill, a spontaneous hug from your teenager, and a great cup of coffee at the start of the day.

Gratitude takes your focus off what bothers you

A practice of gratitude is so useful because it shows you what is positive and helps you to shift your focus. Don’t waste time worrying about the little things.

You can build contentment into your life by taking your focus off the bad moments. Which doesn’t mean you deny that sometimes life can be hard. But usually, dwelling on the negative doesn’t accomplish much other than to make you angrier.

The next time you find yourself reacting in frustration to an unruly child or a rude customer, try gratitude instead. Take a deep breath and think through how lucky you are.

You can improve your mindset around money, family, work, and everything else by cultivating gratitude.

6. Try to see the humor in things

Finally, when nothing seems to help, see if you can find humor in your circumstances. Sometimes you just need to laugh about things that are ridiculous or unfair. Laughter is a great cure for what bothers you.

Humor can improve your mood

This may seem obvious, but allowing yourself to see the humor in your situation can improve your mood. Laughter has health benefits like helping you to relax, improving your immune system, relieving pain, and elevating your mood.

It can be hard to manufacture laughter on cue, but trying to see a humorous side to the annoying situations can help. Laughter can make it easier for you to cope with difficulties.

Just as some of us need a funny quote to help us make good choices, you might need to try laughter when you’d normally be upset.

Find reasons to laugh every day

It’s also a good idea to find ways of laughing more throughout your day. Don’t only aim to find humor in annoying situations, but cultivate humor all the time.

That may mean avoiding heavy subjects in books you read and shows you watch. You might make plans with a friend who always knows how to make you laugh. Whatever you do, enjoy the life you have.

Humor can make problems seem smaller

By turning your perspective to see the humor, you can shrink your problems (at least in your mind). Recognize that there’s often a funny side to life, and open yourself up to how you can grow from inconveniences.

When you learn to see humor, you learn how to not let things bother you. Even though you still have that toxic coworker or frustrating relative, you can respond differently. You can laugh about it when things don’t go your way.

Those little things that bother you often won’t matter in a week, much less in a year or ten years. So try to have some perspective — things probably aren’t as bad as you think.

Using a sense of humor can help you stop letting things bother you so much. You might even get some good stories out of those bothersome moments.

Use these tips for how to not let things bother you starting today!

Since you can’t avoid conflict completely, learn how to not let things bother you. The little moments that bug you aren’t always that big of a deal.

Try these six tips to stop letting things bother you and enjoy a more relaxed existence. And to apply this idea to your finances, find out how to manage debt stress and set boundaries with your money!

The post How To Not Let Things Bother You: 6 Practical Tips appeared first on Clever Girl Finance.

How To Start A New Chapter In Life (It’s OK To Start Over!) Fri, 16 Dec 2022 13:01:15 +0000 […]

The post How To Start A New Chapter In Life (It’s OK To Start Over!) appeared first on Clever Girl Finance.


Starting a new chapter in life

Starting a new chapter in life might be scary, yet it's a necessary journey that we all go through. After all, life is about making progress and moving forward. And that comes with change.

Whether the change is moving to a new city or working toward a new financial goal, we’ll all start something new in life that we’ll have to prepare for.

Sometimes these changes are by circumstance. Other times they’re by choice. Either way, it’s ok to start over and experience something new.

What does it mean to start a new chapter in life and why is it important?

Starting a new chapter is symbolic of the decision to do things differently. This decision is often marked by a significant date or event– like starting new goals on January 1st.

A new chapter is important because it is a sign of growth. It means that we’re ready to progress to something that will make us better.

So how can you really know when it's time to begin a new chapter in your life and finances?

When to start a new chapter in your life and finances

There are four common signs that it’s probably time to start a new chapter, specifically in your finances.

You’re feeling stuck

The feeling of being stuck is a great indicator that it’s time to do things differently.

For example, you may be stuck financially due to debt and past money decisions. This could mean that you’re living paycheck to paycheck and can’t break out of the cycle.

In order to no longer be stuck, you’ll need to start a new chapter of managing your finances differently. This means changing your financial habits and no longer doing things the way you’ve done them in the past.

You want more out of your life

There’s nothing wrong with wanting more in life. So, when you have this feeling it’s a sign to start a new chapter.

For instance, you may want to travel, buy a home, or even afford to buy luxury items.

If you’re currently not able to afford those things, a new chapter could mean starting a new job to increase your income or beginning a minimalist lifestyle.

It's the natural progression in your life

There are natural progressions that happen in life that initiate new chapters. For instance, graduating from college or becoming an empty nester.

Both of these may have a significant effect on your finances that you’ll need to account for.

Graduating from college may be the start of student loan repayments. While becoming an empty nester may result in downsizing your home.

Each of these life progressions is a new chapter in your life and finances.

You’ve experienced significant life changes

Just as you’ll experience natural progressions in life, you’ll also experience significant life changes.

Some examples include:

These significant changes will require you to start a new chapter in your finances.

For instance, getting married may mean combining your finances and managing money with your partner. While getting a divorce means starting a new chapter of handling your finances independently.

Although some life changes aren’t ideal, they can be the starting point for a positive new chapter.

Whatever your reason for starting a new chapter, here’s what you need to do.

7 Steps to starting a new chapter in life and in your finances

There are many different reasons why you may be starting a new chapter in your life. Nonetheless, the process for making any change will be the same no matter what.

There are seven important steps that you should take if you truly want to start over. Following these steps will ensure that you don't fall back into past patterns or behaviors.

1. Reflect on where you currently are

Every change begins with reflection. This is where you recognize where you currently are in your finances and life in general.

Here’s how to determine where you are, financially.

  1. List out all of your financial assets and their current value. This includes bank accounts, investments, and real estate property.
  2. List out all of your debts and their amounts.
  3. Write down how much income you’re currently earning.
  4. Layout your current expenses and review your spending.

This will give you an overall picture of your financial state. Next, review this information and determine what you want to change.

2. Determine what you want to do in the future

The whole point of starting a new chapter is to experience life differently. But in order to do so, you must get clear on what you want that experience to be.

This requires that you really sit down and think about where you'd like to be in your life and finances. Without this guiding light, you may find yourself repeating old habits that will keep you where you are.

Be very clear with this so that you can create specific goals for yourself.

3. Write down your plan

Once you know what this new chapter in life will look like, it’s time to plan.

Planning is a matter of determining the steps necessary for getting from where you're at to where you really want to be.

For instance, you can create a financial plan that includes:

Your plan should clearly lay out exactly what you will do on a continuous basis in order to achieve the goals that you set for yourself.

4. Take daily actions toward your goals

It’s not enough to write your plan down. You actually have to execute it by taking daily actions. Change and progress come from what we do on a daily basis.

It’s not always easy to change our habits, though. That’s why putting systems in place helps make sure that you are making progress toward your goals.

Some systems that you can leverage include automating aspects of your finances. For example, you can automate your savings, bill payments, and even your investments.

You can also time block and add reminders to your digital calendar to do things like updating your budget so that you don’t forget.

Doing so ensures that you are taking action toward your goals and according to your plan without having to think about it!

5. Get support & accountability

Change can be hard to navigate alone. So enlisting accountability and support is important.

Whether that’s family, friends, or even an online community—having other people who support you in your new chapter will help make the change easier.

Thankfully, Clever Girl Finance has a community of women who are eager to support you as you start a new chapter in your finances!

6. Invest in learning

If you haven’t made investing in learning a part of your plan, then it should be! Starting a new chapter in life will require you to have completely new skills and knowledge that you didn’t have before.

The good news is that learning doesn’t have to be expensive. Simply reading articles like this, books, or listening to podcasts can help equip you with the skills and knowledge that you need to be successful.

So what do you need to learn for this new chapter in your life?

7. Give yourself grace

The most essential thing that you can do as you start a new chapter in your life is to give yourself grace. Change is hard and it's likely that you will make mistakes or even fall back into bad habits.

If this happens, be kind to yourself. Don't dwell on what went wrong. Instead, pick back up where you left off in your plan and move forward.

It's also a great idea to reflect on what happened to cause you to get off track so that you don't make those same mistakes again.

Begin your new chapter in life today!

Remember that it’s ok to start over with a new chapter in life—especially with your finances.

The great news is that you don’t have to do it alone. Whether it's starting your new chapter of getting out of debt, starting a new career, or even just getting started with budgeting, we have resources to help you.

The post How To Start A New Chapter In Life (It’s OK To Start Over!) appeared first on Clever Girl Finance.

7 Ways How To Use Social Media Wisely Wed, 14 Dec 2022 19:56:51 +0000 […]

The post 7 Ways How To Use Social Media Wisely appeared first on Clever Girl Finance.


How to use social media wisely

It can seem like the whole world is on social media these days. Whether you are starting a business, hoping to become an influencer, or just posting videos for fun, it seems that a lot of people have at least one social media account if not more. However, it's important to understand how to use social media wisely.

While social media can cause you to lose track of time, it doesn't have to be a negative experience. Find out what to do to use social media wisely and how you can benefit from being mindful about your social media use.

11 Ways to use social media wisely

Around 59% of the world's population uses social media. Using social media wisely can help you learn from and connect with others all over the globe.

While the doom scroll of social media can be bad for your mental health, using social media wisely can help you increase your knowledge and network.

Being intentional with your social media use can help you spend less time on your screen and more time on the things you care about the most.

So how do you avoid just scrolling on TikTok and not engaging in a way that helps you? Follow our 11 steps below:

1. Improve your finances

One of the smartest ways to use social media wisely is to use it to help you improve your finances. There are a lot of personal finance influencers on social media who post their money management tips about budgeting, credit cards, and more.

While they aren't financial advisors and you should definitely do your own research before making a financial decision, financial influencers can help answer basic finance questions.

2. Learn about travel destinations

Another benefit of using social media is discovering new places.

Planning a new trip? Following influencers based in that area or checking out hashtags around a particular destination can help you discover new areas, restaurants, or unique places you may not have discovered otherwise.

3. Discover books

One way to learn how to use social media wisely is to use it to discover new authors and books. TikTok, for example, has a number of book influencers in a community called BookTok.

These people will recommend and review books in all types of genres, from young adult to fantasy, to historical fiction.

4. Get ideas for cooking

Trying to think of what to cook for dinner? Social media can give you ideas for new recipes and cooking techniques to try out.

Have a lot of lentils or chickpeas at home and not sure what to do with them? Do a search on TikTok or Instagram to find new recipes and ideas for how to cook.

5. Improve your style

Another way to learn how to use social media wisely is to use it to improve your style.

There are tons of fashion influencers who give tips on everything from how to apply foundation, to determining your body type, to figuring out how to dress one item multiple ways.

6. Build your network

Social media is an excellent way to network and connect with other people, both online and offline. Interested in joining a club, like a writing workshop, drawing club, or book club?

Chances are they have a social media account and will post about upcoming events and activities you can participate in.

Always use caution when meeting people

Of course, you should always be careful when meeting up with anyone you meet through social media and use common sense.

Try to meet in a group and meet in a public space. And always be sure someone knows where you are and who you're meeting.

7. Interact with others

If you want to use social media wisely, one idea is to use your social media accounts to communicate with others.

Instead of just posting photos and scrolling, stop to read the caption. Think of something to say to that person in response, or read the comments and respond.

Be a positive influence

Use the time to interact with others in a positive and uplifting way. If you have social media for your brand, try to ask questions of your audience and respond to any questions or comments you receive.

8. Find a job

Another way to use social media wisely is to use it to look for jobs. You can share your resume online, let your friends and colleagues know that you are looking for a job, and show your personality online to help you stand out as a candidate.

You can also use social media to search for specific jobs. LinkedIn is a great place to look for jobs, and you can find job postings on Twitter as well.

9. For social good

One way to use social media is to use to promote a good cause and educate others about issues happening around the world.

You can let your followers know about a cause that you care about, help promote and raise donations for a charity, or promote events happening in your area, like a food drive.

10. To promote your business

If you run your own business, social media is a great way to promote it. Having a social media presence can help you connect with your customers and let them know about upcoming products or events.

And it's a great way to give them a behind-the-scenes look at your business. You can also use social media to get tips and ideas from your customers and to do market research for new products.

11. Discover local events

Interested in checking out local events or concerts? Social media is a great way to discover what is happening in your area.

You can search for markets, concerts, or special events that are happening on Facebook and Twitter.

Instagram can also be a good place to find events from your favorite local places, like a special brunch menu or holiday-themed markets.

7 tips to manage your time on social media

If you've found yourself pouring over your social media instead of using it for specific projects, then you may want to consider managing how you spend your time on social media.

Rather than spending a lot of time online scrolling for no reason, incorporate these steps to make sure you are making the most of your time:

1. Stop scrolling

Social media can be a time suck in part because it can be so entertaining. Have you ever found yourself on TikTok only to suddenly realize two hours went by? It's certainly happened to me.

One way to be mindful of your social media use is to stop scrolling. Instead, be more intentional and mindful about when you go online.

Have a purpose

Rather than just going online just to be online, check your social media with a purpose. That can mean checking a specific account, sending a message to a friend, or searching a hashtag.

Whatever the reason, the idea is to have a reason to use your social media instead of mindlessly scrolling.

2. Unfollow accounts that are negative

Another way to learn how to use social media wisely is to unfollow accounts that are toxic. That means any accounts that make you feel bad when you are looking at them.

Never feel like you have to follow someone. You can be as active on social media as you want and that includes the number of accounts you follow.

Only follow positive accounts

Instead, be intentional about what you want out of social media.

Do you want to follow artists to get inspired for your own art hobby? Or maybe you're decorating and want to follow interior designers to get ideas for your own house. Or perhaps you just love baby cows and ducks and like to follow farming accounts.

Regardless of the reason, make sure to follow accounts that make you feel good about yourself and inspire you.

4. Don't let notifications rule your life

Have you ever set your phone next to you and tried to focus on something, only to be distracted by constant dings and banners lighting up your phone? If so, then it might be a good idea to turn off your phone notifications.

Getting lots of social media notifications can be very distracting, especially when you are working or trying to focus on a particular activity.

Instead, turn off all social media notifications and only keep notifications for important things like your bank or phone calls.

5. Set time away from your screen

Using social media wisely can also mean finding time to be away from your phone.

That can mean turning off your phone when you are eating dinner with your family, or putting your phone in the other room when you are sleeping so you aren't tempted to scroll social media first thing in the morning.

Social media detox days

You can also have social detox days when you completely log off from your social media accounts and delete them from your phone and tablet.

Instead focus on doing things that don't require a screen, like having a game night with your best friends, going on a walk, reading a book, or going to a museum.

6. Limit your usage

Another way to use social media wisely is to limit how often you are online. On average, social media users spend over two hours during the day on social.

Instead of scrolling whenever you are bored or have downtime, be intentional about when you are on social media.

Build social media time into your schedule

That can mean only looking at TikTok or Twitter while you are having breakfast, or having a few work breaks scheduled when you allow yourself to check Facebook. The idea is to schedule your social media usage and be intentional about your phone use.

Leverage these tips on how to use social media wisely!

There are several benefits to learning how to use social media wisely. From discovering new recipes to books to connecting with others, social media offers a wealth of information. But it can also be time-consuming.

Instead of scrolling on your phone, be intentional with how you use your social media time. Use social media with a purpose and use it to expand your knowledge of things like finance and to network with others!

The post 7 Ways How To Use Social Media Wisely appeared first on Clever Girl Finance.

Daily Habits To Improve Life: A Good Habits List To Work On Now! Thu, 01 Dec 2022 14:09:07 +0000 […]

The post Daily Habits To Improve Life: A Good Habits List To Work On Now! appeared first on Clever Girl Finance.


Good habits list

Habits are one of those things that most people love and hate at the same time. It might feel like an uphill battle to develop a good habits list that you’ll actually follow. In the short term, you might have days where you just don't feel like making the effort!

But in the long term, implementing daily habits to improve life can totally transform the way you feel about yourself. As long as you can do the difficult part of the habit-setting process, you’ll be reaping the benefits for years to come!

So let’s see how to come up with a good habits list that will change your life in great ways, with 25 ideas to inspire you!

Why habits matter

You can think of habits as your default life activities. They’re the things you do every day, week, or month, maybe without even thinking about them. Once you’ve formed a habit, it just becomes a normal part of your life.

Of course, this can be a good or bad thing. So if you’re in the habit of smoking a pack a day, you probably wish that wasn’t one of your current defaults. But if you have a list of good habits—let’s say, going for a run every day—you might get to the point where you pull on your sneakers like it’s second nature.

Habits affect your long-term quality of life

Habits matter because you’re essentially training yourself to behave in ways that either hurt or help you. And it’s important to note that you can set habits unintentionally.

For instance, most of us don’t actively decide “I’m going to drink a cup of coffee every morning.” We just do it! Habits efficiently remove most of the thinking and planning parts of a process, so all you have to do is the action itself.

If you can take the power of habits into your own hands and start setting them intentionally, it’s like finding a cheat code to life. The first step? Deciding what habits you want to program into your own “default settings” as a person!

How to develop a list of good habits

Coming up with a good habits list means looking at the things you want to improve across many different dimensions of life.

Whether you want to improve your physical health, mental well-being, financial situation, career prospects, life skills, social connections, or anything else, a list of good habits can help you make progress in all of these areas.

To make your own list, start by writing down the areas of your life where you'd like to make improvements. Then write down habits that would help you with whatever those improvements are. (You can use this list as an example.)

Let’s look at daily habits to improve life in all the important categories!

Health habits

Pretty much every other aspect of life revolves around our health.

For example, if your body isn’t feeling good, that’s going to impact your energy levels, motivation, activities you’re physically able to do, etc. Fitness will get its own category of habits, so let’s start with a good habits list for your overall health!

1. Get quality sleep

Have you heard the term sleep hygiene? Just like you probably have a hygiene routine, there are steps you should take to ensure higher-quality sleep.

Some of the CDC’s suggestions include observing a set bedtime, avoiding too much caffeine and alcohol, and turning off the tech before you sleep.

2. Eat the rainbow

Enjoy as many different colors of fruits and vegetables as you can throughout the day. The various colors are associated with different types and amounts of vitamins, antioxidants, and phytonutrients to help you feel your best.

This is also a great habit to do with kids since it’s fun to keep track of all the colors throughout the day.

3. Cook more homemade meals

When life gets hectic, it’s easy to start reaching for microwave meals or ordering takeout. In exchange, your wallet gets emptier while your sodium/oil/sugar/you-name-it consumption rises.

Save money and get healthier with the habit of cooking nutritious meals. Check out these tips for meal planning on a budget!

4. Spend time outdoors

Simply being outside in nature offers a slew of health benefits.

For example, science points to higher life expectancy, less stress and depression, better sleep, and even a decreased risk of cancer and heart disease.

So find your favorite green spaces nearby and make a habit of visiting them often.

Fitness habits

Although it’s a subset of health, fitness is important enough to get its own good habits list. Moving your body every day is one of the very best things to do for your overall well-being.

In addition, by adopting these daily habits to improve life, you’ll boost your immune system, sharpen your mental functioning, strengthen your muscles and bones, and the list goes on!

1. Aim for a daily steps goal

If you have a fitness tracker or a smartphone, you have the ability to track how many steps you take in a day!

It can be satisfying to aim for a nice round number like 5,000 or 10,000 steps a day. Step tracking is a great way to keep yourself accountable to fit in a daily walk (even if it’s just parking further away).

Bonus: see if your workplace or health insurance offers step-tracking rewards. My insurance has a program offering $20/month for walking 10k steps a day!

2. Find a physical activity you love

Exercise is a much easier habit to keep up when it doesn't even feel like exercise! For instance, take up an active hobby like hiking, swimming, bicycling, dancing, running, etc.

A group fitness class could be a fun option too, combining socialization and music with the workout.

3. Practice regular stretching/yoga

No matter what kind of fitness activities you like to engage in, it's important to combine them with the habit of stretching.

Pilates, yoga, tai chi, and other flexibility-centered exercises are great options to keep your joints and muscles limber.

Mindset habits

Do you ever find yourself getting stuck in a cycle of mental negativity or stress? Practicing the right mindset habits can turn your brain into a more peaceful, positive place to be.

1. Meditate or try mindfulness

Meditation doesn't always mean sitting cross-legged looking picture-perfect on a fancy mat.

Instead, it can just mean quieting your mind on a nature walk and noticing the sights and sounds around you. Or practicing mindfulness over your morning tea or coffee.

Meditation is all about taking a quiet moment to yourself and clearing your mind of noise and stress. Studies show that mindfulness meditation can be a good antidote to depression, anxiety, and even chronic pain.

2. Look for silver linings

Life tends to throw a lot of curveballs, and it's not difficult to let them overwhelm us. That's why instead of thinking about the negative aspects of a situation, it's valuable to search for the positives.

So make a habit of reflecting at the end of each day and thinking about what value you can glean from the things you've been through.

3. Start journaling

Sometimes the best way to sort out your thoughts and feelings is with a pen. Journaling is kind of a forgotten art in the age of the internet, but it deserves to be resurrected.

A journal is a great tool for reflection and also creates a record of your ideas and memories throughout the years.

4. Make a gratitude list

Thinking about what you're grateful for: it's not just for Thanksgiving anymore! This is a wonderful daily habit to help you focus on the positives.

So think of one thing you're grateful for every day, no matter how small, and write it down. Look back at past entries whenever you need a pick-me-up.

Financial habits

By implementing a list of good habits for financial wellness, you'll keep your goals on track with ease. Begone, money stress!

1. Track your finances

Before you can do any real financial planning, you have to know where you stand. The easiest way is to use some kind of tracking app/program that displays your income, spending, investments, etc.

It only takes five minutes to check in daily! Learn more about tracking and managing your money here.

2. Sleep on big purchases

Patience is the enemy of impulse purchases. Get into the habit of giving yourself time to contemplate before buying expensive items.

Maybe you and your partner can make an agreement to get each other’s opinion for purchases over a certain amount.

Either way, take a day or two to ask yourself the important questions first.

“Is this a need or a want right now? How often will I actually use this? Could I find it cheaper used?”

Make a pros and cons list before you decide!

3. Avoid unnecessary debt

Maybe you’ve already experienced what it’s like to dig yourself out of a debt hole. The interest keeps adding up, making the debt more and more insurmountable.

When it comes to debt, prevention is the best cure. So get into the habit of paying off credit cards in full each month (or using debit if credit is too tempting).

Consider buying a used car instead of taking out a new vehicle loan. Some debt is “good debt,” e.g. mortgages and student loans, so just evaluate each situation wisely.

4. Save and invest every month

Every time a paycheck comes in, get into the habit of “paying yourself first” by setting aside a percentage for savings and investments.

If you’re on a debt payoff journey, you can modify this habit to tackle that first if you want. Making a regular effort to save and grow your money is one of the greatest things to do for your future.

Career/business habits

Whether you’re just starting your career, working your way up the corporate ladder, or running a business, this good habits list will help you thrive.

1. Take initiative on projects

If you’re always waiting for other people to tell you what to do, it could limit your career growth and confidence. So always be looking around and thinking about ways you could pitch in.

Brainstorming ideas for how your team could do something more efficiently is one of the good work habits you should adopt. When you see work that needs to be done, volunteer. These habits make you invaluable as an employee or a boss!

2. Pursue new skills and knowledge

Learning doesn’t stop after school; you can make it a habit for life! In this context: what skills or know-how do you need to reach the next level in your career?

Talk to people in your industry about what they wish they’d learned sooner. If you have a boss, ask what you should prioritize to qualify for a promotion. Find ways to regularly gain new job skills or learn things about your industry.

3. Invite constructive feedback

It can feel vulnerable to invite judgment from others, but feedback doesn’t have to be scary. Maybe you’re a company owner and want to know what you can do to create a better work environment.

Maybe you’re an employee who wants to make sure your performance is above par. The habit of remaining open to (and gracious about) constructive criticism will serve you well.

4. Be solution-oriented

It’s easy to complain about problems, but it’s more productive to think of solutions. Think about the kind of reputation you’d rather have at work: someone who’s always negative, or someone who remains calm and works hard to fix problems. The latter is the kind of employee, coworker, or boss everyone loves!

Social & romantic habits

Friendships, partnerships, and family relationships are some of the most important things in life. But sometimes, it’s also easy to neglect them!

These daily habits to improve life revolve around appreciating the people who make your life beautiful.

1. Do random acts of kindness

You may have heard of this idea before! Random acts of kindness can be things you do for strangers or loved ones. Make a habit of looking for ways to brighten someone’s day.

Here are some nice things you can do that don’t even cost money. Give a genuine compliment, share a meal, run an errand for a neighbor, etc. Increase the amount of feel-good vibes in the world!

2. Join a group for your interests

Want to expand your social circle and enjoy your favorite hobbies at the same time? Look for local groups that gather for activities you enjoy.

It could be a hiking group, a book club, a board game or trivia group, foodies who like to visit new restaurants… No matter what, it definitely enhances your life to make new connections with people who share your passions.

3. Practice active listening

If there’s one social habit that can transform any kind of relationship, this is it! Active listening means genuinely paying attention to people when they’re speaking. Try to be present and engage in the conversation.

Aim to truly understand what they’re saying, instead of just half-listening while waiting for your turn to talk. This habit makes the other person feel heard and appreciated, strengthening your connection.

Personal development habits

Lastly, this good habits list is all about ideas to enrich your life in a way that’s all for you!

1. Make time for your hobbies

Is there anything that you used to love doing, but slowly fell out of the habit? Maybe it was a creative hobby, like creating art, playing an instrument, or writing fiction. Or a hobby that got you working with your hands, like woodworking or gardening.

Do your best to carve out time in your schedule to reawaken your love for the things that fulfill you.

2. Read a chapter a day

Do you have a late-night phone-scrolling habit that you’d like to turn into something healthier? Make a list of books you’d like to read and work on the habit of reading one chapter every night before bed. This also connects to the earlier “sleep hygiene” habit by encouraging you to put those blue screens away sooner.

With a good book, you can learn about a topic that fascinates you or escape into a fictional world—however you like to read!

3. Take a class

These days, continuing education is more accessible than ever. If you like in-person learning, you can check out your local community college for adult classes or see if your library hosts workshops.

Online learning is another amazing option for learning a new skill or filling your mind with new knowledge. Take free university classes on a platform like Coursera. And don’t forget to add free Clever Girl Finance courses to your list too!

Bonus: Quitting bad habits

When you’re on a journey to create a list of good habits in your life, you might want to start with a clean slate. Ending negative habits can be just as impactful as creating new routines—if not more!

Think through your habits honestly

Think about some things you habitually do that really aren’t improving your life. It could be a poor health habit, like smoking, eating junk food, or drinking too much.

Or perhaps an organizational or work issue, like procrastinating on important projects. Maybe you’re struggling with a financial habit like impulse spending.

Whatever the case, be as honest with yourself as possible.

Brainstorm positive replacements for habits

Then, start brainstorming how to turn that list of bad habits into positive daily habits that make your life better! Add the best ideas you come up with to your daily habits.

Time to craft your good habits list!

The secret to developing good habits is also the most annoying thing about it: consistency. A behavior isn’t a habit if you only do it once in a while. When starting a new habit, commit to 1-3 months of doing it daily (when possible).

It might take around 66 days for the habit to start feeling automatic, but you should at least notice your resistance lowering over time.

As long as you have the right mindset and the determination to keep going when the going gets hard, just about any habit is within your reach!

Make it through those first few tough months and eventually, you might catch yourself budgeting, working out, and roasting cauliflower without even thinking about it. (Now that’s living the dream!)

The post Daily Habits To Improve Life: A Good Habits List To Work On Now! appeared first on Clever Girl Finance.

How To Establish A Daily Gratitude List Routine Tue, 22 Nov 2022 19:19:19 +0000 […]

The post How To Establish A Daily Gratitude List Routine appeared first on Clever Girl Finance.


Daily gratitude list

Most of us know that it’s important to count our blessings. But not many of us take the time to be thankful for all the great things in our life every day. One way to make gratitude a part of your life is to establish a daily gratitude list routine.

If you need a great way to remember your blessings every day, then a daily gratitude list might be the perfect fit. Let’s find out how to build this practice!

Why is keeping a daily gratitude list important?

Although life can sometimes feel like a series of challenges, the reality is that most of us have plenty of things to be grateful for. When we remember to be grateful, it can have a big impact on our outlook on life. That's where a daily gratitude list can be helpful.

It can lead to a happier life and a positive mindset

Harvard Health Publishing claims, “gratitude is strongly and consistently associated with greater happiness.” But the benefits don’t stop there, they say that research also suggests that gratitude helps us to truly enjoy positive experiences, have better health, handle difficulties, and strengthen relationships.

It’s easy to see how a combination of these benefits can have a good impact on your mindset. Additionally, the benefits can extend into a happier and more fulfilling life.

You appreciate the present moment

In addition, gratitude helps us appreciate the present moment. By staying in the here and now, we don't miss out on positive things that are happening in our lives.

Ultimately, appreciation of what we have can lead to significant benefits throughout life. A few of the benefits include better sleep, more happiness, and more resistance to illness.

How to establish a daily gratitude list routine

If you are convinced of the benefits of increased gratitude, then one way to harness that positivity is by counting your blessings every day. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to establish a daily gratitude list routine.

Set aside a specific time of day

Essentially, creating a list of gratitude every day involves building a habit. Like building other habits, establishing a daily gratitude list routine will require a concerted effort in the beginning. So, it’s a smart move to set aside a specific time of day to make your list.

A few possible times to incorporate this exercise into your day include first thing every morning, late at night, or during your lunch break.

Personally, I love adding positive habits to my morning routine. But if you’re more of a night owl, tackling this right before bed might help you unwind from the day.

Pull out a pen and paper

You can simply run through a gratitude list in your head. But you might get more benefits out of your daily gratitude list if you pull out a pen and paper. The act of putting pen to paper in a journaling style can help you explore everything you are grateful for.

Write down everything you are grateful for that day

In its most basic form, a daily gratitude list is just a list of things to be grateful for. There aren’t any rules about how to format the list, or what you can include on the list. Instead, it can be an entirely free-form exercise.

An effective way to get started is by creating a bulleted list. With short bullet points, it might feel a bit easier to keep adding. But if you prefer, you can write out full sentences about what you are grateful for that day.

The key is to avoid putting any pressure on yourself. Pressure to keep writing might have the opposite effect, and you definitely don’t want to end up with writer’s block. If possible, just write down what comes to mind.

Don’t feel the pressure to write down what others might feel you should be grateful for. Instead, focus on what you truly feel grateful for in the moment. Or you can look at the daily gratitude list examples in this article.

Stick with the habit

Any habit can be difficult to stick with at first. And that might hold true when starting a daily gratitude list. After all, it might be a struggle to be grateful for anything if you are having a bad day.

Do everything you can to stick with this habit. If you are someone that likes to stick to a schedule, then you could go as far as penciling this activity into your calendar or setting a recurring reminder on your phone.

But it’s okay to skip the calendar slot if you have a general time in mind. Even a simple sticky note on your desk might be an effective reminder to whip out your notebook.

Another way to build this habit is by pairing it with another enjoyable activity. For example, you might sip on a warm cup of hot chocolate while making your list. Reward yourself in any healthy way that makes you want to continue making a gratitude list.

Be patient

As you embark on this adventure, it’s important to be patient with yourself. A daily gratitude list routine might not come naturally at first. If you are struggling to stick with the habit, then consider starting out small.

For example, you could start by writing down three things that you are thankful for every day. Eventually, you might naturally work your way up to more things.

Throughout the journey, be kind to yourself. Don’t let yourself get down because you forgot to make your list. Instead, start fresh the next day.

Examples of things to be grateful for

Not sure where to get started with your daily list of gratitude? Here’s a look at some daily gratitude list examples:

  • Friends who care about you
  • Family members who are there for you
  • Pets
  • Comfortable clothes
  • Changing seasons
  • Finding spare change
  • Courteous drivers
  • An easy commute
  • A significant other
  • A body that is healthy
  • A safe space to call home
  • The beauty of nature
  • Access to information
  • Food on the table
  • The pen and paper you use to make your daily gratitude list
  • The ability to pay your expenses
  • Access to clean drinking water
  • Sanitary living conditions
  • Your unique quirks
  • A beautiful sunset
  • Kind strangers
  • A forgiving heart
  • Gathering with loved ones
  • A card in the mail
  • A quiet house
  • A good night of sleep
  • Rediscovering your passions
  • The candle burning in your home
  • Hope
  • Electricity
  • A good book
  • Positive feedback
  • Staying on schedule for a big project
  • Music
  • Going out for date nights
  • Meaningful conversations
  • Saving money
  • The ability to spend on what really matters to you

Hopefully, these daily gratitude list examples can help you get started. But of course, these are just the tip of the iceberg. Everyone has a different life experience. So, everyone has different things to be grateful for.

At the end of your list of gratitude, you might want to consider adding an affirmation or mantra that embodies your vision of the future.

A daily gratitude list can change your life!

A daily gratitude list routine can lead to a more positive mindset, among countless other benefits.

If you are on the fence about starting this habit, then I encourage you to start small.

Use the gratitude list examples to help you discover things you're thankful for, and notice as it changes your mindset.

Even if you only write down one thing that you feel grateful for each day, the list may start to grow as you begin to more fully appreciate what you already have.

The post How To Establish A Daily Gratitude List Routine appeared first on Clever Girl Finance.

How To Be Non-Judgmental Tue, 22 Nov 2022 14:16:43 +0000 […]

The post How To Be Non-Judgmental appeared first on Clever Girl Finance.


How to be non-judgmental

How to be non-judgmental in a world where social media lets us in everybody’s business? It feels impossible. Seriously, it’s so much easier to criticize and ridicule others, and it even makes you feel good about yourself sometimes.

But if you can’t look in the mirror without judging yourself – your eyes zeroing in on the ear that sticks out or on your stomach - then, it’s not doing you any good, right?

So, let’s talk about how to be the opposite of judgmental.

Understanding judgments

It’s human nature to notice and be alert to what’s happening around you. That’s how our ancestors survived.

Our instincts – quick judgments of people and situations – keep us safe. Observing others around you is also a great way to learn. This is why a kid can watch their parents do something and copy it even without specific instructions.

Being mindful and interested in what others are doing and how they’re doing it also helps you grow and evolve. For instance, you use a person you admire as an example or inspiration to achieve a goal you set for yourself.

Judgments are also productive when we use them to call out harmful behaviors that can negatively impact the community.

Why we judge

When we strip all the layers, we find that judgments come out when we don’t feel safe. That’s why psychologists say that our judgments are either a deflection or a projection.

We judge to avoid feeling the emotions that our society deems as negative like disappointment, sadness, jealousy, envy, and anger.

It’s unfortunate that we were taught that having these emotions make us “bad” people instead of normalizing them as part of being human.

So, in our attempt to bury these uncomfortable feelings, they spill over as judgments.

Furthermore, the things we criticize about others are the things we hate about ourselves. This is because it’s easier to look at others and judge than sit with ourselves and accept that we do the very same thing that we dislike.

Benefits of being the opposite of judgmental

We understand that not all judgments are bad. However, most judgments are negative and that’s when it becomes harmful to our well-being.

It can be difficult to feel joy when your days are littered with negative things you think or say about others and yourself. So, what can you gain if you learn how to be non-judgmental?

Being non-judgmental makes you healthier

If you don't judge that means you’re not easily disturbed by what others say or do. In doing so, your nervous system doesn’t get activated constantly during the day.

When people feel strong emotions, such as frustration, anger, or anxiety, they experience physical and mental effects. For instance, anger releases cortisol and adrenaline into the bloodstream, which over time, can block the body’s ability to heal.

In addition, anger can cause headaches, high blood pressure, and exhaustion which can weaken a person’s immune system.

Being the opposite of judgmental enriches your life

When you’re non-judgmental, you take everybody at face value. You don’t make assumptions about them – you get to know them before passing judgments. And doing this benefits you too!

Learning how to be non-judgmental can help you have better relationships. How so? Well, it can be challenging to be in a relationship with someone who’s always critical of you, right?

But if you don't judge, then your friends and family know that they’re safe to be vulnerable with you. They can share intimate details of their mistakes and bad decisions without being ridiculed, which leads to deeper, closer relationships.

Furthermore, being the opposite of judgmental helps you be open to new experiences. It makes it easier to meet new people or visit a place you’ve never been to before.

Setting your judgments aside will let you immerse yourself in these new experiences. And by going in without any assumptions or expectations, you may find them more exciting and enjoyable.

Tips on how to be non-judgmental

Being judgmental is a habit that can be unlearned. Although it would take quite a bit of reflection and observation, you’ll be the first recipient of the rewards. So, there’s really nothing to lose and everything to gain in learning how to be non-judgmental.

Here are some ways to do this:

Understand where your judgment is coming from

Awareness is an important stage of learning how to be non-judgmental. So, when you catch yourself assuming something negative or mean about someone, examine it.

As discussed above, most of our judgments are things we hate about ourselves. Or we’re using them to block an unwanted emotion such as envy or disappointment.

Don’t judge yourself for saying it or thinking it. Instead, use your judgments to get to know yourself better.

I used to judge my friends and other people online who share perfectly staged photos as shallow and fake. When I explored why I feel this way, I realized it’s because I want to do the same.

My thought process went like this: “I’ll call you shallow and fake because I’m scared to do what you’re doing. I don’t really want to put myself out there and bear the criticism of anyone who’ll think the same of me.” It was all an attempt to protect myself.

Be honest with yourself

Unfortunately, making an effort not to judge requires a lot of honesty. It can be uncomfortable to meet the “angry, envious, or whiny” version of yourself.

But it’s a deeply fulfilling endeavor that could really transform your relationship with yourself and with others.

Work on self-acceptance

The journey of learning how to be non-judgmental begins with self-acceptance. Because, ultimately, you can only give to others what you give yourself.

It means you can’t fully accept other people as they are if you’re so critical of yourself. When you really think about it, where would the love and acceptance of others come from if you can’t give it to yourself first?

When you learn to accept and love yourself – as you are today, not when you are “the best version of yourself,” then, you open yourself to give and receive love on so many levels. That's when it becomes easier to be non-judgmental.

For many of us, this work can be difficult to achieve without professional help – aka therapy. But reading books is a great place to start.

I also suggest following the work of Dr. Nicole LePera. One of Dr. LePera's newer books, How to Do the Work, also includes practical practices on meditation and mindfulness.

In addition, some other excellent reads for self-reflection and acceptance are Oprah's The Wisdom of Sundays and More Than Enough by Elaine Welteroth.

Expand your circle

The work of exercising how to be non-judgmental is both internal and external. One good way to practice is to expand your circle. This includes trying to get to know people you don’t typically hang out with or those who have different beliefs than you.

If you’re an introvert who dislikes how loud others can be, this is an invitation to engage and befriend someone who’s the opposite of you.

Be curious about other people’s cultures, what they eat, and how they live, as well. You may find that you have more in common with someone who grew up in a different country or part of the world than you think.

Lead with empathy

Not judging means not labeling people as good or bad. And you don’t have to understand why someone lives the way they do to accept them as they are.

When you lead with empathy, you see people as humans capable of making mistakes and doing great things. You understand that we are all simply trying to do our best with what we have and what we know.

This is not to say that you should excuse bad behavior. Sometimes, other people’s best is just not good enough.

But when you practice being the opposite of judgmental, you’re not weighed down trying to figure out why people are how they are. You just accept it.

But you can still choose not to engage or be friends with someone who doesn’t treat you right.

Keep calm and be non-judgmental

Learning how to be non-judgmental forces us to reflect and get to know ourselves better. It also calls for us to open ourselves to new experiences as well as be curious about others.

Being non-judgmental is a constant practice of reminding ourselves that most people are doing the best they can. And they falter and fail as any human would.

Lastly, remember that in all these, the person who reaps most of the benefits is you. Remember to keep learning and be kind to yourself and others.

The post How To Be Non-Judgmental appeared first on Clever Girl Finance.

How To Let Go Of Attachment To Material Things Wed, 16 Nov 2022 14:53:11 +0000 […]

The post How To Let Go Of Attachment To Material Things appeared first on Clever Girl Finance.


How to let go of attachment to material things

When you look around your home, you may see a lot of items and material things, and maybe you want to make a change. But learning how to let go of attachment to material things can be a challenge.

The reality is most of us are tied to our material possessions in some way. Whether we are overly attached to the items around our house or some of our bigger purchases, letting go of that attachment is often easier said than done.

Let’s explore how to let go of material things.

Why should you learn to let go of material things?

Before we dive into the mechanics of how you might break your attachment to material things, it’s important to consider why you should go down this path in the first place. For most of us, it’s easier to pursue a goal when there is a reason behind the choice.

Although there are many personal reasons to let go of an attachment to material things, here’s a closer look at two of the universal reasons that stand out.

It can be stressful

When you think of your material possessions, your mind might not immediately jump to stress. After all, you might think of the enjoyable feeling you had when walking out of the store with your purchase. But after that initial high point, hanging onto a surplus of items can end up adding stress to your life.

Items take up space

The items you hold onto will most likely take up space. In some cases, this can mean needing to upgrade to a larger home or rent a storage unit.

With either option, the simple act of hanging onto extra stuff may require you to shell out more money. Finding the funds you need for this choice in your budget can add unnecessary financial stress to your life.

They need maintenance

Beyond the storage requirements of extra stuff, the items you hang onto may need ongoing maintenance.

For example, if you have a recreational vehicle, like an RV or boat, either will likely require significant ongoing maintenance that may drain your time and your wallet.

Other things, like a larger home, will also require extra maintenance, which can add stress to your life.

More items mean more clutter

Plus, having extra things in your home can make it a challenge to find what you actually need. If you live in a state of clutter, finding a tool or pair of shoes can suddenly become an issue.

It can be expensive

Buying and keeping things can create a dent in your bank account. Whatever your reasons for an attachment to material items, it’s easy to fall into a pattern of always wanting more. That's why it's essential to learn how to let go of attachment to material things.

There's always something better or newer to buy

And the reality is that there is always a better version of your possessions out there. For example, you might buy a dream designer purse in one season. But by the time the next fashion cycle rolls around, it’s possible your current purse is outdated.

If you try to keep up with the trends, you’ll have to fork over the money for another purse.

But this reality goes beyond purses. You can always find a bigger house, a faster car, and more trinkets for your hobby. When you get caught in a cycle of attachment to material possessions, the costs can add up quickly.

Steps for how to let go of attachment to material things

If you are ready to make a significant change, that’s a great place to start. Learn how to let go of material things using these ideas.

Journal about your material attachments

If you have a deeply rooted attachment to material items, understanding your connection to these things can make all the difference.

Without a clear picture of where your attachment stems from, it can be difficult to find out how to let go of attachment to material things.

With that in mind, consider journaling about your material possessions. You might be surprised, but journaling is associated with many positive impacts on your mental health. One of these benefits is the ability to sort out what you really think about a situation.

When it comes to your material attachments, consider journaling about the difference between things you need versus things you want. Additionally, try to discern why you are attached to items that you don’t necessarily need.

Start by letting go of easy things

Some things are easier to let go of than others. Instead of jumping off the deep end, start by getting rid of some easy things first.

A few of the items that might be easier to get rid of include unnecessary papers, magazines, and clothes that don’t fit. While going through these items, getting rid of some should be relatively painless.

When it comes to getting rid of things, practice makes perfect. After clearing out your house of things you know you don’t need, it’s time to start looking at what’s left.

Avoid comparisons

Comparison is the thief of joy, claimed an unidentified source in our history. Although the origins of this quote were around well before social media, the ability to constantly compare yourself to the best version of your family and friends has made the threat of comparison even more true.

If possible, try to avoid comparing your material possessions to those of others. The reality is that someone will likely have a better version of your possessions. Instead of harping on the difference, focus on what makes you happy.

When constantly comparing yourself to others, it’s easy to want more things. Avoid the temptation by cutting back on your social media consumption.

Be careful with sentimental items

Sentimental items are one of the biggest traps for material attachments. After all, you associate the item with a good memory of some kind. But leaving all of your sentimental items in a pile of boxes isn’t necessarily the right move.

Start the process of letting go slowly. You might decide to display items that really matter to you.

Or choose to keep one item of many to represent your emotional tie. If you have other loved ones who may enjoy the items, consider sharing your wealth of sentimental items.

That way you can learn how to let go of attachment to material things without losing every sentimental item.

Count your blessings

It’s easy to think about what you don’t have. But counting your blessings is an exercise in remembering to be grateful for what you do have.

Consider setting aside a few minutes to think about the blessings that you do have. Although you can just count up what you have in the house, it’s also helpful to think about how far you’ve come.

For those that have made significant progress towards their lifestyle goals, counting your blessings can help you determine when you have enough to enjoy.

Nurture a positive state of mind

A negative state of mind is more prone to pulling your thoughts toward what you don’t have. In contrast, a positive state of mind will help you remember what you do have, and help you with how to let go of material things.

It’s not always easy to be positive, especially in our negative world. But a positive state of mind can make all the difference.

A few ways to nurture your positive mindset include celebrating yourself, eating well, and finding a way to bring more fun into your life.

Donate items to a cause you care about

For many, the idea of throwing away a perfectly good item goes against everything they believe in. Luckily, there are many ways to give your unused items a second life, and it can be helpful when starting to learn how to let go of attachment to material things.

Instead of hanging onto items you don’t need, donate them to a cause you care about. Many thrift stores take donations to sell in support of a good cause.

If you don’t have a particular charity or cause in mind, consider finding friends that might appreciate the item. Personally, I remember that a bag of hand-me-down clothes was always a fun treat growing up.

Knowing how to let go of attachment to material things can improve your life!

An attachment to material possessions can hold you back from achieving your goals. It can be difficult to move in the right direction if you have a burden of items holding you back.

But when you apply what you've learned here, you'll find it easier to move forward with whittling down your possessions.

If you are unsure of the challenge, try starting small. Even very small steps in the right direction will eventually get you to the finish line. And this can help you experience more contentment and a more intentional life.

The post How To Let Go Of Attachment To Material Things appeared first on Clever Girl Finance.

13 Steps For Living Consciously For A More Fulfilled Life Fri, 11 Nov 2022 13:01:10 +0000 […]

The post 13 Steps For Living Consciously For A More Fulfilled Life appeared first on Clever Girl Finance.


Living consciously

Time moves quickly. Sometimes, when you stop for a minute to take it all in, you can find yourself wondering how you ended up where you are. This can be a result of not living consciously.

This is what happens when you live on autopilot. It can make you feel like you're on a road to nowhere.

Everyone wants to live a more satisfied and fulfilled life. Certainly, there is no shortcut to happiness. That said, learning how to start living consciously can help you turn off autopilot and create the life you really want.

What is living consciously?

It's all about taking control of your life. Some call it "living awakened" or living with your eyes wide open.

Basically, the idea is to actively think about the decisions you make instead of just going through the motions.

In the end, you'll be able to live a life that you truly created for yourself, instead of waking up one day and realizing your life is just the snowball effect of years of passive decisions.

Conscious living vs unconscious living

To understand conscious living, you first need to understand unconscious living or passive living.

Passive (or unconscious) living

Passive living is when most or all of your decisions are made at the subconscious level.

In other words, you may realize that you're not even sure why you're doing certain things. For example, you may not know why you live where you do or why you have the job you do.

Why most people don't live with intention

Sadly, most people live unconsciously without even realizing it. Here's why:

A lack of skills

For one, they may not have ever learned the skills to live consciously. For instance, during adolescence and young adulthood, your parents may have historically played a big part in the decision-making in your life.

If this is the case, you may never have learned how to make decisions all on your own.

It can be scary at first

On the other hand, some people don't live in a conscious way because it can be scary—at least at first.

Living with heightened awareness puts you more in touch with things that may give you anxiety, e.g., feelings of loneliness, the fear of mortality, the stress of uncertainty, etc.

Many people try to get rid of these fears altogether by turning on autopilot and avoiding thinking about their future.

Unfortunately, in reality, this does more harm than good, as it means people never learn how to overcome their fears. On the other hand, starting to live consciously can help you learn how to move beyond these fears to create your ideal life by living with intention.

Signs you aren't living consciously

Living unconsciously is a lot like being in a trap—you may not even know you're in there!

Start by learning how to recognize the signs. You may be living unconsciously if:

  • You aren't spending time on things that you really love doing, such as hobbies, or you don't enjoy your work.
  • You don't feel that you're making conscious choices about how you spend your time.
  • You don't budget or plan financially for the future.

Why you should live consciously

Living consciously can help you have a more fulfilled, satisfied life. Moreover, the benefits of purposeful living will snowball with time to become better and better.

Ultimately, by learning how to take control of your life (this includes your speech, actions, habits, behaviors, etc.), you'll be able to make improvements in almost every area of your life.

Benefits of learning conscious living

When you live with purpose, you'll learn how to:

Improve your relationships:

Achieve your goals:

  • Plan and use your time better
  • Proactively take action to make regular improvements and progress

Find satisfaction in life:

  • No longer find yourself doing things that you didn't choose
  • Stop wondering why you're doing what you're doing
  • Do things that make you feel happy and fulfilled every day

How to start living with purpose

Switching from unconscious living to conscious living doesn't happen overnight. Rather, it is a habit that you can learn to develop and then maintain for life.

It may sound obvious, but you can start to live more purposefully by...making conscious decisions.

What does that mean, exactly?

Think about everything you do, such as:

  • Why do you live where you do?
  • Why do you have the career you do?
  • Why do you hang out with the people you do?
  • Why do you spend weekends the way you do?
  • Why do you buy the things you do?

13 steps to live consciously

At first, all this self-reflection can feel like a lot. Don't worry—Rome wasn't built in a day. Here are small steps you can take to get started to live with purpose:

1. Get into the habit of self-reflection

Above all, self-reflection is one of the most important parts of conscious living. After all, in order to make conscious decisions, you need to spend time thinking about what it is you actually want so you can work to achieve it.

To make this habit stick, find a method of self-reflection that works for you. For example, that could be keeping a journal, reflecting during the day, or having a weekly or monthly check-in session with yourself.

2. Determine your core values

Obviously, you can't make conscious decisions to get where you want if you don't even know what you want. So, take some time to get to know yourself!

Once you have a clear idea of who you are as a person, then it'll be easier to make conscious decisions. For example, instead of being swayed by others, you'll be able to make decisions that you know uphold your goals, ideals, and values.

3. Be more aware of who you are

Clinical psychologist, John Duffy, defined self-awareness for TODAY as "the recognition of one's own emotional state at any given point in time."

In other words, you have self-awareness if you can focus on yourself and how you feel at a certain moment. For example, you can ask yourself, "Are my actions aligning with my core values?"

Learning how to take stock of your emotions and actions—and whether or not they're uploading your values—is key in learning to make conscious decisions for a more fulfilled life.

4. Set goals that are realistic

Setting goals is like creating a map for your life. This includes both short-term and long-term goals, as well as both personal goals and professional goals.

Learning how to set achievable goals goes hand in hand with getting clear on your core values (including your money values) and living consciously. If you know what you want to accomplish in life, then you can more easily make active, conscious decisions to get you there.

5. Track your progress toward your goals

With goals, it can be too easy to just set them and forget them. To keep tabs on your goals and make sure you're still working towards them as time passes, set a time to check in with yourself at least one time a year. Ask yourself:

  • Are the goals you set for yourself still what you want?
  • What progress have you made?
  • What can you do or change to keep yourself on the right path?

Better yet, share your list of goals with a friend. Research from The Ohio State University shows that people are usually more committed to their goals when they share them with someone they respect.

6. Learn how to improve your focus

Your ability to focus and pay active attention plays a big part in learning to live consciously. In other words, acute focus raises your consciousness, while haphazard distraction lowers it.

Once you're able to improve your focus, you'll be better able to cut through the noise and only act on things that bring value to your life. Easier said than done, right?

Start small. Try to do only one thing at a time.

For example, stop putting the TV as background noise when you're at home. Put your phone in Do-Not-Disturb mode for an hour each day.

Being a multi-tasking hero doesn't prove anything. Instead, try to approach each moment with heightened levels of focus and attention.

7. Think about the hours in your day

Time is perhaps the most limited commodity of all. Are you spending yours consciously?

As an exercise, keep a log of how you spend all your time for a day, a week, or even a month. This way, you can see exactly what you're doing with your time (the results are usually very surprising!).

With a tangible record of how you spend your time, you can consciously make choices about where and how you can make changes to stop wasting time and start living the life you want.

8. Learn how to spend (and save) intentionally

For many of us, it's all too easy to spend $30 here and there on impulse purchases. In fact, CNBC reveals that Americans spend $314 a month on impulse purchases.

Impulsivity is a big part of unconscious living. Moreover, experts think the line between impulse purchases and credit card debt is an exceedingly thin one.

However, you can resist the allure of impulse shopping by learning how to consider each purchase before you make it.

What's more, conscious living isn't just about conscious spending—it's also about conscious saving.

Considering your finances consciously means actively organizing the money you earn and spend each month. For instance, this means learning how to set financial goals and saving up for them so you can live the life you want.

9. Get honest about your own materialism

We live in a materialistic world, and the pressure to own more and more things rarely lets up. So take a pause and give yourself a moment to breathe.

Walk around your home and ask yourself honestly: "What do I have that I don't need, don't use, or don't even want?"

At the end of the day, owning things means having things to clean, maintain, move, sort, and, ultimately, get rid of. It's a huge source of stress.

A conscious life means being a conscious owner of material items.

First, think about the value the material things in your life really give you. If they're not adding value to your life, then get rid of them.

In the end, being surrounded only by things that truly add value to your life will help you spend each day more consciously, happily, and stress-free.

10. Take stock of your relationships

Similarly, to live consciously, you should also set aside time to review your relationships. Ask yourself:

  • Do you spend enough time with the people you love?
  • Do they know how much you value your relationship with them?
  • Do you need to forgive someone?
  • Do you need to apologize to someone?
  • Do you talk with your loved ones enough and truly listen?

Remember, relationships go beyond romance. Don't forget to consider your relationships with friends, family, neighbors, members of your community, and even your coworkers.

11. Reevaluate who and what you follow on social media

We all know that social media can take a serious toll on our mental health. According to the American Psychiatric Association, "a third of Americans say social media does more harm than good to their mental health." But most of us are still tuning in anyway!

Reevaluating who and what you follow on social media is a huge part of conscious living.

Do you ever find yourself scrolling through Facebook or Instagram and then asking yourself, "Why am I looking at this?"

So much of what we see online doesn't even make us feel good. Maybe it makes you angry or stresses you out or gives you FOMO or distracts you from your goals.

Ultimately, none of this is helping you live a more satisfied, fulfilled life. So start making conscious choices about who you follow—and unfollow.

Hit unfollow. Hit unsubscribe. Above all, slim down your feed so you only see content that adds real value to your life.

12. Weigh your impact on the world

Whether you're conscious of it or not, your actions have an impact on the world.

Conscious living isn't just about being more aware of your own life. Rather, it's about being aware of yourself and how you affect others.

Start by considering how your life impacts the people in your life, the environment, and even the people around the world. Your actions matter, so take actions that you'll be proud of.

13. Be willing to grow and learn

Finally, your mindset plays a big part in your life experiences and your overall quality of life.

With a fixed mindset, a person is unwilling and, thus, unable to develop new skills and change their behaviors over time.

Conversely, a growth mindset means you're ready to develop new habits. For this reason, adopting a growth mindset goes hand in hand with getting started with conscious living.

When you're ready to build new habits (like all the ones mentioned above), you can build a life that's founded on conscious decisions.

Start with small steps to begin living consciously!

Conscious living isn't a one-day change. But by learning to develop this approach to life, you can do a complete 180 with your life (if that's what you want!).

Above all, living consciously will help you stop wasting time on things you don't care about so you can start living every day with a feeling of satisfaction and fulfillment.

Remember: Conscious living incorporates all aspects of your life. That includes your mental health, financial life, and more. Work towards your best life using these ideas!

The post 13 Steps For Living Consciously For A More Fulfilled Life appeared first on Clever Girl Finance.

How To Slow Life Down And Enjoy It More! Sat, 05 Nov 2022 10:32:20 +0000 […]

The post How To Slow Life Down And Enjoy It More! appeared first on Clever Girl Finance.


Slow life down

Modern life can be incredibly busy, and you may feel that it would be nice to slow life down and relax more. No matter what your life looks like, from college student to working parent, you can benefit from a simpler life that doesn't feel so hectic.

More than half of American professionals say that they “feel burnout at work.” However, stress and being overwhelmed isn’t always confined to the office.

If you have a hectic social life or are a parent, you may find that it feels as though you never have a second to yourself to enjoy life. So, how can you change that?

If you want to know how to enjoy life more, you’ve come to the right place. We will break down the importance of slowing life down and the ways you can do it — regardless of your commitments. Here’s everything that you need to know!

Why is it important to slow life down?

First things first, let’s talk about why it’s important to slow life down. If you’re a typically high-functioning person, you might think nothing of cramming your diary with plans and engagements. However, if you overload yourself, you may end up feeling overwhelmed.

It can affect your health

Whether you’re a busy mom or professional, taking time out is essential. Failing to do so can lead to mental health issues and other emotional problems.

According to the American Psychological Association, a massive 79% of American employees have now experienced work-related stresses, while 32% of people have also experienced emotional exhaustion.

It gives you time to recharge and appreciate life

Taking some time to relax is important so that you can recharge. Not only will this benefit your mental health, but it will also help you to savor the small, simple pleasures of life.

When you’re busily moving from thing to thing, you may struggle to appreciate all that you have. By learning how to slow down your life and take your time, you can better enjoy everything you do.

Ready to learn how to slow life down? The truth is that there are various ways to do this. When you’re feeling stressed or overwhelmed, you may not be able to see them.

Let’s break down the approaches you can use, depending on your situation.

How busy and working moms can slow life down

Motherhood is a full-time job, and that’s before you factor your day job into the equation. It’s no wonder that you may struggle to slow life down.

While taking a mini-break without the kids is likely out of the question, there are some approaches you can give a whirl.

Try mindful eating

What do you usually do when you’re eating? You may watch TV, play on your phone, or even cook for someone else.

If that sounds familiar, it could be worth trying mindful eating. This approach involves being present in the moment and savoring the food you eat.

If possible, sit in a quiet room while you are eating and ditch any distractions. That means turning the TV off, making sure that it’s quiet, and having a moment to yourself. When you do that, you can truly focus on the meal that you are having and experience the flavors.

Savor small pleasures

“How to stop time: kiss. How to travel in time: read. How to escape time: music. How to feel time: write. How to release time: breathe.”― Matt Haig, Reasons to Stay Alive

Do you remember the last time you spent 10 or 20 minutes doing something that you love? That may mean reading, speaking to your partner, sewing cross-stitch, or even just drinking a coffee. Savoring these small pleasures helps you to live in the moment and slow life down.

How to slow down in life as a career-focused person

Is your career your top priority? When you’re climbing that ladder, you may feel as though there’s not a moment to lose.

While you’re chasing that next promotion — and that in itself is commendable — you might lose sight of the smaller, enjoyable things in life.

Go for a walk in nature

Feeling overloaded with work? Walking in nature for an hour lessens "stress-related brain activity." Chances are, you rarely make the time to get outside and experience the great outdoors.

However, as the research has shown, this can lead to a wealth of mental benefits, and it can be one of the best things to do when learning how to slow life down.

Heading out for a walk helps to slow your brain down and allows you to become more mindful. Don’t worry if you don’t live near a national park. Simply going for a walk outside can offer you the same benefits.

Why not try this easy tip on your next lunch break to slow down your life?

Stop multitasking

Multitasking isn't as helpful as you'd think. Yes, you might think that you’re getting a hyperbolic million things done when you’re doing it, but you’re likely doing none of them well.

When you try to take on too many things at once, you often do a poor job with all of them. Multitasking also doesn't help when you want to learn how to slow down in life.

What you should try to do is to quit multitasking. Whenever you have a job to do — whether it’s work-related or otherwise — focus only on that thing. Doing so may help you to get into the natural “flow” of the work and slow down your work life in the process.

Slowing down and enjoying life for college students

When you’re at college, there are many things to keep up with — from social plans to deadlines. Often enough, this mounting pressure can lead to mental health problems. Burning out is common among students, but so are issues such as anxiety and depression.

To combat these problems, it’s worth looking at the ways that you can slow life down and live in the moment. Fortunately enough, we have a couple of science-backed approaches.

Practice some breathwork

Engaging in mindfulness activities and paced breathing can lower blood pressure. That’s great news if you happen to be feeling overwhelmed with your workload and social plans.

Breathwork is the practice of slowing down your breathing and noticing each of the breaths that you take. You can find YouTube tutorials online to help you get started.

When you start relaxing your breathing, you will find that it leads to countless physiological benefits. Plus, it can really help you with slowing down and enjoying life.

Start journaling each day

Want to start a mentally healthy habit? Journaling helps you slow life down and reflect on your blessings.

As a student, you are already under an immense amount of pressure. You may forget that you have many privileges in your life. Why not try listing them now?

Journaling has been linked to increased academic motivation in college students. That means that you may find it easier to study when you start this hobby. You can set aside around five to 10 minutes every day to jot down the elements of your life that bring you joy.

How to slow down your life as a social butterfly

Outgoing individuals tend to love socializing with anyone and everyone. If you’re always at a party, a gathering, or an event, your life will feel rich and fulfilling.

However, there is a downside to that. Failing to have some time to yourself can lead to energy burnout. With that in mind, here are a couple of ways that you can slow life down and chill out. 

Switch off from social media

Social media is the enemy of mindfulness and can cause you to overthink. It’s no surprise that there’s research to suggest that social media negatively affects mental health. If you are a busy person, taking a break from these platforms can help free up your time.

It doesn’t end there. If you are prone to the dreaded Fear of Missing Out (FOMO), skipping social media could be a good move.

As a social person, you will always want to be out and about. When you aren’t constantly seeing others doing that, you might just slow life down.

Learn how to be present

Few people know how to be present at the moment. When you are out at dinner, you may be thinking about who you’re meeting for drinks afterward.

When you’re having some downtime with your family, you might be texting a group to make Sunday brunch plans.

While you think you’re getting loads done, the above approaches to life will leave you feeling completely drained and make it difficult to learn how to slow down in life. Wherever you are, make sure that your mind is there too.

Stop thinking about the other things you have to do or making plans. Take a few moments to take in your surroundings, appreciate the people that you’re with, and enjoy the present.

No matter how busy you are, it's possible to slow life down and enjoy it!

No matter what commitments you may have, we should all schedule some time to slow life down. If you want to become more mindful and start enjoying the small pleasures in life, it won’t happen by accident.

Instead, you need to take a proactive approach here by slowing down and enjoying life. Follow our advice and look for other ways to make the most of every second.

The post How To Slow Life Down And Enjoy It More! appeared first on Clever Girl Finance.

Reacting Vs Responding: How To Respond Not React Mon, 24 Oct 2022 13:39:22 +0000 […]

The post Reacting Vs Responding: How To Respond Not React appeared first on Clever Girl Finance.


How to respond not react

When was the last time you reacted instantly in a difficult situation and immediately regretted what you said or did? If you’re like most of us, something probably comes to mind right away. If you’d like to learn how to stop this practice and instead learn how to respond not react, you’ve come to the right place!

We’re going to talk all about reacting vs responding, how not to react when something triggers you, and go over a few common ways this shows up in life.

Reacting vs responding – what is the difference?

Instinctively, you probably know the difference between reacting and responding. Here’s some more detail on what it means:


On a basic level, reacting is a knee-jerk reaction to something. You see or hear something, and before you’ve even had a chance to consciously think about your next steps, you’ve reacted.

Reacting can cause you to say and do things you didn’t really want to say or do.

Do you ever look back and wish you hadn’t said or done something? If so, you probably reacted. While hindsight is always 20/20, there is another way to act, and that is responding.


Responding is a more thoughtful approach to your actions. When responding, you don’t immediately jump in and speak out or take action when you see or hear something. Instead, you take a pause and deliberately think before acting.

While responding doesn’t mean you’ll always say the right thing and never look back and wish you’d acted differently, it does mean that you will be less likely to regret your actions.

Respond don’t react – why does it matter?

You may be wondering, why does any of this matter? Well, as we’ll discuss below, you’ll face tough situations in life all the time.

From relationship issues to career decisions to your finances, you’re bound to encounter a problem that you can either react or respond to. If you respond instead of react, you’re more likely to look back on your actions and not have any regrets.

How not to react – can it be done?

Now that you understand what it means to respond as opposed to react and why it matters, you probably want to know what to do with that information. How do you put this into practice?

While the concept is quite simple, responding is not taught to most of us. It’s actually a skill you have to learn and practice!

Just like we aren’t born knowing calculus, neither are we born knowing the best way to respond. And, just like you probably forgot calculus right after high school (if you’re like me, at least!), you will also lose the skill of responding if you don’t put it into practice.

The good thing about responding is (unlike calculus), it’s really helpful in your everyday life. So, let’s dive into the step-by-step process of how not to react!

How to respond not react in four steps

There are four steps you can take in any situation in order to respond not react. Once you understand this process, it’s important to practice it.

Remember, you can’t just read these steps once and magically implement them in all situations. It takes some practice to get the hang of it, but in time, you definitely will!

This four-step process of responding doesn’t take much more time than reacting. In fact, it’s all internal and takes just a split second or so.

Nobody else will even notice what you’re doing! It’s like a secret skill to add to your mental health toolbox.

Let’s dive into the four steps!

1. Gain awareness of what has happened

Before you even utter a word, make a move, or act, the primary step is to be aware of the situation. Gaining awareness is all about mindfulness.

What is mindfulness? Essentially, it means being aware of the present moment. It involves paying attention to things that trigger you and stopping yourself from acting on that trigger.

Mindfulness is a practice. It’s more of a state of being than an action you take.

It can be cultivated over time, and the more you practice this, the better you will get at gaining awareness. Then, you can move on to the second step – pausing before taking any action.

2. The key to mastering how to respond not react: take a pause

Once you’ve gained awareness of any situation, in order to respond not react, you must pause. It doesn’t even have to be long, but you must consciously pause and let your immediate reaction pass.

The easiest way to do this, especially as you develop your new responding practice, is to take a breath (or a few). Breathing is an effective way to bring yourself back to the moment, take a pause, and prep yourself for the next step.

3. Consider possible responses

After becoming aware of your trigger and stopping yourself from reacting, it’s time to decide how you want to respond. Unlike reacting, responding is a conscious choice. You consider your next steps or your next words.

Just like the pause, it doesn’t have to take much time. You can go through a few responses in your head, or perhaps you will just know the right one because the pause was all you needed. Either way, consider how you want to respond.

4. Act on what feels right to you

The final step is to do what feels right. How do you want to show up? How do you want to act?

What response will make you feel good about yourself? That’s the goal of responding.

By choosing your response and not acting on impulse or reaction, no matter the outcome, you’ll know that you took a moment to choose your action and that will always feel better than reacting without thinking.

Does learning how to respond not react mean you’ll always say or do the right thing?

Mastering these steps doesn’t mean you will always have the “perfect” response in every situation. But, it will guarantee that you will have a more thoughtful response and one that you will be satisfied with more often than not.

Respond don’t react – putting it into practice

What does responding not reacting look like in real life? Here are a few scenarios you might encounter and what it looks like to react vs respond:

Saying yes when you mean no

A classic reaction is when you say yes to something but you don’t really want to do it.

Let’s say you’re asked by a parent at your kids’ school to join a committee. You react – out of pressure or guilt – by saying yes even though you don’t want to. Now you’re stuck doing something you don’t have the time or the interest for.

But what if you respond instead? By taking a pause and responding, you’ll be more likely to say how you really feel. No, you cannot help out this time, but you’d be happy to do something else in the future.

Getting angry at your partner

Relationships are another area where reacting vs responding comes up all the time.

When something happens in your relationship that you don’t like, like a partner coming home from work late without an explanation, your tendency might be to react. This might look like yelling or even accusing the other person of cheating.

If this happens, do you know how not to react? To respond instead? Responding might look like taking in the situation, recognizing you feel triggered, taking a breath, considering your possible responses, and then acting with intention instead of on emotion.

Perhaps instead of accusing your partner, you ask questions to get more information, and the situation is diffused instead of escalated.

Calling out a coworker

Another space where it pays to respond instead of react is at work. Have you ever experienced a coworker who blames you for a mistake in front of a client or a boss? Your immediate reaction might be to call them out in anger during a meeting.

But your response, once you consider the situation, might be different. Perhaps you realize that it would be better to pull your coworker aside after the meeting instead of making a scene in front of the client. Whatever you choose, responding will always be the very best route to take.

Making a financial mistake

Lastly, you can also practice the mantra of “respond don’t react” when it comes to your finances. Maybe your bills are starting to pile up and you don’t think you can afford to pay them off.

Your immediate reaction is one of panic – how will you make these payments? Acting on that reaction, you open up a high-interest-rate credit card to cover your expenses and put the issue out of your mind.

What if you practiced how to respond not react instead? You’d let the initial reaction pass and take a moment to really think about your options.

Can you dip into your emergency savings fund temporarily to pay the bills? Pick up an extra shift at work? What other options do you have that are better for your long-term finances than opening up another credit card?

Whatever you choose (even if you decide that opening a new credit card is the right route to take), by responding instead of reacting, you’ll know you’ve made the best decision for yourself.

Learning how to respond not react is key to living your best life!

A simple mindset shift, like how to respond not react, can really be a game-changer in your relationships, your career, and your finances.

By implementing this small change, you’ll start to see improvements in every aspect of your life. Remember, respond don’t react!

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5 Important Elements Of Change For Your Overall Wellness Wed, 19 Oct 2022 12:44:21 +0000 […]

The post 5 Important Elements Of Change For Your Overall Wellness appeared first on Clever Girl Finance.


Elements of change

Having a limiting mindset can anchor you to the ground. However, if you want to move forward in your life, you need to be open to changing parts of it. Within this guide, we take a look at why elements of change can improve your wellness and how to get started.

No matter what part of your life needs transformation, here’s the advice you need. But first, why is change important?

Change leads to greater happiness (and wellness)

Are you resistant to change? Do you fear the unknown? Chances are, you’re not alone.

If you’ve walked the same path for years, you may be scared of trying anything new. While your current route isn’t serving you, you’re unsure of where other routes may take you.

The truth is that there is power in change. Committing yourself to doing something differently could improve your wellness. It’s all about taking that big leap of faith.

Research published in the Review of Economic Studies suggests that people who choose change are happier and more assured of their decision than those who play it safe.

If you feel as though you are stuck in a rut, it will have a negative effect on your wellness. You may find that it brings you down, means that you lack energy, and stops you from leading the life you truly desire. For that reason, you have to keep moving and looking for change.

Why you should know about the elements of change

You can’t work toward positive change until you know how to do it. For instance, you may have a dream to live a debt free life. However, without a solid action plan, you have no way of reaching that goal.

Learning about the elements of change will help you create one.

Once you are familiar with these elements, you can start to apply them to all areas of your life. Think of them as your signposts — guiding the way when you want to change things.

The sooner you educate yourself on them, the easier it will be to take the first steps.

The 5 elements of change and how to use them

Let’s take a look at some of the elements of change you need. Think of the following list as the ingredients you should have if you want to start moving.

You can use them to motivate and inspire your journey — regardless of where you’re starting from. Here are our top five:

1. Clear vision of the future

Making rash decisions will get you nowhere fast. You need to know what you want to change in order to do it.

Research shows that goal-setting is important when it comes to time management. Before you can start changing your fate, you need to know what that entails. Picture yourself five years from now — where is it that you want to be?

Tip: Write down your long-term goals

Not sure where to start? You may find that it is helpful to write things down or even create a vision board. Whatever works for you.

Tracking your goals is the best way to reach them. Set aside some time to consider what your vision of the future looks like and set targets.

Do this by writing down your goals so you know what you need to do, and what order to complete your goals.

2. Make yourself (and others) happy

There is nothing wrong with chasing happiness. However, one of the largest mistakes that people make is only considering their own emotions.

When you’re looking to use elements of change in your life, you need to understand where contentment in life comes from.

Research suggests that true happiness comes from giving to others. When your goals are self-serving, you may find that you lose interest in them faster than you might imagine. Flip the narrative.

If you have others relying on you — to help them or bring them joy — you might find you are more motivated to work hard and make those changes.

Tip: Volunteer at a local community group

If you want to improve the lives of others — while also making yourself happy! — you may want to consider volunteering.

Why not look for some opportunities in your neighborhood? You could help the elderly, start fundraising for a cause, or even look after animals.

3. Create a plan and check-in

Now that you know what you want from life, you need to make a plan.

You already have your core vision in mind. What steps should you take to get there?

You need to stay consistent if you want to achieve your dreams. Make a plan that works with your schedule. This is one of the most important elements of change.

Tip: Add deadlines to your micro-targets

You cannot merely say you want to reach a goal. You need to design the route to get there too.

When you have highlighted the micro-targets along the way, give each one an appropriate deadline and stick to it.

For example, if the first step to finding a new job is “revamp my resume,” make sure that has an achievable deadline tied to it.

4. Celebrate the small victories

Change won’t happen overnight. You need to stay motivated every step of the way.

When you are making your plan, consider how you will celebrate each small victory along the way.

Tip: Plan your rewards in advance

Don’t just reward yourself sporadically. When you’re making your action plan, tie in some rewards.

For example, if you're looking for a job, when you first get an interview, you could plan to make a nice home-cooked meal afterward. You can add each of these bonuses to your plan.

5. Reflect on how far you’ve come

Life is a journey. One of the most crucial elements of change is reflection. When you are living your day-to-day life, you may rarely reflect on how far you have already come.

Tip: Write down your journey so far

You might be feeling unsatisfied with your life. It happens to the best of us. However, have you considered how much has already changed for you?

Think back 10 or 20 years. Things were extremely different for you. What have you learned in that time?

Get a pencil and some paper and try to list the positive things that have changed over time. This exercise allows you to see — in retrospect — how fast your life can change and improve.

Leverage these elements of change to make a positive difference in your life!

Stop hesitating and start moving. Now that you’re well-versed in the main elements of change, it’s time to transform any area of your life that you please.

You now have the tools that you need to truly make a difference. Don’t waste them. Think about the ways that you can alter the parts of your life that are no longer serving you and pursue your goals and dreams more effectively.

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8 Ways To Focus On Finding Happiness Within Yourself Tue, 18 Oct 2022 16:46:43 +0000 […]

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Happiness within yourself

Happiness can be a somewhat elusive state of being. Although it can sometimes be challenging, it’s possible to find happiness within yourself. As with almost everything in life, you’ll need to practice in order to find happiness within.

Are you ready to focus on finding happiness within you? Let’s explore how you can make that happen!

Why is it important to focus on finding happiness within yourself?

The reality is that we live in a society that places a lot of value on finding happiness in material possessions, external experiences, and other people.

For example, you might get bombarded with ads that seem to promise that you’ll find happiness if only you buy the perfect handbag, wear the perfect clothes, or plan the perfect wedding.

Although the world might tell you otherwise, it’s completely possible to find happiness within yourself.

In fact, it might only be possible to find lasting happiness by looking into yourself instead of hunting around for another person or item to give you the feeling of happiness.

When you can find happiness within yourself, it’s possible to transform your entire outlook on life. With that inner peace that accompanies happiness, you can be more prepared to enjoy life whether or not you have the latest gadget.

Finding happiness within is good for your well-being in several ways. Not only can this quest improve your emotional well-being, but it also helps boost your financial well-being by removing some of your spending temptations.

8 ways to find happiness within yourself

If everyone could easily find happiness, then our world would likely be a better place. But sometimes, finding happiness is easier said than done.

The good news is you can find happiness within yourself. Although it might not happen overnight, you can slowly transform your outlook into a happier one.

As you start your quest for happiness, give these strategies a try.

1. Be kind to yourself

First things first, it’s important to make a concentrated effort to be kind to yourself.

If you're like me, this might not be your natural state of mind. Unfortunately, it’s easy to constantly be down on yourself. Whether or not it’s true, you might be unnecessarily cruel to yourself.

One idea to increase your happiness is to simply be kind to yourself. Try to avoid saying anything mean to yourself, even in the privacy of your own mind. For example, if you wouldn’t say it to a friend, please don’t say it to yourself.

Give yourself the space to breathe when you need it. If you naturally have negative thoughts, make an effort to reframe them.

2. Take care of your body

When you are living in a healthy body, it’s easier to be happy. After all, it’s easier to take on the world if you feel good in your own skin.

Some of the most basic ways to take care of your body include eating healthy and exercising on a regular basis.

If you aren’t currently taking care of your body, it’s okay to start small.

For example, you might take a walk around the block at lunch. Or swap out your fast food dinner with a pre-made salad from the grocery store. Even relatively small choices can add up in a big way.

3. Step away from social media

Research has found that social media use can impact your mind in a negative way.

And it’s easy to see how social media can drain away our happiness. If you scroll through the platform of your choice, you’ll likely see a never-ending loop of people living their best life.

Of course, the reality of their situation might be different from what they choose to portray on social media. But you won’t usually see that side of someone’s life posted for all to see.

If possible, try to reduce your time on social media. If you like a challenge, try a social media detox.

4. Declutter your home to find happiness within yourself

The space you call home can have a big impact on your mental health. If you are constantly living in a state of clutter, it’s easy to feel unhappy. Personally, I know I love the feeling of sitting down after cleaning my home.

The process of decluttering isn’t always fun. But once you complete the task, you’ll be happy you purged unnecessary items from your home. 

For some inspiring ideas, check out this list of things to get rid of.

5. Set aside time to explore

If you aren’t sure how to find happiness within you, it’s time to give yourself the space you need to find out. For some, this task is easy. But for others, it can take some serious soul-searching to determine what makes you happiest.

Set aside the time you need to explore life’s simple pleasures while seeking happiness within yourself. If you feel a spark of joy in your heart along the way, follow that thread to your happy place.

6. Start a journal

Although it doesn’t make for the happiest life, it’s natural for your thoughts to be a jumble. At least for me, it’s hard to know how I truly feel about an issue until I start writing things down.

That’s because getting things down on paper can help sort out the jumble of thoughts in my head.

Within a journal, you have the freedom to explore wherever your mind takes you. In some cases, you’ll find that writing things down is a therapeutic exercise that helps you feel happier. Don’t be afraid to follow your journal, wherever your thoughts might lead you.

7. Count your blessings

It’s easy to constantly compare your current situation to someone that’s further along on their journey. But covetously counting up the possessions of others won’t make you happy. Instead, comparing yourself to others can breed envy and unhappiness.

One way to bring happiness into your life is to count the blessings you already have. A few blessings might include your friends, family, safety, and health.

If possible, try to count your blessings every day to remind yourself of all the reasons you have to be happy.

8. Take steps toward your goals

Setting goals can help you visualize where you want life to take you. With the right goals, you can push yourself toward your dreams.

But sometimes, big goals can get overwhelming. If you feel overwhelmed, the goals might inspire sadness instead of happiness.

If possible, break down your goals into more actionable steps. For example, if you have the goal of saving $1,000, try to save $10 this week. Even a small step in the correct direction can give your happiness a boost.

Finding happiness within yourself is possible with some effort and time!

Finding happiness within you can take time and effort. But with the right attitude, you can achieve the level of happiness you desire.

As you start this journey, be kind to yourself along the way. Remember you're making progress toward happiness as you make healthy choices and choose to be grateful.

The post 8 Ways To Focus On Finding Happiness Within Yourself appeared first on Clever Girl Finance.

15 Practical Steps To Make Today A Good Day Sat, 15 Oct 2022 12:50:07 +0000 […]

The post 15 Practical Steps To Make Today A Good Day appeared first on Clever Girl Finance.


Make today a good day

What if you can make today a good day? And every day after?

In this fast-paced, goal-oriented world we live in, many people wake up expecting to just get through the day. Having a good day is an afterthought that can wait for the weekend or after a project is done.

I don’t think that’s how we’re meant to spend this precious life we’ve been given. That said, let’s get started and find out how to make today a good day!

What would make today great?

We all have goals – things we want to achieve and have in this life. Goals like moving into a bigger house, getting a promotion, or being debt-free.

They’re all great and necessary to motivate us and give us purpose. But many of us spend our days tired and miserable in pursuit of our goals.

There is another way to achieve goals. And it doesn’t need a lot of effort. What would make today great for you?

A few minutes to enjoy your coffee before the chaos starts in the morning, wake up feeling refreshed, or get out the door on time? It’s all achievable and possible.

Check out some of the many ways you can make today a good day.

Steps to make it a great day in your finances

Americans are stressed by money issues to the point of it affecting their health. Instead of worrying about money, you can make today a good day by taking control of your finances.

Start with these few steps that only take minutes to do.

1. Create a budget

Make today a good day by getting your finances in order. And that starts with a budget. Although budgeting requires preparation, planning, and persistence, it doesn’t have to be restrictive and complicated.

Creating a budget and sticking to it, first and foremost, helps you see what you’re spending your money on. Budgeting can help you save money to pay off debt or build wealth through investing.

There are many budgeting methods you can try. Try them all until you find a system that works for you.

Give yourself a goal to help you stay motivated. If you aren't clear on where to begin, check out these budget challenges with our free courses for resources.

2. Meal plan

Getting started with meal planning is a great way to make today a great day. It will help you eat healthier while being intentional with your spending.

With a weekly meal plan, you can allocate a grocery budget and stay within it. When you know what you’re making for dinner, you won’t be scrambling at the end of the day. And this helps you avoid impulse food buys that can stretch your budget.

Plus, if you make your food at home, you’ll be in control of what you’re eating. So, it makes it easier to make choices that support your health goals.

3. Start an emergency fund

Life can surprise us at any moment. But what happens if it was an unpleasant surprise like your car breaking down or getting let go from your job? Do you have a rainy day fund to tide you over?

A recent Bankrate study revealed that only 41% of Americans would be able to cover a $1,000 emergency expense using savings.

What would make today great is for you to stack or start building your emergency fund. Having savings means you’ll have something to fall back on when unexpected expenses arise without taking on debt.

4. Learn how to start investing

Having savings is a good start to getting your finances in order. But investing is how you grow your money.

There are many ways to invest including participating in the stock market, buying real estate properties, or starting a business.

Either way, investing allows you to have your money work for you. Whether you’re buying stocks or real estate, growing your money involves a long-term strategy. That’s why it’s best to start investing as soon as possible to give your investments time to grow.

Make today a good day, and become an informed investor.

Ways to make today a good day with your relationships

Humans are social creatures. We are wired for connections and relationships. However, our responsibilities can take over our lives, and we forget how much we value our people.

But you can always do better today, start with these tips below.

5. Spend time with your loved ones

Research shows that spending time together with friends and family makes us happier than earning more money. And even better, it’s one of the best ways to create memorable experiences.

So, make it a great day and fill your happiness bucket. It doesn’t have to be fancy or expensive either.

Linger at the dinner table after the meal and tell new stories or recount old ones. Maybe break out a board game or go for a walk together.

6. Reach out to a friend

With all the responsibilities of family and work, it can be difficult to maintain adult friendships. But think about the last time someone reached out to check in on you. Didn’t it feel good?

Reach out to a friend and make today a good day for both of you. You don’t have to invite them to something or offer anything.

You could just say something like, “Hey, I saw something today that reminded me of you. I hope you’re doing well.”

It’s simple and unintrusive. Your friend doesn’t even have to reply if they’re busy.

7. Do something nice for someone

Multiple studies found that giving in practically any form benefits the giver as much as the recipient. Doing something nice for someone gives you a better sense of well-being.

Giving also makes you happier. So, any day you’re asking “what would make today great?” the answer is an act of kindness. And it doesn’t have to be grand.

It might be opening the door for someone or letting someone go before you at checkout. You could take over bath duty today from your spouse to give them extra time to relax.

Tips to make today a great day in your career

Another thing that gives us purpose is our work. For some, it’s just a means to earn money. But if you need to spend a huge chunk of your days at work, it would benefit you to cultivate a love for it.

So, why not make it a great day today with these tips?

8. Work on something meaningful to you

Sometimes our jobs aren’t always aligned with our passions and what we enjoy doing. Knowing we’d rather be doing something else can make us unmotivated and wane our enthusiasm for life.

But you can still follow your passion outside of your job, whether as a side hustle or a hobby. Make today a good day and try to find ways to share your talents with the world.

For instance, if you like designing jewelry, make one for yourself and then venture into selling some pieces. If you’re musical, you can volunteer at a senior’s home or teach people how to play musical instruments.

9. Do one thing at a time

Unfortunately, multitasking is a myth. No matter how much we like to believe we can do two things at once, our brains aren’t capable of it.

When you multitask, you’re actually switching between two tasks at lightning speed. And doing this uses up a lot of energy and brainpower.

What would make today great is to do yourself a favor. Do one thing at a time, you can be twice as productive and you won’t overtax your brain.

10. Learn a new skill

Aside from giving you a competitive advantage in the workplace, it can also be a way to challenge yourself. Plus, you might meet new people and have fun in the process.

Try something you’ve always wanted to do like learning a new language, public speaking, or speed reading. You can also try something not related to work such as baking or woodworking.

Ways to improve your health and make today a good day

Our health is our greatest asset. If we’re not healthy, we wouldn’t be able to enjoy all the success and money in the world. So, here are a few ways to take care of your health today.

11. Get outside

Even in your busy schedule try to find time to get outside. Instead of hunching over your desk, eat your lunch outside when the weather permits it.

Spending time outside improves our overall health. Its benefits include a stronger immune system, better sleep, and reduced stress.

Make today a good day and connect with nature. Go for a short walk outdoors, get some fresh air, and watch the sky. Maybe even do your exercises outside if possible.

12. Move your body

Exercise is another thing we should make time for. When you move your body, you build more muscle and increase your stamina.

Exercise also helps your body relax and boosts brain health. And it improves your body image even when you don’t lose weight.

Make sure to move your body today to reap all these benefits. Dance, stretch, or walk the longer route home. A small start is a start nonetheless.

13. Meditate

There are many ways to meditate, including journaling, guided meditation, tai chi, and yoga. Meditation is a term that encompasses all the ways to achieve a relaxed state of being.

All forms of meditation are great ways to clear your mind and calm you down.

For instance, when you’re worried about something, instead of being caught in the loop of thinking about the worst possible scenarios, write them down.

Journaling allows you to get your thoughts out and examine them objectively.

You can get started with guided meditation through free apps. And YouTube has many channels offering online yoga classes.

Steps to improve your mood and make every day a great day

Life can be hard and people can let us down. But ultimately, we’re in charge of ourselves. No matter what’s happening outside, you can choose how you feel.

You can choose to be angry and wallow in misery, or you find something to be grateful for and hold on to what truly matters.

14. Find something to be grateful for

Practicing gratitude is not just looking at the bright side or celebrating big wins. It’s a change of perspective that’s more intentional.

It’s being grateful for the air you breathe, the water as you take a drink, and the roof over your head.

You can practice gratitude by keeping up with a journal of things you’re grateful for and sharing good things that happen each day with someone. Making sure you thank people when they do something for you is another way to show gratitude.

15. Be present at each moment

Being present in the moment is much easier said than done. After all, there’s work and responsibilities to worry about. And the days seem to be all the same anyway.

But thinking about things you are supposed to be doing when spending time with your family and friends doesn’t get them done. All it does is make you miss sweet and joyful moments.

Make today a good day, be present and notice the little things.

Every new day is a gift; make it a great day!

However your day started today, you can still turn it around and have a great day. Whether you’re drowning in paperwork or laundry, having a great day is a choice you can make.

While you’re focused on achieving career or life goals, make sure you find some time to exercise, practice gratitude, and be present. And make every day a good day, so you can truly enjoy life!

The post 15 Practical Steps To Make Today A Good Day appeared first on Clever Girl Finance.

39 Simple Pleasures In Life That Are Completely Free Thu, 06 Oct 2022 12:54:00 +0000 […]

The post 39 Simple Pleasures In Life That Are Completely Free appeared first on Clever Girl Finance.


Simplest pleasures

As a quote from Benjamin Franklin says, "Happiness consists more in small conveniences or pleasures that occur every day, than in great pieces of good fortune that happen but seldom to a man in the course of his life." Making it a point to prioritize and enjoy life’s simple pleasures is one of the easiest ways to find joy every day.

Like Ben said, you don't have to wait for those big, earth-shattering milestones to make you happy since those only come once in a blue moon.

Let’s explore why the little things are so important and some completely free ideas of simple life pleasures for you to enjoy!

Why do the simple pleasures of life matter?

Finding happiness and fulfillment in the simple things is important for a lot of different reasons:

There’s truly no downside to making time to enjoy simple life pleasures. So let’s move on to the list of ideas!

39 of the simple pleasures in life to enjoy right now

Want to start making time for more things that bring you joy in life? Here are 39 ideas to get you started!

1. Listening to music

Music is something that unites almost every human, no matter what culture we’re from or what kind of genres we enjoy. It can make us dance, make us sing along, tug at our heartstrings, and inspire us.

It also has many health benefits! For instance, listening to music can boost mood, lower stress, and improve depression.

These days, there are also plenty of music streaming services you can access for free! Try iHeartRadio, Jango, Spotify, Pandora’s free plans, YouTube music, etc.

2. Reading a good book

One of the great things in life is curling up with a good book, whether it’s in a hammock on a breezy summer day, or in a chair with a blanket as it rains outside.

Also, if you’re something of a book hoarder like me, you can catch up on all the books on your shelf you’ve been meaning to read.

I also love getting books from the library, because it’s free and saves space since you return them afterward. Or, look for free e-books on an e-reader like Kindle or a smartphone app!

3. Watching the sunrise or sunset - One of the most mesmerizing simple pleasures in life

A lot of the best simple life pleasures can be found in nature. Whether you’re an early bird who likes to catch the soft pastels of dawn, or you can never stop staring at the dramatic hues of sunset, the sky holds simple joys for us all.

Consider taking a picture or short video clip every time, so you can make a sky montage of each month, season, or year. Pictures are a fabulous way to have a keepsake of memories because you can relive the best moments any time you want!

4. Going for a nature walk or hike

Along the same lines, did you know that research shows there’s a significant link between happiness and time in nature? And since it’s also well-established that exercise boosts our moods, nature walks or hikes give you the best of both worlds!

Try looking on TrailLink to find options suitable for any level!

5. Watching flowers bloom in spring

So everyone tells you to stop and smell the roses, right? Take the time to wander around in springtime and find as many different kinds of blooms as possible.

Admire their small, delicate details and the fresh aromas of spring. You could also plant your very own garden to enjoy on a daily basis!

6. Spending time with loved ones - A treasured simple pleasure

Sometimes, all you need to have an amazing day is to be surrounded by the right people. Plan to enjoy some of the good things in life in the company of your family and friends, so you can all build memories that last.

Have them pick some of their favorite things to do, so you can find out what they enjoy!

7. Foraging for berries or mushrooms

Foraging is a simple life pleasure that goes back to the dawn of humanity—exploring the forests and collecting nature’s bounty.

As long as you’re extremely careful about which ones you actually eat, learning how to identify and forage plants is a fun and useful free activity. See if you can join a local group to learn the ropes!

8. Practicing mindfulness

Mindfulness is a form of meditation that focuses on the senses. It’s all about slowing down, feeling your own breath, paying attention to the sights, sounds, scents, tastes, and feelings you’re experiencing.

So it’s a great way to get more in touch with yourself and experience life more vividly.

That said, we should all be working on developing our attitudes of mindfulness!

9. The satisfaction of finishing a workout

Pushing yourself through a hard workout can feel difficult in the moment, but you can’t beat the endorphins and feeling of satisfaction when you’re done.

The hardest part of an exercise routine is usually finding the motivation to get started, so try finding a way to work out that doesn't feel like a chore. Maybe yours is a dance-style workout like Zumba, or swimming for cardio, or the Couch to 5K running plan.

10. Catching up with an old friend

Friendships can go through lulls, but even when you haven’t spoken for years, one of the simple pleasures in life is catching up like it’s been no time at all.

So, reach out and share a memory to reconnect! Valuable friendships are worth the effort to maintain since they can impact every part of our lives down to our finances.

11. Getting a great night of sleep - A healthy simple pleasure

Sometimes when you wake up, it can feel like you barely slept at all. Getting a truly good night of sleep, where you wake up feeling refreshed and well-rested, is one of the best things that’s good for our health and wellbeing too!

Follow the CDC's "sleep hygiene" tips, like keeping electronic devices out of your bedroom and going to bed at a consistent time each night.

12. Making a bucket list

Daydreaming about all the things you want to do in the future is a great way to spend an afternoon because it helps you visualize your goals.

Outline the things you want to experience in life and start planning how to achieve them!

So where are some places you want to travel to? What are some adventures you'd like to try?

Do you want to write a book or make music? Let your imagination go wild.

13. Driving with your windows down - One of the most refreshing simple pleasures

A warm summer day with the windows down and your favorite music on automatically makes you feel young and carefree, no matter what age you are.

Gas costs and "wear and tear" on your car mean this one isn't completely free, but try it on a day when you have errands to run anyway.

14. Drinking a tall, cold glass of water

Drinking water is a simple life pleasure that's even better after a workout, or when it’s sweltering outside, or when you’ve just woken up, and your throat feels dry. Plus, being well-hydrated improves your physical, mental, and even emotional health!

Bring a reusable water bottle with you when you're out and about, so you can make sure you're well-hydrated throughout the day.

15. The ambiance of a rainy day

Sunny days have their charms too, but there’s something nostalgic and cozy about a rainy day. The fresh breeze before a storm, the sound of droplets falling on the roof, the aroma of the earth after rain...stay in with a book, or grab an umbrella and go for a stroll to enjoy it.

"Petrichor," described as the earthy smell of rain on dry soil, is one of my favorite scents.

16. Having a bonfire with friends

Late summer and fall are undoubtedly the best times to have an evening bonfire. With the slight chill in the air, it's a great way to enjoy the outdoors after dark.

So bundle up in a sweatshirt or flannel, grab a warm drink, and watch the flames dance. You could also grab some tasty marshmallows to roast on the fire!

17. Taking a long shower or bath

Whether you’re sweaty after a summer run, or chilled to the bone after shoveling snow, or coming jetlagged off a long flight, a good shower is a simple life pleasure that can make you feel human again.

Turn it as cool or hot as you want, use your favorite soaps and shampoos, and try a bath bomb (or shower bomb) for the extra spa factor.

18. Walking barefoot in the grass - A simple pleasure you can do every day

Live somewhere with a lawn? Don’t just stare at it—enjoy it! Being barefoot in the grass can hearken you back to simpler childhood times or just make you feel more relaxed and connected to the earth you’re standing on.

Just watch out for bees pollinating wildflowers because bee stings are a part of childhood none of us miss!

19. Decluttering your space is one of the most productive simple pleasures in life

Studies of psychology show that clutter stresses us out! Dedicating an afternoon to a top-to-bottom spring cleaning and decluttering session can feel like quite an endeavor.

But when you’re sitting in a clean, organized home, with a candle burning and instrumental music on, you’ll bask in the simple joy of a beautiful living space and a productive day.

Make someone else’s day by donating the items you no longer need or sell some items for extra cash! You could make decluttering more fun with our 30-day minimalist challenge!

20. Making someone smile

Whether it’s a genuine compliment, a surprise bouquet of wildflowers, or a groan-worthy dad joke, there are countless free ways to make someone smile. Challenge yourself to get at least one smile a day from your partner, friends, family, or strangers!

You can also use the Random Acts of Kindness website for ideas.

21. Searching for the best fall foliage

Autumn is my favorite season—I love taking a trip, bike ride, hike, or drive to admire the brilliant colors of the fall forests and mountains. Explore your area to find the best trails and views!

You can even add an educational element by grabbing a tree identification book to learn about what you're seeing. It's also a perfect idea for a date day!

22. Taking a beautiful photo

While you’re out enjoying life’s simple pleasures, memorialize the memory with a photo too. Learn some of the principles of photo composition and practice with any camera you already have (including your smartphone)!

However, try to balance taking photos and living in the moment by limiting yourself to a certain number of pictures per location. (Sometimes, I’m guilty of taking dozens or hundreds of pictures and filling up my SD card too fast!)

23. Stargazing on a clear night

Looking for simple life pleasures that put things in perspective and remind you of how small you are in the universe? Stargazing is just the thing!

Check out the list of International Dark Sky Places to find a prime site near you, or just lay out in your backyard and identify constellations.

24. Looking back at old photos

Nostalgia is a mix of joy, wistfulness for times gone by, and memories of experiences and people who used to be in your life.

Break out the photo albums next time you visit your family, or for a modern-day equivalent, scroll back to the beginning of your social media accounts!

25. Watching ocean waves crash - One of the most entrancing simple pleasures to witness

Many people feel instinctively drawn to the sea because of its vast power and beauty. You can easily lose yourself in thought while staring at the waves and listening to them crashing.

Going during the off-season or to a secluded shoreline is the most relaxing way to experience this simple life pleasure.

26. Seeing a gentle snowfall

We’ve touched on some of the simple pleasures from all the other seasons, and we can’t leave winter out! A fresh snowfall makes the world feel soft and clean.

Watching the flakes drift down while you’re inside a warm house with a cup of coffee or tea is one of the coziest experiences winter has to offer. You could also put on some good music and light candles to enhance the atmosphere a bit.

27. Volunteering for a good cause

Using your time to help others is one of the most fulfilling things you can do because you can help with things you value the most.

You can volunteer at a local soup kitchen or charity, put together bags full of comforts and necessities for the homeless, help staff a community program, etc. It can help you gain perspective, live more authentically, and make a real difference in the world.

28. Making a home-cooked meal - A frugal and simple pleasure

Creating and sharing delicious food from scratch is definitely one of life’s simple pleasures shared by all of humanity.

While ingredients themselves aren’t free, this idea could be a chance to clean out supplies in your pantry that have been around for a while! In fact, there are multiple apps dedicated to helping you meal plan with ingredients you already have on hand.

29. Writing or journaling

Is your mind full of ideas for a novel or short story begging to be jotted down? Or do you love stumbling on old journals and smiling at the memories of your earlier life?

Writing is a window into your own brain, and an outlet for your creativity, and all it costs is time. So make it a goal to start a self-care journal or whatever type of writing brings you joy.

30. Watching a great movie or show

More in the mood to kick back to enjoy the fruits of another writer’s creativity brought to life on the screen?

You don't even have to pay for TV or Netflix, because you can find great shows and movies free of cost too!

Check out these eight free or cheap alternatives to cable. You can also check your local library for free DVD rentals!

31. Finishing things on your to-do list

When tasks are piling up, it can quickly start to feel overwhelming. But checking those dreaded items off a list makes up for it in satisfaction!

When you have a long list of things to do, try starting with the one you hate the most—then you’ll be free of the pressure as you complete the easier ones.

32. Learning something new

Gaining new skills makes you a more well-rounded, satisfied, and happy person. And in the age of the internet, information and education are more accessible than ever!

You can take a free online course like these personal finance courses, watch a YouTube video to learn a new skill, read an educational book, or ask someone to teach you a skill like a mentor or a grandparent. Learning new skills can also help you increase your income!

33. Playing a game (sports, cards, board games, etc.)

If you already have a basketball, soccer ball, baseball and mitt, badminton set, deck of cards, or board game collection, it doesn’t cost any extra money to use them! So challenge your household to a friendly competition or host a game night.

I'm a bit of a game nerd, so board games are often on the agenda with my friends and family. (And the more you play them, the lower your cost per use gets!)

34. Watching birds and wildlife

Animals are amazing and entertaining to watch. Maybe your simple life pleasure of the day will be waking up to a bird singing outside your window or seeing a fox cross your yard, or taking a short trip to go birdwatching or to visit a wildlife preserve.

Spending time with your beloved companion animals is also a wonderful simple pleasure.

35. Sipping coffee in the morning

When you wake up and take those first few sips of steaming hot coffee, it feels like all is right in the world. This is especially true if you can enjoy it while reading a book or newspaper.

If you want a calming way to start the day, a mug of coffee should do the trick.

36. Wearing pajamas right out of the dryer

Especially on a cold night, wearing your pajamas while they're still warm from the dryer is a nice way to spend the evening. It adds warmth and coziness and will help you prepare for sleep.

37. Enjoying a lit candle at home - One the easiest simple pleasures for relaxation

When you light up a nicely scented candle and watch it burn, it creates a wonderful light and ambiance for the room. Not only does it fill your house with a lovely scent, but it adds a cozy and homey element.

And most of us have a candle or two at home, making this a free activity.

38. Paying off debt and seeing your money grow

So if you’re on a journey to get out of debt, logging in to see a smaller balance with each payment can be an instant hit of dopamine!

The same applies to seeing your savings or investment balance grow larger and hitting the milestones you’re striving for.

So set aside time each week to monitor your financial progress. Although paying off debt costs money, the ability to take a moment and be proud of yourself is totally free!

39. Achieving your goals - One of the highly rewarding yet simple pleasures in life

The more goals you have in life, the more pleasure you can derive from achieving them! So check out these ideas of yearly goals for all areas of life, from finances to health to personal development and more.

Write down your own list of goals, then make sure to track how close you are to accomplishing them.

Take a moment to enjoy the simple pleasures in life!

These are just a handful of the many simple pleasures life offers that you can enjoy for free!

There are so many more, and it's up to each individual to discover which ones are the most meaningful to them. For even more inspiration, see this list of hobbies that you can enjoy and actually make money too.

The post 39 Simple Pleasures In Life That Are Completely Free appeared first on Clever Girl Finance.

8 Barriers To Self Care That Could Impact Your Finances Wed, 28 Sep 2022 02:50:54 +0000 […]

The post 8 Barriers To Self Care That Could Impact Your Finances appeared first on Clever Girl Finance.


Barriers to self care

We all know the importance of self care. But did you know that there are barriers to self care that affect your wellbeing and finances as well as your mental and physical health too?

Being aware of the common barriers to self care that impact your finances can help you live a better and more financially stable life.

In this article, we reveal simple ways that you can build financial self care into your wellbeing routine! But first, let's go over what the barriers are!

8 barriers to self care that can affect your money

Before you can start taking better care of your financial health, it’s important to figure out which barriers to self care affect you the most.

Some people may experience all of the barriers that we discuss in this article whilst some may only relate to one or two, and that’s ok.

Let’s dive in and start exploring the barriers to self care that may be preventing you from managing your money effectively.

1. Overspending

We’ve all done it, right?

Spending money that you don’t have is typically caused by impulse buying. It’s a common barrier to self care that might make you feel better in the short term but damage your financial health in the long term.

Americans typically make 12 impulse purchases each year, which costs an average of $276 per month.

If overspending is an area of your finances that you want to focus on, here are some great ways to help you stop spending money.

  • Plan your purchases with a shopping list
  • Use cash instead of cards
  • Open a savings account that doesn’t allow you to make early withdrawals
  • Wait 24 hours before deciding on big purchases

2. Emotional decision making

A bad mood or stressful day at work can lead to bad financial decisions that are made to try and cheer you up.

You may think that retail therapy is harmless, but that rush of satisfaction you feel after buying something on impulse will soon wear off and leave you feeling pretty rubbish.

Add to it the stresses and worries of debt if you’re overspending and you’re in a worse financial place than before.

Instead, look for alternative ways to spend your time as part of your financial self care habit.

This could be things like going for a walk, reading a book, listening to music, or doing something else that you enjoy.

Avoiding spending temptation is the best way to overcome overspending habits. There are plenty of ways that you can avoid shopping that does not involve overspending your hard-earned money.

3. Setting unrealistic goals

When you set up unrealistic goals, you get bored and stressed.

Creating achievable financial goals is key to a successful financial self care routine and good financial health.

Did you know that we are 42% more likely to meet a goal simply by writing it down? Barriers to self care and your finances could be changed just by writing your goals.

Whether you want to lower your student debt, save for a down payment on a property, or top up your emergency fund, taking ten minutes out of your busy weekly routine can focus your mind and motivate you to smash your goals.

Don’t forget to make sure your goals are meaningful and achievable.

4. A lack of social interaction

Social interaction is just as important to your mental health as your financial health. And self care barriers such as not enough conversations with loved ones about money can really affect how you feel about your finances.

Research has proven that talking to people about our finances can improve our financial wellbeing and reduce money worries.

Relationships can also influence what you do with your money.

Let’s say you have one friend who is financially careless and one who is financially successful. It’s possible that the one you spend the most time with will influence your spending decisions.

5. Failing to understand your needs

Knowing and responding to our needs is the key to leading a fulfilling life.

Our basic needs are directly linked to our finances. For example, we need a house for shelter.

So, how do we identify our needs?

Try writing a list of activities that fulfill your physical and personal needs, such as exercising and spending time with friends and family.

If there are any expenses associated with your needs, make a note of this for budgeting purposes (we'll talk about this later!).

6. Putting other people first

As a caregiver or parent, it’s natural to put everyone else’s needs before your own. But it can take its toll on your well-being and your finances.

Whilst putting a dependent’s needs first is non-negotiable, it’s still important to take time for yourself so you can meet your own financial goals.

This could be as simple as treating yourself to that top you’ve wanted for ages or saving hard for that well-earned holiday. The essential thing is that you take the time to meet your own financial needs.

7. Too many commitments

Inspect your schedule and identify barriers to self care and finances that are costing you more than you can afford. There's only so much you can do, time-wise and financially, so don’t put unnecessary pressure on yourself to do everything.

It could be regular dinners with your friends or family or a long-forgotten monthly subscription that keeps coming through your mailbox.

Remember that it’s alright to say no to things.

8. Paying too much for things

You may be surprised to learn that in everyday life, people are paying way too much for things. This has a huge impact on your finances and mental well-being.

Things that you’re probably paying too much for include clothes, vacations, cars, food, and subscription services.

It’s a smart idea to know what you’re buying and how much you’re spending so you can put measures in place to free up your cash.

How to practice good financial self care

So now you know what barriers to self care you could be facing, let’s look at how to take care of yourself financially.

You’re probably well aware of how to take care of your physical and mental self care – we’re talking about the good stuff like a hot bath, candle, and chocolates. But financial self care practices can leave you feeling empowered and in control of your future.

Here are some easy ways to practice financial self care today!

Set meaningful, achievable goals

Setting financial goals will give you something to aim for, which is a proven self care technique that allows you to effectively direct and plan your life.

Having a goal will also motivate you to save more or stop overspending in other areas.

Ask yourself the following questions when setting your goals.

  • What are your short-term goals? Do you need a new car or want to go on holiday?
  • What are your intermediate-term goals? For example, buying a house.
  • What are your long-term goals? Think funding your children’s education or a retirement account.

Regularly check your bank balance

You may think that keeping a close eye on your bank balance is stressful. But is it more stressful than not checking your balance?

Definitely not.

The benefit of regularly checking is that you can spot any unusual activity or charges that you weren’t expecting. It may also help you feel more in control of your finances.

Factor some time to look through your outgoings as part of your Sunday night self care routine. You may be shocked at how effective and satisfying it is!

Budget smartly to avoid barriers to self care

We're all aware that budgeting is the key to financial success. But what is the best way to plan your spending?

Essentially, you need to know all of your income and expenses. You can either use a simple pen and paper, a spreadsheet or budgeting app, depending on your preferences.

If you find that you have more money going out than coming in, try not to panic. Clever Girl Finance can show you plenty of money saving tips to get your spending back under control.

Only borrow when you can afford to

Many people need to borrow money at some point in their lives. It’s not always a bad thing if you use the right type of credit and can afford the monthly repayments.

Bad debt happens when we want things that we can’t wait to save for.

However, it’s important to consider the consequences of borrowing money – a lower credit score, higher outgoings, and the interest of the loan.

So next time you reach for that credit card, ask yourself if you can actually afford it without borrowing.

Talk about your finances and barriers to self care

By talking through your finances, you can break down one of the most common barriers to self care and make wiser decisions that will improve your financial health.

You can talk to anyone that you have a good relationship with and trust. This might be a close friend, a family member, or even a pet! They will love to hear all about your barriers to self care and how they can help.

The key here is to speak about money worries out loud so you can start to plan how to take back control.

Celebrate your progress

Goals of all sizes should be acknowledged.

Even if you’re trying to save money, the odd treat won’t blow your budget and your self care routine will thank you for it. So buy that fancy coffee from your favorite coffee shop or new top. You deserve it.

Barriers to self care and finances can be overcome using these ideas!

Financial self care leads to long-lasting wellness, regardless of how much money you earn.

Use the tips in this article to create a sustainable financial self care plan to help you reach your self care and financial goals.

Just like any other form of self care – you’ll feel so much better once you do it. Now, run a bath, light some candles and start taking care of yourself and your finances.

Remember, self care isn’t selfish. And there are many great ways to begin practicing self care, like positive affirmations or starting a journaling habit.

The post 8 Barriers To Self Care That Could Impact Your Finances appeared first on Clever Girl Finance.

You Can’t Pour From An Empty Cup! 15 Tips For Overall Wellness Mon, 08 Aug 2022 03:06:37 +0000 […]

The post You Can’t Pour From An Empty Cup! 15 Tips For Overall Wellness appeared first on Clever Girl Finance.


You can't pour from an empty cup

Do you find yourself feeling depleted, running on empty, and with almost nothing left to give? Do you always give to others first and put yourself last? If so, you are probably trying to do too much for too many people, and it's important to realize that you can't pour from an empty cup!

Are you familiar with the saying? Pouring from an empty cup is exactly what you’re doing when you put everyone else’s needs ahead of your own.

Instead of continuing down that path, which can lead to all sorts of physical, emotional, and even financial problems, why not prioritize your own wellness for once? Below, we give you lots of tips on how to do just that!

What does the phrase “you can’t pour from an empty cup” really mean?

Giving to others is a beautiful thing. You probably have endless people in your life you want to give your attention to, and that’s wonderful.

The only problem is, if you overdo it, you’ll wind up depleted and with nothing left to give – to others or yourself. That’s what it means when we say you can’t pour from an empty cup.

You can’t give or support others when you’ve neglected your health and wellbeing. Luckily, there’s something you are able to do about it, and that is prioritizing your own wellness.

What are the consequences of not filling up your own cup?

Before we get into how to prioritize your wellness, we need to highlight some of the consequences of not doing so.

This way, you’ll understand the importance of putting yourself first even better. You can’t pour from an empty cup, but if you try, here are a few of the possible consequences:

Physical symptoms

When you don’t put yourself first, it usually begins to show up in your body first. The stress of putting your own health and wellness on the backburner leads to both physical and mental symptoms.

Physical symptoms include irritability, trouble sleeping, and digestive problems. Anxiety or panic attacks might show up as mental symptoms. Both types of symptoms are the result of you not filling up your own cup.

Relationships become strained

You know the people you are working so hard to put first, before yourself? Well, your relationships with those same people can become strained when you neglect yourself.

It might sound counter-intuitive, but not trying to be everything to everyone can actually improve your relationships with the people who you care about most.

You might burn out

Lastly, and most consequential of all, not filling up your own cup can lead to burnout. The repeated stress caused by putting yourself last can leave you in a state of emotional, mental, and physical exhaustion.

While you can recover from burnout, it’s definitely better not to get to that point. Hopefully, the following tips on prioritizing your overall wellness will prevent you from ever getting to that place!

15 ways to prioritize your overall wellness because you can't pour from an empty cup!

You can’t pour from an empty cup, but you can pour from a full one, so let’s talk about how you can keep your cup filled!

It’s all about prioritizing your own wellness. That means taking care of yourself financially, physically, mentally, personally, and career-wise.

These are our fifteen favorite ways to put yourself first in each of those categories:

Financial wellness

If there’s one area of your life to be self-centered, it’s your finances. Here are just a few of the many ways you can prioritize your financial wellness:

1. Pay yourself first before giving to others

Before you loan or give money to others, make sure you can truly afford it. While being generous with loved ones is admirable, it shouldn’t come at the expense of your financial goals.

Build up your emergency fund, start to invest, and get your financial priorities straight before you give your money away.

2. Set financial goals

Another way to prioritize your financial wellness is to set financial goals. If you want to achieve everything in life you dream of, one way to get there is through financial goal setting.

By setting a financial goal, you’re telling yourself that you’re putting yourself and your own needs first, and there’s nothing better than that!

3. Educate yourself on personal finance

Unsure where to start? Financial wellness begins with understanding your money and what it can do for you. It can feel somewhat intimidating at first, but there are so many ways to educate yourself about your finances, starting right here!

Clever Girl Finance’s 100% free courses cover everything you need to know about financial wellness, investing, and more. Once you begin your financial wellness journey, you’ll feel empowered and like nothing can stop you.

Physical wellness

When you’re not feeling your best, physically, it’s almost impossible to give to others. That’s why it’s essential that you care for yourself before you even think about providing for others. These tips can help you get on the right track:

4. Prioritize sleep

This can’t be the first time you’ve heard that sleep is one of the keys to your overall good health. But it’s so essential that it bears repeating.

Sleep should be high on your total well-being list because, without it, everything else starts to fall apart. Make sure to get enough, and you’ll see that your cup will begin to fill up with just this one change.

5. Schedule (and go to!) your medical appointments

Your kids never miss their twice-yearly dental cleanings, but when was the last time you went to yours? How about your annual physical? The eye doctor?

All of these things can fall to the wayside when you’re prioritizing others’ needs above your own.

The next time you’re tempted to skip a medical appointment, remember that you can’t pour from an empty cup, and that’s what you’re doing when you aren’t taking care of your physical health.

6. Get outside and get moving

One of the most simple ways to prioritize your physical wellness is to get moving. By moving your body outside, you get the added benefit of some much-needed vitamin D. Plus, it’s free!

If you want to involve others, like your kids, it’s easy to do that, too. Turns out, sometimes you can fill your own cup and pour into someone else’s at the same time!

Mental wellness

Your mental health is definitely as crucial as your physical health. You can’t pour from an empty cup, but one of the easiest ways to fill up your cup is to take care of your mind. These tips won’t cost much, but the benefits are priceless:

7. Meditate

Practicing meditation is absolutely one of the best ways to improve your mental health. The best part is, that you only need a few minutes a day to reap the benefits. Not only that, but it’s totally free and can be done anywhere, anytime!

8. Block out free time in your calendar

Is your calendar filled with appointments, meetings, and never-ending to-dos? Have you forgotten what it's like to have free time or blank space in your day? An easy way to get that back is to schedule time for yourself.

Block out an hour a day (or however long you have) just to be. Spend it by yourself, doing whatever you want to do at that moment. It will give you a much-needed recharge and reboot.

9. Talk to somebody

Lastly, sometimes you’re in a mental health place where you need to talk to a professional.

There is absolutely no shame in that, and a therapist or mental health professional can help you through whatever you're feeling. There’s no better way to fill yourself back up than to seek the support you need.

Personal wellness

Your personal wellness is all about your relationship with yourself, others, and your home. Don’t forget to take time to prioritize your personal space and everyone you let into it.

Here are a few ways to help you do that, because you can't pour from an empty cup:

10. Spend time with friends

Prioritizing your wellness often means nurturing the relationships that mean the most to you. Sometimes friendships can take a backseat to your other obligations, especially the demands of family and work.

If you want to make sure your cup is full, it’s important to keep your friendships alive. There are a lot of fun and free things to do with your friends, so long as you make the time for them.

11. Create a soothing space for yourself

Living in a home that you really love is one of the best ways to improve your well-being. You spend so much time there; why not make it a soothing space for yourself?

Even if it’s just a room or an area of a room, create a sanctuary that makes you smile whenever you enter it.

12. Get others to help you

Sometimes, there just aren't enough hours in the day to get it all done. That can definitely lead to stressful situations, lack of sleep, and all of the things that don’t help you fill your cup. Something you can do about that is outsourcing tasks you don’t have time for to someone else.

You can hire a cleaning service once a week or get creative and ask the teenager down the street to take care of your yard. There are so many people out there willing to help; you just have to be willing to ask and pay when needed!

Career wellness

The time you spend at work can rival, and even surpass, your personal time. That’s why it’s key to make sure you have the support you need and that you don’t overwork yourself up to the point of burnout. Here are a few ways to help yourself with that:

13. Get the support you need

Whether it’s an assistant at work who you can rely on or a comfortable chair for your endless Zoom meetings, make sure you get the support you need at work. Don’t sacrifice your comfort for someone else’s or, even worse, for the company’s dollar.

You are working hard and deserve to have what you need in order to do your job well without sacrificing your well-being for it.

14. Take regular breaks

No matter where you work from, in an office or at home, remember to take regular breaks. And don’t simply sit at your desk and scarf down a wilted salad at lunchtime.

Take the time to really step away from your work and recharge. Those who take lunch breaks have been shown to be more engaged at work and satisfied with their jobs.

15. Create and stick to boundaries

Do you always volunteer to help out a colleague or cover for their vacation, even at the expense of your own free time?

While it’s nice to be a team player and help out when you can, in order to preserve your own wellbeing, you have to set some boundaries.

Remote workers and office workers alike benefit when they can separate work from their home lives and stick to those boundaries.

You can prioritize your own wellness!

Hopefully, now you understand that, while you can’t pour from an empty cup, there are plenty of ways to fill your cup.

And once your cup is filled, you can be the best version of yourself possible. How will you fill your cup today?

Be sure to check out our other self-care ideas to help you prioritize yourself!

The post You Can’t Pour From An Empty Cup! 15 Tips For Overall Wellness appeared first on Clever Girl Finance.

9 Essential Self-Care For Entrepreneurs Tips You Need To Try Thu, 23 Jun 2022 09:58:24 +0000 […]

The post 9 Essential Self-Care For Entrepreneurs Tips You Need To Try appeared first on Clever Girl Finance.



If you’re running your own business, your health and self-care might be low on your list of priorities. There’s so much to get done and so much responsibility on your shoulders! Who has time for self-care for entrepreneurs?

Don’t be tempted to put self-care on the backburner! Self-care for entrepreneurs is an essential part of running a successful venture. You don’t need that much time to fit in a little every day.

Read on for our top nine self-care tips for entrepreneurs. Pick your favorites and start giving yourself a little more love today!

What is self-care?

Self-care is more than just winding down with a bubble bath and a glass of wine after a long week (although there’s a place for that in self-care, too). It’s really any activity that you do to take care of your mental, emotional, or physical health.

Which means, it is different for everyone. The one unifier is that everyone, entrepreneurs included, needs self-care. It’s not just something frivolous to do if you have time – self-care is a key to your overall health.

In fact, self-care is so vital to health that the World Health Organization (WHO) has its own definition of it, and encourages the use of self-care interventions to improve the well-being of individuals and communities.

The WHO defines self-care as “the ability of individuals, families, and communities to promote health, prevent disease, maintain health, and cope with illness and disability with or without the support of a health worker.”

Is self-care for entrepreneurs different from self-care for everyone else?

So what does that mean for entrepreneurs? Is self-care for entrepreneurs somehow different from self-care for everyone else?

For the most part, no, it’s the same. However, entrepreneurs are different from the rest of us in a few key ways, and that affects how they practice self-care.

First of all, many entrepreneurs fall prey to hustle culture. They are more likely than others to forgo sleep, forget about exercise, and throw most healthy habits out the window in pursuit of building their business. When they stop taking care of themselves, self-care becomes even more important and, sometimes, more elusive.

Second, many entrepreneurs find sitting still to be almost impossible. They don’t find traditional relaxation activities to be very relaxing at all! Self-care suggestions like taking a nap or going for a walk might not sound appealing to someone who would rather always be on the move.

The good thing is, self-care doesn’t have to be “relaxing.” There are many ways to practice self-care that entrepreneurs, or anyone with an active mind and body, can practice, that don’t involve sitting quietly. Things like dancing or playing with a pet can also be restful forms of self-care.

Why entrepreneur self-care is so important

If you’re starting a business from scratch or already have a well-established one, you know that your business can be all-consuming.

It can seem like work is never-ending and that the more you work, the more successful your venture will be. That’s not necessarily true, though. Everyone, even entrepreneurs, needs self-care. Here are some of the benefits of self-care for entrepreneurs:

1. Increases productivity

Think you have to always be working to be productive? Think again. Does taking time away from work sound counter-intuitive? Well, it’s not.

Making time for self-care actually increases your productivity. That’s because taking care of yourself has been shown to increase your ability to function and be more productive when you are at work. More productivity leads to more business growth, and what entrepreneur doesn’t want that?

2. Self-care for entrepreneurs reduces stress

A lot is on your shoulders as an entrepreneur. You have more responsibilities, more things to manage, and a million things going on at once. And that often equals more stress.

Self-care is a key tool in managing stress as an entrepreneur. It can help make you a better employer and show up more fully for your employees and customers.

3. Opens up the space for more creative thinking

Most entrepreneurs are, by nature, creative people. In order to think up a new business concept or start something on your own, you have to have a creative spark. Creativity remains an important skill when building a business.

But, when you are so busy you don’t have enough time to think, you can end up losing the space for creative thinking. Self-care and taking time for yourself can help open up the space for more creative thinking and get those juices flowing for new ideas.

4. Helps prevent burnout

Lastly, entrepreneurs are highly susceptible to burnout. You can quickly go from working 24/7 on your business, totally ignoring self-care, to crashing and burning out.

Self-care can help remind you to take time away from work and focus on yourself so that you don’t burn out before you’ve even gotten the chance to get your big idea out in the world.

Entrepreneur self-care – how to make time for it?

If you’re an entrepreneur, chances are you are really, really busy. Entrepreneur life is not for the faint of heart! Even if you understand the importance of rest and recharging, it can be difficult to fit it all in, and self-care can slip to the backburner.

To fix that, here are some ways to make time for entrepreneur self-care:

Schedule it

Sometimes, it can seem like there’s hardly time to get done what’s on your schedule, let alone other seemingly less important things.

But this just shows how essential it is to put self-care right into your calendar. Because when you put something in writing and on your calendar, you are more likely to stick to it.

What kind of self-care can you add to your calendar? It doesn’t have to be an hour at the gym or an evening spent alone. You could reserve ten minutes each morning for drinking your coffee and doing a crossword puzzle, or walking around the block at lunchtime in between zoom calls.

Things that might seem silly to add to your schedule are just as important as meetings with investors or customers.

Do it first thing in the day

Adding self-care to your morning routine (or creating one if you don’t have one yet!) is an ideal way to ensure you incorporate it into your day.

Entrepreneurs are probably familiar with the concept of “eating the frog.” It’s a productivity hack that encourages you to get your most important task done first thing in the day so you don't procrastinate by doing unimportant things.

What could be more important than self-care? Why not start putting yourself and your well-being first and start your day with self-care?

Have a list of self-care go-to's

When you do find yourself with time for self-care, do you even know what to do? What helps you relax and recharge? What is restful?

Self-care is different for everyone. What recharges someone might burn another person out. That’s why you need to experiment a little and learn what self-care means for you.

Once you’ve tried various things, you’ll understand what works for you. The list below will give you a great start, but use your imagination, experiment and have fun with it!

Then, when you’ve come up with a few things that work for you, write them down. Keep adding to your list as you find more things that refuel you. This will turn into your ultimate self-care list that you can turn to whenever you have time and need to recharge.

Self-care for entrepreneurs: 9 tips to try

Are you ready to dive into some entrepreneur self-care? Remember, self-care for entrepreneurs looks different for everyone, but here are our favorite nine ways to try it:

1. Exercise

It’s not a secret that moving your body is one of the most effective ways to reduce stress and improve your overall health. It’s one of the simplest forms of self-care but tops the list because it’s also one of the best.

2. Listen to a podcast that has nothing to do with work

Entrepreneurs are notorious for trying to squeeze in work at all times. Instead of popping on your headphones and listening to a business podcast, try choosing something totally unrelated to your work.

A comedy show, a reality TV recap, true crime – whatever helps clear your mind and take you out of the work zone counts!

3. Do something creative

Give yourself a break from thinking about work and try getting a little creative again. Start a new hobby and treat yourself to doing something fun and creative.

You never know; giving yourself the space to do something creative and letting your mind wander might just open up the space for your next great business idea!

4. Meditation as a form of self-care for entrepreneurs

It’s hard to wind down when you’re always on the go. An entrepreneur’s mind is almost always on, and that can get tiring. If you’re looking to give yourself a break and relax, meditation is one of the most beneficial self-care practices for calming your mind and entire body.

5. Declutter your workspace

Take a look around your office. Is your space full of clutter and distractions? That can lead to a jumbled mind and can add to your stress.

Take an afternoon to declutter your workspace. Not only is the act of decluttering itself calming, but you’ll also get to enjoy your newly cleared out space, which is an ongoing form of self-care!

6. Outsource personal tasks

As an entrepreneur, you understand delegating tasks at work. This is true for personal tasks, too. It's good to ask for help when needed and to outsource tasks to others.

Do you spend all of your free time running errands and cleaning your house? If so, consider outsourcing some of that. By paying a small price, you’ll free up your time so you can spend it on self-care!

7. Go to a coworking space

Lots of entrepreneurs work from home in less than ideal work environments. If that’s you, consider splurging on a workspace that is more conducive to getting your work done effectively and efficiently.

A coworking space (or perhaps a coffee shop) is a great way to get out of your own home and into a space better suited for your needs.

Treating yourself to a real office space, with coffee and snacks, is a form of self-care for entrepreneurs that can help you focus on your business.

8. Schedule a vacation

Just because you don’t have an official vacation policy like you would working a 9-5, doesn’t mean you don’t need to take some time off.

Schedule a vacation, even if it’s just a quick getaway. You’ll return to work recharged, refreshed, and ready to get back to it.

9. Sleep

Last of all, one of the most overlooked entrepreneur self-care tips is to get enough sleep. It sounds simple, but it’s uncommon for busy entrepreneurs to get enough sleep. Sleep is the foundation of it all.

If you take one self-care tip away from this article, it’s to put away your work and log some more sleep. Your work will still be there in the morning, but your business will suffer if you’re not well-rested.

Self-care for entrepreneurs is a key aspect of a successful business

There you have it, self-care for entrepreneurs in a nutshell. For all of the entrepreneurs and side hustlers out there, remember that taking time for yourself doesn’t mean you’re taking time away from your business.

Practicing self-care only improves your ability to succeed in business, so be sure to fit it into your jam-packed schedule.

Clever Girl Finance is an amazing resource for entrepreneurs or anyone who's busy with their career. Check out our articles about how to start a business as well as how to choose the right job!

The post 9 Essential Self-Care For Entrepreneurs Tips You Need To Try appeared first on Clever Girl Finance.

7 Simple Habits To Improve Your Self-Discipline Mon, 23 May 2022 10:00:00 +0000 […]

The post 7 Simple Habits To Improve Your Self-Discipline appeared first on Clever Girl Finance.


Learning how to master self discipline is difficult. I mean, even knowing how to build discipline as an apprentice is hard!

The good news is even if it can sometimes seem as though it’s difficult to control certain actions and behaviors, you can. You just don’t know it yet. All you need to do is learn some self discipline tips.

How to improve self discipline

Self discipline is one of those things that requires ongoing practice and nurturing, as with anything that takes time to develop. With practice, you too can find out how to improve self discipline. But first, let’s get into what self discipline is.

What is self-discipline?

Self discipline is essentially your consistent ability to control your actions, feelings, and emotions. When it comes to your finances, it’s your ability to stick to your plans of paying down debt, saving, and investing.

Once you learn how to master self discipline behaviors, you’ll stay motivated and are more likely to achieve success. So it’s very strongly connected to willpower, which is the control of one’s impulses and actions.

Willpower is how you stay focused on a task, while self discipline is more about when you take consistent action in advance to strengthen willpower. Both self discipline and willpower go hand in hand.

Benefits of self-discipline

There are a lot of positive reasons to become a disciplined person. Improving self discipline has many benefits I’ve listed below.

Decreases anxiety

When you are in control of how you act, you are less likely to feel anxious. You’ll be able to accomplish tasks on time and get more done. So it’s a big motivator for learning how to build discipline.

Increases your ability to achieve your long-term goals

With fewer distractions and self-imposed setbacks, learning how to improve self discipline allows you to achieve your goals. It also means getting to them faster than if you allowed yourself to get distracted.

Makes you feel happier

When you are on the path to achieving your goals, you feel happier because you are making progress. Improving self discipline is a major contributor to this.

You become more resilient

As you learn how to build discipline, your ability to resist temptation increases. In turn, this makes you more resilient as you navigate different circumstances. You won’t be as tempted to quit what you’re working towards or slow down your progress.

What causes lack of self-discipline?

A lack of self-discipline stems from not being motivated and/or not having any goals or objectives you are working toward. It could also be tied to how you feel emotionally and mentally, especially when it comes to your mindset.

If you are overly focused on the negative, it can impact your emotions, your motivation, and your willpower. All of which impact your self-discipline.

How can I develop my discipline?

Developing your self discipline is all about being intentional. This means shifting your mindset to focus on the areas you want to improve on and taking intentional action to do so.

It’s also about making it easy for yourself to succeed. Determining what aspects you can automate can be incredibly helpful as well. Keep reading to learn more!

7 Simple ways to improve your self-discipline

Learning how to build discipline can allow you to cease bad habits, accomplish long-term and short-term goals, and change your life completely.

Think of it as investing in yourself. Here, we’ve outlined seven self discipline tips to move you toward the better life you deserve. As long as you’re willing to work for it.

1. Countdown, then take action

When you’re feeling particularly unmotivated, count down from ten, then force yourself to do whatever it is you’re doing. A quick countdown can help shift you into the right mental space to get motivated.

Sometimes all we need is a little push to take that next step—that’s how improving self discipline begins.

2. Put your goals where you can see them every day

Writing a goal down makes it all the more real, and it’s a big part of how to build discipline. Hang it up somewhere you will see it often and inspire yourself — at your work desk, in your bedroom, in your car, etc.

Write the goal in your yearly planner. Put it on your kitchen calendar. It should be everywhere you look.

You can also set actual calendar reminders on your phone to go off once a week or so. But be nice to yourself. Don’t scare or shame yourself into your goals; rather, be happy, positive, and encouraging.

Increase motivation by writing down self discipline quotes from people you admire, too. If you’re not sure you have the right goals, spend some time going over your goals to make sure they align with the things you truly want for yourself.

3. Remind yourself why you started

Of all the self discipline tips here, this one can really help you keep going when life is challenging. Keep your end goal in mind without allowing yourself to forget where you started.

Constantly remind yourself — especially when it gets hard — how and why you set this goal and what you will have achieved when you’re done.

Visualize yourself having taken complete control of your life and accomplishing whatever specific goal you’ve set. Set reminders on your phone to tell yourself how far you’ve come and how proud you are. Affirmations are also a great way to keep yourself focused on your why.

Improve Your Self-Discipline Infographic

4. Set small goals first

Try not to overwhelm yourself with how to build discipline by setting the bar too high. Build your confidence by setting and achieving a small goal before you go for a big one.

For example, if your ultimate goal is to run five miles without stopping, set an initial goal of running a quarter mile without stopping.

Be patient with yourself and try not to get frustrated with the process. Accomplishing those small goals first can give you the motivation you need to keep going. You’ll learn how to improve self discipline over time, by starting small.

5. Practice prioritizing

Decide which tasks are worth dedicating the most effort to, then organize your day to totally crush them. If you set a study plan, you’re less likely to procrastinate on the less-than-savory tasks.

Put things you don’t necessarily love at the top of your priorities, and you’ll be relieved they’re done instead of putting them off for another day.

6. Know your weaknesses

If you want to know how to master self discipline, proactively combat your weaknesses. Determine how you might slip up and how you can prevent that from happening.

For example, if you know you need to run a 5K this Saturday but your friend is having a barbeque on Friday night, it might be best to skip it.

Or if you know you need to get to work an hour earlier but you’re a bit of a night owl, invest in some Melatonin. You have the tools to fight back against your own demons. You just need to hunt them down.

7. Get friends to hold you accountable

You are less likely to cheat on your goals if someone you admire is watching. Have your hero (or just your BFF) set a goal alongside you. You can cheer each other on.

And when the going gets tough, you can be there to give each other that extra push as you learn how to build discipline.

Expert tip

When it comes to self discipline, remember, it’s not about perfection, instead it’s about taking intentional and consistent actions.

It’s also about finding ways to automate things and make it easier for yourself to succeed

Self discipline examples

By now you’re probably feeling motivated and you know how to build discipline, but what are some self discipline examples from everyday life?

Go to the gym on weekdays before work

A disciplined person may use their willpower to go to the gym every day before work at the same time, even if it means getting up earlier.

Have your gym clothes ready, know what you’re eating for breakfast, and so on, so you can get out the door on time. Also give yourself time to work up to five days a week, maybe starting with two.

Form new habits like meal prepping or update your budget every Friday

Create new habits to help you succeed. Pinpoint a couple of things in your life that you’d like to change, and replace them with a good habit instead.

For example, if you want to eat healthier, try meal prepping. When finances feel overwhelming, begin budgeting once a week. Even a small healthy habit like getting outside for 20 minutes a day is a great place to start.

Constantly choose a positive mindset for your mental health

A big part of how to improve self discipline requires you to be strong mentally. Choose optimistic thoughts all the time to help you succeed instead of holding you back. It’s a massive part of becoming your best self.

Motivate yourself to work even when you aren’t in the mood for it

The last of the self discipline examples is to motivate yourself. Being a disciplined person will require effort, especially when you’re tired or bored.

Motivate yourself to work by thinking about how you’ll feel when you accomplish everything you want to do. Make a habit of getting work done before relaxing at the end of the day.

13 Self discipline quotes to keep you motivated

We all need a “pick me up” as we work on our self discipline and achieving our goals. So here are some great self discipline quotes to help you stay motivated.

  1. “Just because you’re struggling with self-discipline doesn’t mean you have to raise the white flag and declare your self-improvement efforts a complete failure. Instead, work to increase the chances that you’ll stick to your healthier habits – even when you don’t feel like it.” – Amy Morin
  2. “The ability to discipline yourself to delay gratification in the short term in order to enjoy greater rewards in the long term is the indispensable prerequisite for success.” – Brian Tracy
  3. “Beautiful gems can emerge from dirt. Struggle can teach you self-discipline and resilience.” – Dipa Sanatani
  4. “The pain of self-discipline will never be as great as the pain of regret.” – Anonymous
  5. “Self-discipline is the magic power that makes you virtually unstoppable.” – Anonymous
  6. “Without any self-sacrifice, how can there be a success?” – Lailah Gifty Akita
  7. “All successes begin with self-discipline. It starts with you.” – Dwayne Johnson
  8. “Self-discipline is the only power which can keep you energized even in the toughest of the circumstances.” – Sukant Ratnakar
  9. “Success doesn’t just happen. You have to be intentional about it, and that takes discipline.” – John C. Maxwell
  10. “We do today what they won’t, so tomorrow we can accomplish what they can’t.” – Dwayne Johnson
  11. “Don’t ever stop believing in your own personal transformation. It is still happening even on the days you may not realize it or feel like it.” – Lalah Delia
  12. “Self-discipline is nothing but self-consciousness.” – Pearl Zhu
  13. “Success begins with self-discipline.” – Sunday Adelaja

The best self-discipline books to read

If you need to know how to build discipline, and find some more great self discipline quotes, start reading books on the topic. These suggestions can help you begin.

P.S. these books are linked via affiliate links which means we may get a small commission that helps us grow if you make a purchase!

No Excuses: The Power Of Self Discipline by Brian Tracy

Hands down, the best book on self discipline is No Excuses!: The Power Of Self Discipline by Brian Tracy. It shows you how you can achieve success in your life, including your personal and financial goals.

You’ll learn how to be more disciplined and each chapter has exercises to help you apply the “no excuses” approach to your own life. I recommend this book every chance I get, and I often find myself reviewing it.

Atomic Habits An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones by James Clear

Atomic habits book

Our habits are a major part of how to master self discipline. Author James Clear writes in Atomic Habits about how to change patterns and build small habits on top of other habits to achieve goals.

Great for anyone who wants a tried and true formula for improving their life, or needs self discipline tips.

Furthermore, rather than relying only on motivation, Clear discusses ways to make positive change a natural and easy choice. You won’t want to miss this how-to guide.

The Little Book of Big Change: The No Willpower Approach to Breaking Any Habit by Amy Johnson

The little book of big change

If you have a particular habit that you’d like to conquer for good, this book can help. Written by Amy Johnson, PhD, The Little Book of Big Change offers information about the brain and why habits work in specific ways.

All of this can aid you in becoming the most productive and self disciplined person possible.

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey

7 Habits of highly effective people

By no means a new book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey remains relevant. All of the habits are designed to challenge the way we live life and make us more self disciplined people.

It’s not just outward behavior; this read also focuses on the why, and our core values as people. It also gives plenty of self discipline examples.

If you enjoyed this article on becoming more self-disciplined, check out these other related articles!

Knowing how to build discipline takes work but can be done

When it comes to how to build discipline, it’s all about making the commitment to improve and picking yourself back up when you slip. With that being said, determine one area of your life that you want to improve on.

Next lay out an action plan to help you with improving self discipline. With time, effort, and consistency, you’ll be making great strides with your self discipline.

Be sure to check out our list of actionable self-improvement ideas for different aspects of your life!

The post 7 Simple Habits To Improve Your Self-Discipline appeared first on Clever Girl Finance.

Simplifying Your Home: 10 Easy Ideas I Used To Simplify My Home Mon, 16 May 2022 16:03:32 +0000 […]

The post Simplifying Your Home: 10 Easy Ideas I Used To Simplify My Home appeared first on Clever Girl Finance.


Simplify my home

A couple of months back, sitting in my messy office, wearing the same black sweater I wear on most Zoom calls, I looked around at my disorganized desk and knew I had to make some changes. The mess had gotten out of control and it was beyond time to simplify my home. So I embarked on a quest to do just that.

I’m not a minimalist or a professional organizer, but I am someone who has recently found some peace in a home formerly filled with way too much stuff. If you want to learn how to simplify your home, read on for the ten things I used to organize mine. If I can do it, anyone can!

But before I dive into how to simplify your home by using my tips, let me tell you what made me decide to tidy up my space.

Why I decided to simplify my home

Like most people, I’ve never spent as much time in my home as I have over the last couple of years. That trend looks to continue as remote work appears here to stay for many people.

Since I’ll continue to spend so much time there, I decided it was finally time to simplify my home for a two key reasons:

To have a home that reflects who I am today

I owned things I hadn’t used in two years and couldn’t imagine using going forward. Can you relate? For example, these past few years have made it abundantly clear that I no longer need a closet full of suits.

I’d rather have a smaller wardrobe that reflects who I am today than a giant one that I have no use for.

A desire for more peace

No matter how much time you spend at home, your home should be your sanctuary. A place where you can go to relax, de-stress and find peace. Mine wasn’t giving off those vibes, so it was time for a change.

Instead of buying more to make my home a peaceful place, I decided to simplify it. Before adding to your life, it’s often a good idea to take things away first to see if that’s the solution.

Even if your life hasn’t changed much recently, there are so many reasons why you might want to simplify your home.

10 Things I did to simplify my home

Ready to get started? Simplifying your home doesn’t have to be expensive or time-consuming. You can try out just one of these ten things that I did to simplify my home.

Wait and see how much of a difference even one change can make!

Simplifying Your Home

1. Developed a selling and donation strategy right off the bat

When you start a simplification or decluttering process, it’s good to have a strategy. What will you do with all of the stuff you’re getting rid of? It was important for me to know exactly how I would get rid of things.

This way they didn’t sit around in piles or boxes, adding to my clutter.

Everyone’s selling, donation, and trash strategy will be different. You have to know yourself. I knew I wasn’t going to spend time listing items on Craigslist or eBay, or having a garage sale.

These are great ways to declutter and make some extra cash, but not something I had the time for. Instead, I decided I would donate my clothes, give away larger things like furniture or kitchen gadgets to friends, and be honest about things that were truly trash and put them there.

Having this strategy from the get-go was the best way to simplify my home without thinking about every item as I decluttered.

2. Tried not to obsess over “wasted” money

When I first began to declutter and simplify my home, I was energized and excited about all of the stuff I was getting rid of. Soon, disappointment set in. I realized how many things I’d spent money on that were useless to me now. What a waste!

Not to mention the environmental impact of the trash I was disposing of. I quickly realized that beating myself up was doing absolutely no good. I’d spent the money and wasn’t getting any of it back, and there was nothing I could do about that.

The only thing I could do about the waste I’d created was to vow to do better in the future by living more sustainably and being more intentional with my purchases.

3. Simplified the closet by starting small

Simplifying your home will likely involve decluttering your closet. That can be a daunting task! At least, it was for me. When it was time to tackle my clothes, I decided the only way I was going to make any progress was to start small.

That meant starting with just my sock and underwear drawers. I got rid of things with holes in them, that I hadn’t worn in years, and socks with no matching pair.

And while I didn’t get around to purging all of my clothes, I was able to get the ball rolling on my simplification process by starting with a tiny project.

Remember, taking the time to clear out small areas of your closet or home can add up over time, so it’s never a waste to start small!

4. Recognized the areas that were difficult and enlisted help

Hands-down, the most difficult things to declutter for me are sentimental items. I’m somewhat of a collector and place so much value in things and the memories I attach to them. Sentimental items tend to be the area I always skip over when simplifying my home.

But there comes a point when you have so many sentimental items that they become clutter, too. I knew I wasn’t going to be able to declutter them on my own, so I enlisted the help of my husband.

It was helpful to go through the items together and talk through my memories. It made me realize that I was hanging on to some things that didn’t have positive memories attached to them or that were multiples!

He also helped me let go of my guilt over getting rid of these things. In the end, when simplifying your home, you’ll have your own areas of difficulty. Having someone to help you keep an open mind can be very helpful.

5. Implemented the “two-minute” rule to simplify my home

You’d be amazed at home much you can clean or simplify in two minutes or less. I certainly was when I started to implement the two-minute rule for cleaning.

It’s simple – if you have two minutes while waiting for something or switching tasks, you use it to clean up whatever is around you. Now, basically any time I have a minute or two to spare, I’m always putting something away.

The result? A much simpler and less-cluttered home.

6. Did a major makeup overhaul

Another by-product of the pandemic? People are wearing less makeup than ever, even once we’ve returned to our somewhat normal lives and jobs outside the house.

I certainly fell into this category, as I’ve transitioned to a much more minimal makeup look. And yet, I was still hanging on to a pretty large makeup collection.

I decided to go through it and toss anything old or crusty and even some nicer things that I just don’t use anymore. This took almost no time and was very satisfying.

Instead of fishing through tubes and tubes of lipstick, I now have a streamlined collection of just what I want and actually use.

7. Didn’t forget about the pantry!

In any past quests to simplify my home, I’ve always ignored the kitchen. It turns out, though, that clutter can hide in your kitchen cabinets, too. This time, I went through my pantry and did two things:

First, I took everything out, put it on the counter, and made a couple of piles. Anything past its expiration date went in the trash, and anything that nobody in the house ate (like cans of tuna) was donated.

Then, I took an inventory of what was left. Usually, I would have stopped there, but in the spirit of really simplifying, I took note of what we had and planned meals around those items.

Not only did this help to simplify the pantry, but my grocery bill for the next few weeks was significantly less than usual.

8. Created a decluttering bin for all of the things that didn’t yet have a home

As I simplified and decluttered, I got rid of tons of things. But there were also some things I wanted to keep but didn’t know where to put them.

Normally, I would have shoved these things into the back of a closet or left them wherever they were. Not this time!

I created a dedicated decluttering bin where I put all of the things that didn’t yet have a designated place. That way, I could deal with them later. In the meantime, they had a temporary home.

Later on, I figured out where it worked best to store them, and, if needed, I bought the appropriate storage containers (more on that below!) to house them.

9. Went through all of my bookshelves

As someone who loves to learn, I had a lot of books. They’ve served me so well, but I was hanging on to so many that I either never read or ones that I will never read again. I even had some old textbooks collecting dust!

The solution was simple – I simplified my shelves by donating those I’ll never read again. It was easier than ever to do this because I know I have access to all of those books, and so many more, for free on my kindle through my library.

10. Bought organizing tools at the end of the process

Lastly, I did everything I’ve written about above before buying even one storage bin or another organizational tool. Why? Simple – because those bins and boxes just add to the clutter and chaos until you have a real purpose for them.

Only once you’ve simplified do you truly know what you need to organize. Until then, I found it more helpful to focus on clearing the clutter and creating a peaceful space for myself and my family.

Simplifying your home is an ongoing process

Learning how to simplify your home isn’t done in a day – it’s a process. Some things to keep in mind as you go about simplifying your home:

It’s important to get in the habit of regularly editing your stuff

If you want to simplify your home and keep it that way, you need to make decluttering a part of your daily life. Make the commitment to regularly prune your things and you’ll be thankful for your simplified home year-round.

Buy only what you need

So that you don’t fall back into having a messy or disorganized home, commit to buying only what you need. By reducing the amount of clutter you bring into your home, simplifying your home will remain a breeze.

Remember – it’s not about perfection

Finally, simplifying your home is not about perfection or becoming a minimalist. It’s about simplifying your space for you, whether that’s creating a maximalist space, a minimalist one, or something in between.

Try these tips I used to simplify my home to make organizing yours easier!

Hopefully, with these tips on how to simplify your home, you’re a little closer to living in a space that reflects who you are, brings you peace, and is filled with things that bring you joy!

The post Simplifying Your Home: 10 Easy Ideas I Used To Simplify My Home appeared first on Clever Girl Finance.

29 Life Experiments To Improve Your Finances! Sat, 07 May 2022 09:46:09 +0000 […]

The post 29 Life Experiments To Improve Your Finances! appeared first on Clever Girl Finance.


Life experiments

A set routine and schedule for your daily life has a lot of benefits, but does life ever start to feel a bit…boring? Life experiments are what shake up our routines and help us think about things in new ways.

Trying out different experiments can make each day more fulfilling, not to mention help you understand what to change about your current situation. All of this is great, but did you know that life experiments can also improve your finances?

Find out more about the benefits of life experiments and get examples of great ones to try!

What can life experiments do for you?

But first, how exactly do life experiments make your life better? What can they do to improve it? Check out some of the awesome things that can happen due to these experiences.

Life experiments help you learn new things

Life experiments can teach you new habits and behaviors. The focus is often on learning and improvement, so you'll have the chance to make discoveries about yourself and who you want to be.

Plus, they help you come up with original ideas to improve your financial, emotional, and physical health in many cases.

Life experiments help you discover what works best for you

It's possible to not know that something works or doesn't work for you until you give it a try. When you try out a life experiment, you can see if you enjoy the process and want to continue it or if you prefer the way things were before.

So it's not always about changing your behavior; it's finding out if what you're already doing is working or not.

Life experiments help you save money

Depending on the experiment's focus, you can potentially save lots of money when trying one out! You might form money-saving habits or find new ways to manage your finances.

Money life experiments are great for making decisions and understanding your money situation better than ever.

Life experiments teach you how to improve your finances

Not only will you save money, but through learning and new ideas, your finances can improve. You can teach yourself things about money that you weren't aware of and find ways to make your financial life 10, 20, or 100% better than before.

29 Life experiments to create a better financial future

Without further ado, here are 29 life experiments to help you improve your finances. Plus many other aspects of your life!

1. Stop buying coffee and make it yourself

This suggestion might sound familiar, but it bears repeating. Getting coffee while you're out is great. So you might be accustomed to ordering your non-fat-half-sugar-extra-foam-dairy-free-soy-vanilla-cappuccino, but…there are other options.

A cup of coffee is expensive, and you could easily have $100 extra a month! Since the price of a cappuccino can cost up to $5 in some cities.

So for the life experiment, stop buying coffee and make it yourself at home for a whole month. See if your life and finances improve or not, and notice how you feel without buying coffee.

Does it make a difference? Do you want to continue it? Then adjust your budget depending on your choices for the next month.

2. Try the 52-week savings challenge

For this 52-week savings challenge, you start off slow, saving $1 a week, then $2, and so on, up to $52 per week. This experience can help you if you struggle to save money.

The experiment takes a whole year, and it isn't challenging to get started. The savings start off so small that you may not even notice you're saving money until the end!

You should have $1378 by the end, but of course, you can modify this and add a higher savings amount for each week if you want.

3. Meal prep every week for three months

Meal prep - the enemy of fast food and unplanned restaurant expenses. Not only can it save you a ton of money, but it's probably healthier than eating out all the time.

To do this experiment, write down the breakfasts, lunches, and dinners you want to have each week. Then grocery shop for ingredients and prep all your meals on the same day. So this usually involves cooking meat, chopping vegetables, and organizing lunches.

You'll know exactly what you're eating every day for three months, and you could save hundreds of dollars.

4. Check your everyday budget for 30 days

Sometimes it's easy to set up your budget and then forget everything. But this month-long experiment really sets you up for success by close monitoring. So every day for a month, you check on your budget to make sure you're on track.

Adjust your budget to fit your financial goals if you are over in one category or under in another. It might help to make journal notes about how you feel after checking your budget.

At the end of the month, decide if you like this close monitoring and notice if it's improved your money habits or not.

5. Open a savings account and save your spare change

Spare change often gets lost in the shuffle, but it could be put into savings. A dollar here and 0.25 cents there can add up faster than you'd think.

Try this life experiment by saving all your change in a jar each month. At the end of the month, take it to the bank and add it to your savings account.

Do this for a year. You'll have some money stored up by the end.

6. Only follow financial influencers on social media

Decide to only follow influencers that talk about money, saving, investing, and other financial topics for a set time. Try a week or a month to start.

Try to listen to what these influencers have to say and see if it impacts your own finances. In addition, take notes and try to remember any changes you make. At the end of the set time, check to see if the way you think about or handle money has changed.

7. Take public transport or ride a bike one day a week

Gas for your car might be costing you! Especially if you drive every day. Choose one day a week to ride a bike, walk, or take public transportation. Do this for a few months - try three.

It's good if this is a day when you would typically use your car a lot to save the most money on gas and auto maintenance. Notice if your car bills get lower. And if you're biking or walking, you might feel physically healthier.

8. Exercise using YouTube videos instead of the gym

Gym memberships are nice, but they're also expensive. Consider canceling yours and instead take advantage of the (completely free) YouTube videos for fitness. There are tons of options, from yoga to aerobics.

Give up the membership for at least three months to feel the fitness and financial effects. Then decide if having access to the gym is indeed worth it, or if you prefer your new and cheaper way of exercising.

9. Read financial books on the weekends

Weekends offer a great opportunity to catch up on reading. But what if you chose to learn as much about money as possible on your days off?

Put away the novels and fiction books for the time being, and create a booklist from finance authors. Try this out for at least a month or two, and see how much you can learn.

10. Pick a money topic to learn about each month and research it extensively

Speaking of researching topics, here's a good year-long experiment. If you want to become well-versed in various money subjects, find twelve that you wish to learn about. So each month, pick one topic and learn all you can about it.

Use YouTube videos and books from the library, read blogs, and talk to people. You'll likely feel like a more intelligent and more balanced person at the end of the year.

11. Trade one expensive hobby for a cheap one

Do you have a hobby that costs you quite a bit? Examples of this are eating at restaurants, going to expensive classes, or buying many media products like movies and tv subscriptions.

Choose to trade one expensive hobby for a budget-friendly one.

For instance, instead of eating out all the time, take a free cooking course and learn to make your own fabulous meals. Or start reading books from the library instead of buying movies.

A reasonable time frame for this is 3 months at least. Then notice if you miss your old hobby or if you're content with the cheaper alternative.

12. Prioritize your health

Prioritizing your health is a good idea for many reasons. And it could also save you money on medical bills later on. So spend a month really focusing on being healthy.

This can include drinking the right amount of water, eating healthy foods, and prioritizing exercise. By the end of one month, see how you feel, and hopefully, you'll want to continue the habits you've created.

13. Sell items you haven't used in a year

If you're like most people, you've got a lot of items around your home that don't really add value or get used regularly. Figure out what to sell by walking through one room of your home at a time.

Your closet might offer many opportunities to sell clothing, accessories, and jewelry you haven't used in a year. You might find appliances that aren't even out of the box in your kitchen. Sell these things and save the cash.

14. Put a set amount each month towards debt payoff for a year

Have a considerable debt burden you're trying to pay off? This life experiment can help. Decide on an amount to put towards debt payoff each month for a whole year.

Say, $300. Then every month, you'll know that you're getting rid of debt by prioritizing repayment.

And you can change the amount if you like. Maybe you start out with $300 and decide to move it to $500 after a few months. The point is to get rid of debt as part of your monthly budget.

15. Carry only one credit card and one debit card in your wallet

This is a nearly effortless practice that might save you some cash. Decide on one debit and one credit card to carry with you, and put the rest away somewhere safe. This is to help you think twice about purchases and not overspend.

Do this for a month and see if you notice any improvement in spending habits.

16. Invest $20 a week for a year

$20 over a whole year equals $1040, enough to get you started as a beginner investor. And if the $20 amount is too much or too little, adjust it to your preferences and budget.

The point of this life experiment is to begin saving and investing money if you haven't before or have had trouble with consistency. If you want to carry on with the experience, try doing a second year of investing after the first.

Use this investment calculator to see how much money you can make!

17. Take staycations for a year instead of traveling somewhere far away

Everyone loves a vacation, but those airplane flights, hotel stays, and restaurant expenses quickly add up. For one year, forego the extra cost of travel.

When you get weeks off of work or vacation days, instead of heading to a different city, explore your own.

Stay home and enjoy sightseeing in your own town, sleeping in, reading, or just relaxing. If you take a lot of vacations usually, you could save thousands.

18. Journal your feelings about money every day for a month

Money is a complicated thing that is more attached to our emotions than we'd like to admit. Maybe you have feelings of frustration, anxiety, or uncertainty about money.

To help deal with this, journal your money thoughts for a few minutes each day for a month. As you work through the old feelings, you might discover that you feel more positive and in control of your finances.

19. Go natural with beauty products

Makeup and beauty products tend to be quite expensive. And many times, you can substitute great alternatives from what you have at home instead of buying costly items.

Choose to go natural with beauty products for a set time, somewhere between one month and a year. Notice if the natural products work better or just as well, and note any money you save due to this life experiment.

Then, at the end of the time frame, decide if you prefer this lifestyle or still want to buy beauty products.

20. Be makeup-free for a week

Choosing to go makeup-free is a bold choice that can save you some money in the long run. Go a week without wearing makeup and see if you like the lifestyle switch or not.

If you choose to be makeup-free for more extended periods, like a month or two, you can save money on the various makeup products you might usually buy. You'll use less, your makeup will last longer, and you might find that you enjoy it.

21. No new clothes challenge life experiment

A no new clothes challenge is a great way to save cash. The way this life experiment works is that for a year, you don't buy any new clothing items. If you already have quite a few clothing options, this might be easier than you think.

When something doesn't suit your style anymore, upcycle it and find ways to use what you have. Look back on all the extra money you've saved at the end of the year.

22. Make movie nights the new normal instead of theaters 

Movie theaters are a fun way to gather with friends and pass the time, but you can do all of that without spending the $20 or so most people spend each time they go. Instead, for a year, decide to have movie nights at your home.

When a new movie comes out, wait for it to be available to rent. Then, invite your friends and ask everyone to chip in a few bucks to rent the film. Encourage people to bring snacks and drinks and enjoy the movie from the comfort of home.

23. Get up early 

You might be asking what this life experiment has to do with your finances. A lot! An early wake-up time allows you to be productive, work on projects, and chase your money goals. 

Try getting up early, like 5 or 6 am, for a week. If you're feeling good about it, try a month, and so on. Use the extra hours to work on important things that matter to you.

24. Automate an aspect of your finances 

The simplest way to fix your finances is probably automation. You can set up automatic payments, withdrawals, savings, or investments. Choose one part of your finances to automate.

This works exceptionally well if you choose savings or investing. For example, if you automate saving $100 a week, you'll soon have a big pile of cash. Try automating and see if your money habits improve.

25. Try a 30-day self-love challenge

A month-long self-love challenge is a great way to improve your overall life and finances. It includes affirmations, social media detoxes, decluttering, emergency funds, etc.

The amazing thing is you can improve how you feel. And when you feel better, you make better decisions and enjoy life more.

26. Give a 30-day glow-up challenge a go

A 30-day glow-up challenge is a great way to help you feel your best. It includes challenges each day like opening a savings account, journaling, exercising, and financial goals.

This challenge will move you towards your best self and help you take your health and money more seriously. Try it out and notice the difference at the end of the month.

27. Practice appreciation with a 30-day gratitude challenge

30 days of gratitude is a fantastic way to begin changing your mindset. It's excellent for every aspect of your life.

With challenges like worksheets, thanking others, and creating a practice of thankfulness, you're likely to feel changed by the end of the month. And gratitude makes you more positive, affecting the way you use and think about money.

28. Work towards minimizing your life with a 30-day minimalism challenge

If you feel that your mind and life are way too cluttered, the 30-day minimalism challenge can work for you. It includes not only decluttering options (that could make you money) but also practices like saying no, changing notification settings, and no spend days.

This month could help you to save money and buy fewer items. But you'll also gain a new appreciation for what you have.

29. Save a ton and try a no-spend challenge

A no-spend challenge can be just what you need if you feel out of control with money. Basically, you pick a time, like a month or even a year, to not spend on unnecessary things.

That means you'll only be using money to pay bills and for things you truly need, not stuff you would just like to buy. This is a great way to recover from a time in your life when you've overspent or make you more aware of how much money you spend.

This challenge is very easy to modify for your own needs, so be creative.

Life experiments can improve your finances in huge ways

Life experiments give you the chance to learn and change for the better. They can also improve your finances and help you to save money!

For more ideas on investing and saving, check out our completely free finance courses. Enjoy these experiences and make changes that help you financially!

The post 29 Life Experiments To Improve Your Finances! appeared first on Clever Girl Finance.

10 Ways To Create More Mental Space For Your Wellbeing Thu, 05 May 2022 19:35:57 +0000 […]

The post 10 Ways To Create More Mental Space For Your Wellbeing appeared first on Clever Girl Finance.


Mental space

Just like a cluttered home can be stress-inducing, so can a cluttered mind. How much mental space do you have available? Is your mind jumbled and constantly “on” or do you have room to just be?

No matter how overwhelmed or cluttered your mind might feel right now, you can give yourself the gift of mental space by taking a couple of steps. Want to learn how? Below are the tips on how to create more mental space that will enhance your wellbeing. 

But first, let's discuss what mental space is and why it's so important!

What is mental space?

Mental space is most easily defined as what it’s not – it’s not your to-do list, stresses, worries, or fears. Those things get in the way of your focus and clutter your mind.

Mental space, on the other hand, is the absence of all of those things. Having mental space means you have a sense of calm and the capacity to focus on and do what you choose.

It’s the absence of overwhelm. It’s being unburdened by an endless to-do list in your mind. Sounds pretty good, right?

Why is mental space so important to your wellbeing?

It should come as no surprise that your mental health is just as important as your physical health. Sometimes it’s easier for us to focus on the physical aspects of our health and forget about the mental ones. But your mental health is not something to ignore.

Mental space is one piece of your well-being that is especially key to living your best life. Here are a couple of reasons why mental space is so vital to your wellbeing:

Reduces your stress

Stress affects your mind and your whole body. It’s your body’s response to challenges and demands. And when you have too many challenges and demands, or too much going on in your mind, your stress levels can go through the roof.

By clearing up mental space and giving yourself some room to think and breathe, you can help reduce your stress levels.

Increases your ability to focus

If you don’t have a lot of mental space, you might describe your mind as being cloudy or foggy. It’s like something is blocking you from focusing on what you want to do.

On the other hand, when you do have mental space, you can be laser-focused on what you want to get done.

Mental space boosts your productivity

What happens when you are focused? Well, you accomplish your tasks and reach your goals! When you have mental space, you see a huge boost in your productivity and your ability to get things done.

Frees up the time and space to do what you love

Lastly, with all of that focus and increased productivity that comes with having mental space, you get things done. Which leaves plenty of time for whatever else you want to do.

Maybe that’s time to step back and just breathe, go for a walk, or sit with your thoughts for a bit.

Whatever it is, you get to choose what to do because your mind is not preoccupied with endless to-dos and tasks when you have mental space.

So, let's dive into our list of easy ways to create more mental space!

10 Easy ways to create more mental space

Creating more mental space is a process. Some of these tips will give you instant results, but some take more time and practice.

But, no matter what, if you stick to it, soon enough you’ll have created a calmer mind and opened up the mental space you need to live a more stress-free, productive, and focused life. 

How to create more mental space

1. Start a meditation practice

Want to create mental space to improve your mental and physical health? There’s no better way to do that than by starting a meditation practice. When you meditate, you learn how to focus your mind and stay present in the moment.

The benefits reach way beyond just the time you devote to your meditation practice. Over time, you’ll clear out your mind, and the mental space you’ll create will calm you and open up so many possibilities.

2. Learn a go-to breathing practice

During particularly stressful moments, it might feel like there’s no way to clear your mind. Most people can’t just meditate on the spot and create mental space at the drop of a hat.

Luckily, there are other techniques you can practice in the moment to help clear your mind and create that space.

One way to do that is with a simple breathing technique called paced breathing. You inhale for 2-4 seconds and exhale for 4-6 seconds, focusing on your breathing instead of where your mind is prone to wander.

This is a great way to pull yourself back into the moment and relax your mind and body.

3. Make sure you have some whitespace on your calendar

Is your calendar jam-packed with work calls, meetings, activities, obligations, and events? Even if you love to do everything you do (which, let’s face it, is unlikely), life can become overwhelming.

When your calendar is so full that you don’t have any time for yourself, that’s a red flag that you don’t have any mental space, either. One way to fix this is to clear up your calendar.

Make sure you have some time every day, whether you start with a fifteen-minute block, or you have two or three hours free, that is just for you.

4. Declare your morning and/or evening a no-tech time

It doesn’t matter what time of day you choose, but declare some portion of your day to be “tech-free.” The morning is a great time to stay off of social media, refrain from reading the news, and resist checking your email.

Instead of jumping right into what other people have to say or what others want from you, spend your time doing something for yourself.

It doesn’t even have to be that long of a time! Just take a few minutes to savor your morning coffee, make a healthy breakfast, go for a run, or journal. However and whenever you choose to spend your tech-free time is up to you.

Just make sure you squeeze in some time to disconnect and give yourself the mental space you deserve.

5. Play

Remember how great you felt after recess in grade school? Coming back to class after running around on the playground or in the gym was the perfect reset. Unfortunately, most adults think they don’t have time to play or to take a recess of their own.

But, doing something purely for fun is one of the most beneficial things we can do for our well-being. Play is a way to unwind and clear your mind from distractions and stress.

It’s a way to refresh, reset, and create the mental space so that when playtime is over, you are ready to get back to whatever task is at hand.

6. Declutter your space

You’ve probably decluttered your space at one point or another. Clearing out the clutter can be so helpful in creating a calm and inviting home. But the benefits don’t stop there.

Clearing your space actually works to declutter your mind, too! It can help reduce your stress levels, improve your sleep, and give you back a sense of control in what can feel like an out-of-control world.

Start small when decluttering your physical space and keep on going from there. As you see the benefits creating physical space has on your mental space, you’ll be sure to keep on going until your entire home (and mind) is clutter-free.

7. Have someone to talk things out with

We have so many thoughts racing around in our minds, cluttering them up, and blocking our mental space. It can be beneficial to have someone to whom you can release some of those thoughts.

Having a sounding board will allow you to get out your ideas and frustrations and clear some mental space. This can be especially helpful if you live or work alone.

8. Stop the information overload

The amount of information we’re faced with every day is truly astonishing. In just the last decade or so, our access to information has skyrocketed. This has its benefits, but your well-being is not usually among those. A constant influx of information can clog your brain.

If you feel overwhelmed with too much information, limit the amount of information you allow in. Set a time limit for how long you’ll spend online, reading the news, watching Netflix, etc.

Decide what you want to take in and leave out the rest. After a while, what will be left in the place of all of that information overload will be mental space.

9. Journal for more mental space

We’ve espoused the benefits of journaling many times before. That’s because journaling is so powerful. Add clearing out your mind and creating mental space to the long list of benefits of journaling.

Whether you use an old-fashioned notebook, your computer, or an app on your phone, getting your thoughts out of your brain is one of the best ways to clear your head and create mental space.

Among the many benefits of journaling for your wellbeing include less stress, management of anxiety, and a greater ability to cope with uncomfortable feelings.

10. Stop multi-tasking

Have you heard the news about multi-tasking? It turns out, it doesn’t work! While we might think we can do two things at once, it’s simply not true. What does multi-tasking do? It divides your attention and makes it take longer to get things done.

Multi-tasking also jumbles up your mind. It interferes with your mental space by adding competing things to do and think about.

Instead of multi-tasking, try focusing on one task at once and then making a clean break from it before moving on to the next one. Your newly cleared-out mind will thank you.

Create the mental space you need starting today!

Taking care of your mental health is not something to do only if you have extra time. It’s necessary to tend to if you want to live a vibrant and thriving life. Take one (or more) of these steps today to clear your mind and create the mental space you deserve.

The post 10 Ways To Create More Mental Space For Your Wellbeing appeared first on Clever Girl Finance.

How To Create The Ideal Day For Your Life And Finances Every Single Day Fri, 06 May 2022 18:26:52 +0000 […]

The post How To Create The Ideal Day For Your Life And Finances Every Single Day appeared first on Clever Girl Finance.


Ideal day

Do you ever find yourself stuck in a slump, lacking routine, and needing to hit the reset button on your day-to-day life? Chances are everyone has felt this way at some point. It can be hard to find a routine that makes your day productive, happy, and healthy for you while also being good for your finances. But if you lay out all the most important factors, you can create your ideal day and live it too.

Burnout is a very real experience many of us face. I find when I'm burnt out I eventually reach a breaking point and feel the need to up-haul my schedule and try to get back into the swing of things.

Work is certainly not the only thing that causes burnout, but it is the leading cause. According to a recent study, two-thirds of all full-time workers experience burnout on the job.

I truly believe creating an ideal day involves factoring in all aspects of your life, not just work. So hopefully this article can be a glimmer of inspiration to get you into the swing of things and guide you in making your own ideal schedule!

Everything you need to consider when creating your ideal day

Your ideal day should involve allowing time for many different factors of your life.

Think of your day as a garden: without causing too much stress or pressure, you should tend to each different flower on its own. This will keep your day well balanced and enrich your life. You'll also ensure you make every day a good day!

1. Your work and personal life

For a lot of us, the hours in a day dedicated to work and productivity will probably come out to be 8 total hours. Whether you have the typical 9 to 5 schedule or one that is a little different in its start and finish time.

It's daunting to think that 8 hours of our day are for working when you're creating an ideal schedule that factors in things beyond work. Nevertheless, doing your work doesn't mean you can't get anything else done!

So, be sure to create an ideal day that is balanced. You can do this by including your personal goals and self-care in your schedule.

2. Check in on your finances

Money management is important and to truly keep on top of it you need to check in on your finances every day.

Whether it be by taking a look at how you're spending relative to the budget you've created, checking in on the status of your investments, or even doing a financial health check. Your ideal day should support your financial wellness journey.

3. Prioritize your health and take care of yourself

In my opinion, taking care of your health is the most important part of any day. After all, you can't complete anything else on your to-do list without first being physically and mentally equipped to take on the day.

Finding time for exercise, healthy meals, and mental health care is vital.

Prioritizing healthy habits doesn't have to break the bank either. You can use free Youtube workout videos to exercise from home, opt to buy discount produce, and download free meditation apps to practice mindfulness.

4. Spend time with your loved ones

Connecting with others is an important part of every day. A recent study found that having an active social life can reduce stress, improve your mood, and encourage positive health behaviors.

While it's unlikely that anyone has social plans every day, finding a moment to connect with loved ones even from home is an important part of your ideal day.

Consider phoning a friend rather than texting. Or you can set up a virtual movie watch party in the evening or go for a walk with a neighbor.

5. Tap into your creative side and go off the grid

No matter your hobbies or passions, we all have a creative side. And letting your creativity flourish is a great way to get out of your head amidst the daily grind. One study discovered that 49% of millennials said social media urged them to overspend.

Take some time each day to break away from the endless scroll of social media. Put your phone away, and see what you're inspired to do. Chances are, your ideal day will feel more abundant, and your finances will too.

6. Make sure rest time fits in your ideal schedule

Getting a good night's sleep is sure to set you up for success every day. Making sure time to rest and get to bed at a good time is important. The average adult needs 7-9 hours of sleep to feel properly rested.

So, a big part of your ideal schedule is to give yourself a bedtime!

Example of an ideal day

Now that we've covered the basics of what your ideal schedule should incorporate, here's an example of how this schedule might play out for you!

Morning: Starting your ideal day off right

Rise and shine, time to start the day! Here's a great example of an ideal morning schedule: (Keep in mind you can adjust the times based on your own personal schedule!).

7 AM: Eat a healthy breakfast

Energizing your mind and body in the morning is important to ensure you're able to achieve the things you want for the day. Yogurt parfaits, smoothies, eggs, and oatmeal are just a few affordable and energizing breakfast options.

If you are a super busy person, there are plenty of breakfasts that are easy to make and don't take up to much time!

8 AM: Get your body moving

Starting your day with flowing endorphins is a great kickstart. I personally like to begin with light stretches and yoga poses to ease into the day. There are plenty of free guides online for yoga and stretching.

My personal favorite is Yoga With Adrienne. She has everything from a 30-day challenge to sessions you can do in under 10 minutes! So, you should definitely check out her channel.

9 AM: Begin the workday

9 a.m. may be your typical start to the workday. This is when I like to set up my desk with my computer fully charged, and some water and coffee on hand.

I answer emails, check my agenda for the day, and prep anything I need before logging into any meetings. Having a morning routine that eases me into the workday starts the day off right.

Afternoon: Beating the afternoon slump and sticking to your ideal schedule

Fuel yourself to get through the second half of the day. Here are some ideas to help you master the afternoon!

12 PM: Lunch break!

Make yourself a healthy lunch, or grab something you previously meal prepped. Take this lunch break to step away from work, re-energize, and enjoy some time to yourself.

I like to opt out of scrolling through Twitter during my lunch break and instead, read a chapter of a book or go for a quick walk. Since social media can be a distraction to your finances and cause stress, try finding something else to do on your lunch break.

1 PM: Back to work

Head back into your workday to finish up your to-do list. Beating the afternoon slump can be tricky, so I like to do something to ease me back in with a clear mind.

This can be your own little moment of self-care! Breathing exercises and journaling are my go-to's.

2 PM: Financial check-in

After getting some more work done, I like to take a short break and delve into other important parts of my ideal day, such as a financial check-in. This gives me a chance to take a breather from the workday and think about other aspects of my day-to-day life.

I usually check my spending, review my budget, or check in on my investments. Scheduling time for your finances is an important part of your ideal schedule. So use this time to check in on your money!

Evening/night: Winding down so tomorrow your ideal day can begin again

Time to end the day! Here are some ideas to help you wind down and have a wonderful finish to your day:

5 PM: Cook a healthy dinner

Once the workday is done, I cook a healthy dinner and take some time to myself to unwind. It is more than possible to eat clean on a budget. You can follow a clean meal plan and have some of your healthy meals already prepped in the evening.

I like to opt for something with chickpeas as a base — like a curry or salad — because they are protein-rich and cheap! Browse through our list of cheap healthy dinners for more ideas.

6:30 PM: Time to exercise

Once I've had dinner and taken a moment to myself, I do a workout. Sometimes this means heading to a class at my gym. And other times it means putting on a youtube video and exercising in my living room.

So take some time to get in a good workout. Try to pick something you enjoy so you will stick to it.

8 PM: Wind down

By 8 p.m. I like to begin winding down. My evening routine is when I do a lot of my self-care. This includes skincare, showering, meditation, and journaling. Ending your day on a positive note is just as important as beginning it that way.

10:30 PM Get to bed

In order to get 7 to 9 hours of sleep, I aim to get to bed between 10 and 11 p.m. This sets me up to live my ideal day every single day. I like to have my creature comforts when I'm heading to make sure I sleep well.

This means extra cozy blankets and a white noise track. Find things that help you relax so you can get a good night's rest.

Your ideal day is waiting for you

When you consider the things that are most important to you and your wellbeing, you can develop your very own ideal schedule. It might seem like a daunting task, but it is more than possible to create a plan for each day that will support you in living your best life.

The post How To Create The Ideal Day For Your Life And Finances Every Single Day appeared first on Clever Girl Finance.

Feeling Unsatisfied With Life? Here’s How To Change That! Mon, 02 May 2022 18:40:22 +0000 […]

The post Feeling Unsatisfied With Life? Here’s How To Change That! appeared first on Clever Girl Finance.


Feeling unsatisfied with life

It’s unfortunate, but sometimes we’re not always satisfied with life. No matter how awesome one part may be, there’s often some aspect we’d like to change. If you’re feeling unsatisfied with life the way it is, don’t give up! You can improve your life more than you may think.

Our tips will help you work on being more satisfied with all aspects of your life. But first, let's talk about why you may be feeling dissatisfied with life in the first place.

Why you might feel unsatisfied with life

Of course, there are tons of reasons you might feel unsatisfied about how life is going. Perhaps you haven’t nailed it down yet. But here are some common reasons you may feel a bit dissatisfied with life.

You hate your job

Your career is a huge factor in your happiness (or unhappiness) each day. Not only does it determine whom you spend your time with, but it also determines your income and how you spend your time.

If you hate your job or it’s not fulfilling enough, that could seriously leave you unsatisfied.

You are worried about your finances

Obviously, finances impact your overall satisfaction. It’s tough to focus when you’re worried about how you’ll pay your bills this week. You may not earn enough, or you may be unsure of how to manage your money.

You are dealing with relationship struggles

Perhaps there’s a significant relationship causing you to be dissatisfied with life. Whether your spouse or partner isn’t pulling their weight, or you’re dealing with an unruly child, or you’re estranged from someone important, those relationships are a heavy burden.

You're having health problems

Another possible cause of feeling unsatisfied with life is, of course, your health. Health isn’t an afterthought—it impacts everything else, 24/7.

Unfortunately, if your health is suffering, there are some aspects beyond your control. But doing what you can to take care of yourself may go a long way towards improving your everyday life.

You haven't found your purpose

Wondering how to be satisfied in life? It’s possible that your deeper purpose is weighing on you. If you feel as though you’re not contributing to the world or not meeting your full potential, that’s frustrating. But you do not have to settle.

7 Key steps to take if you’re feeling unsatisfied with life

Only you have the power to change your life. Even though others care about you and want good things for you, it’s ultimately you who has to decide how you want to live. 

Being dissatisfied with life can happen, but you don't have to remain that way. With that said, here are seven key steps to work towards a more fulfilling life!

1. Figure out why you’re unsatisfied with life

Although it may seem obvious, the first step for how to be satisfied in life is to recognize why you aren’t happy already. You may have been assuming you’re unsatisfied because you don’t make enough money.

But looking at Hollywood news might show you that more money doesn’t automatically equal happiness. Take some time to ponder what’s really bothering you.

You might be able to easily identify the root cause of your discontent, or you may need to do some soul-searching. Ask your closest friend or loved one if they have an idea of what’s making you unsatisfied.

Of course, there’s often more than one reason for dissatisfaction, so you may need to focus on one at a time. Just don’t let yourself off the hook and say “Everything!” when you ask yourself what’s wrong.

You need to zone in on the one or two primary reasons you’re not happy today.

2. Recognize which parts of your life are in your control

Once you’ve identified your primary reasons for being unsatisfied with life, consider what you can change. Not everything is within your control, unfortunately.

Sometimes you feel pigeonholed in your career and don’t have the money to train for a new one. You may be trying everything you can think of to mend fences with your mom, but she just won’t listen.

As you identify the causes of your discontent, try to recognize which ones are possible to change. Try to focus on the aspects you can control. You can’t fix everything, but you can work on improving your self-care habits or your attitude at work or take a class on money management.

3. See a counselor if you’re feeling unsatisfied with life

One important step that may be right for you is to talk to a counselor. A professional may be able to help you unlock the root causes of your dissatisfaction.

So you might meet with someone before you even figure out the problem, or to help you work through it once you’ve identified it.

Professional counseling has many benefits

Seeing a mental health expert like a counselor can help you manage a crisis, identify problems in your life, and help you make changes. The American Psychological Association states that “any time your quality of life isn’t what you want it to be, psychotherapy can help.”

And as Healthline notes, talk therapy can help you explore your thoughts, feelings, and concerns. This can definitely guide you through why you’re feeling unsatisfied and how to improve things.

Keep in mind that even if your schedule or location won’t allow for in-person counseling, online options exist. You can try meeting virtually or over the phone to talk through your discontentment.

Work on improving your mindset

Even if you don’t seek professional counseling, you can do some serious “mind” work on your own. Check out library books or listen to podcasts that give you positive solutions to your problems.

You might need to work on being content with what you have. That’s not to say that your problems aren’t real, but that sometimes it can benefit you to focus on the good.

The Mayo Clinic explains that positive thinking may benefit you by lowering depression rates, increasing your resistance to illness, and improving your coping skills in times of stress.

4. Work on relationships to fight feeling unsatisfied

Even in the worst of jobs, a great office buddy can brighten your day. And even the smallest house can feel like a mansion if it’s filled with love. But alternately, when relationships are in trouble, they can make everything else in your life harder.

Perhaps your main dissatisfaction stems from relationships that aren’t going so well. Here are a couple of pointers to help improve your relationships:

Communicate better

Communication is obviously a huge aspect of a good relationship. If you find yourself yelling at your kids or snapping at your spouse, it’s not going to help build loving feelings between you. You grow more dissatisfied with life the longer these frustrations continue to build.

You can likely fight dissatisfaction by being mindful of your communication with others. Of course, people will make you mad sometimes, but how you respond can make things better or worse.

First of all, be sure to communicate, if you haven’t been doing so. Let your spouse or kids or colleagues know what you want or expect.

Clearly express yourself so that people understand where you’re coming from. Communication in marriage or any other relationship is crucial to making your wishes heard.

Spend time with people

Another factor that could be causing you to feel unsatisfied with life is that you’re not truly spending time with others. Even if it has to be in a virtual manner, making time for people is so important to building solid relationships.

Think about your past week or past month. How much time have you spent really engaging with people?

Do you find that you’re always distracted and on your phone when your kids come home from school? Could you benefit from a weekend getaway with your girlfriends?

Social media could be affecting your contentment as well. Maybe a period of social media minimalism, when you focus more on in-person interactions, would help.

Forgive past hurts

Now, this may be something you address in talk therapy if you choose that route.

Or you may already know whom you need to forgive as soon as you hear the word. Sometimes you can feel stuck or unsatisfied with life because you have unresolved pain.

All of us have been hurt by someone in our past. Maybe working to forgive those who hurt you will help you to let go and move on. That can help you figure out how to be satisfied in life once again.

Of course, you don’t have to let people back in your life after they’ve let you down repeatedly. But you can still forgive them for the pain they caused.

5. Try a career change if you’re unsatisfied with life

Sometimes the reason you’re dissatisfied is that you’re unhappy with your career. It’s a big deal—you spend so much time at the office or with your coworkers, how could you be happy in a job you hate?

A career change is a lot of work, but it may be the best thing to help you be happier overall.

Train for a new career

Now, is leaving your job behind for an entirely new career easy? Of course not! But feeling really unsatisfied may mean you have to do something drastic. You might need to choose a new career to improve your entire outlook.

If your dissatisfaction comes primarily from work, try to change your job. You can often train for a new career from home, with online courses or local community classes. Some jobs require minimal training.

If you need a whole new degree, that will require a lot more time and money. But there are student loans that you can use wisely to invest in a new career you’ll love.

Make things better at your current job

It’s possible that you generally like your job, but a few circumstances are making it tough. Figure out how to be satisfied in life by changing how you do your job.

You could try to build relationships with your coworkers, for one thing. Another idea may be to protect your time better. (If you’re staying late every night, maybe it’s time to stick to the official working hours and go home on time.)

Talking to your boss about a flexible schedule that allows you to work from home a few days a week could help, too.

Your job may also be unsatisfying in the money department. Think about whether you’re earning what you deserve. Do some salary comparisons online (or in your own office) to learn whether your salary matches up with the industry rates.

While asking for a raise may sound intimidating, it doesn’t have to be. Just make sure you write a stellar self-assessment before discussing a pay increase with your boss.

6. Examine your finances

Let’s not ignore the obvious: financial trouble can definitely cause you to become unsatisfied with life. Whether you’re making too little or facing big emergency expenses, finances are often a big part of dissatisfaction.

Here are a couple of tips on how to examine your finances and manage your money better!

Check-in on your spending habits

It seems a bit ironic, doesn’t it? Sometimes the more we buy, the more unhappy we are. Then we keep buying more in an attempt to fix things, but they only get worse. We grow more and more dissatisfied with life.

You might overspend for a variety of reasons. Maybe you’re bored, and shopping gives you something to do. Or you could be struggling with stress-induced shopping.

I know sometimes I spend too much when I get busy and it seems more convenient (especially with meals on the go).

Whether or not you’re overspending depends on your income and your needs. You can spend money on luxuries, sure, but if that stops you from paying the bills, it’s a problem.

It may be time to take a closer look at your budget. Check up on your spending to see if your spending on some categories is creeping upwards. If so, it’s time to rein in your spending and be mindful of each purchase.

Find ways to curb your spending

One way to keep your spending in check is by deleting credit card numbers from shopping websites. This makes it more difficult to buy on a whim. You could try using a cash-envelope system for a month or two, making you rethink any purchases you might normally put on plastic.

Another excellent thing to do is keep a spending journal to get a better idea of how much you spend and why.

Boost your income

On the other side of spending, you may know you’re earning too little to meet your family’s needs. It can be really tough to maintain a positive attitude each day if you know you’re not making the money you deserve.

Even though money is only a part of the equation of happiness, it's a big part! You may need to earn more to not just make ends meet, but to thrive and build wealth.

This can take you back to the job-satisfaction section. If you’re not earning what you want or deserve, it may be time to consider a career change. Or you might be ready to search for a new job in your field where you’ll be compensated fairly.

Sometimes as women we think we don’t deserve to make a lot of money. We may feel guilty for asking for more money, or worry that people will think we’re greedy or selfish. (It’s sad, but unfortunately, too many women have this perception.)

It’s perfectly within your rights to want more money. Whether that means changing jobs, getting a raise, negotiating for better benefits, or launching a side hustle, do it. If you become a female breadwinner, that’s something to celebrate!

7. Pursue learning

Now, here’s another possible reason you’re not quite happy: you’re a little bored. Maybe you need a challenge. Think about whether learning something new might add some excitement to your days.

So, if you are feeling a bit unsatisfied with life find ways to increase your knowledge and learn about things you enjoy. Here are a few ideas to get you started:

Take a class for fun

That’s right, taking a class can be fun—learning is a lot of fun when you’re genuinely interested in the topic. You’re never too old to learn new things, and as an adult, you get to “study” whatever you want.

Perhaps you’re not dissatisfied with life because of anything major or depressing. You might just need something new to spice things up. Community centers, libraries, and community colleges offer classes.

Give it a shot and try an art class or something else that fascinates you. It can be a blast to learn new things, whether purely for fun or to go for a new degree. Whatever you decide to do, it will definitely help combat your feelings of being unsatisfied with life!

Read or consume other media to learn

Even if you’re not in the mood to become a student again, learning isn’t out of reach. There are plenty of books, magazines, podcasts, documentaries, and other media easily accessible.

Expanding your knowledge and skillset can be a great way to become more satisfied in life.

If you want to learn more about something, chances are good that you can find a way. Free or inexpensive learning resources are everywhere. Learning how to speak Dutch or make latte art or identify bird calls might be a great way to bring some novelty to your life.

Try a 30-day challenge

Along the same lines of learning a new skill, you might pick a 30-day challenge to motivate you. Some people love the challenge of sticking to a new habit for 30 days straight, and it can even help you build the habit long-term.

Give yourself a challenge to improve your exercise life, build a journaling habit, stick to a budget, or quit spending money. Whatever area of life you’d like to see a change in, pick a simple challenge that you can follow for 30 days.

These are a great way to start thinking in a new way and shifting your routines.

Here’s a fun one to try: pick a comfort zone challenge that gets you to do something uncomfortable. A few listed there are going without makeup, chatting with a stranger, cutting out tech for a day, or going without caffeine.

You don’t need to do all of these, but use them to spark ideas of ways to shake things up.

Sometimes you may be dissatisfied with life simply because you're bored. That's when adopting a new challenge or trying a new skill can perk you up.

It's normal to grow bored when some parts of life stay the same for years, but there are ways to sprinkle fun and excitement into your days. 30-day challenges are fun ways to do this.

Try these tips to stop feeling unsatisfied with life!

It’s really tough when you’re struggling with feeling unsatisfied. Some days it’s just hard to move forward. But you don’t have to keep living the same old way if it’s making you unhappy.

Think about what would truly bring you joy and fulfillment and take steps to make it a reality. You can figure out how to be more satisfied in life—don’t settle for the status quo.

The post Feeling Unsatisfied With Life? Here’s How To Change That! appeared first on Clever Girl Finance.

How To Stop Being Envious Of Others Fri, 29 Apr 2022 19:54:22 +0000 […]

The post How To Stop Being Envious Of Others appeared first on Clever Girl Finance.


Envy doesn’t look good on anyone. Many of us know that being envious of others' success just leads to misery. Yet not being jealous is easier said than done. Sometimes these emotions are hard to turn off, and overcoming envy can seem impossible. It’s not easy to learn how to stop being envious of others. But thankfully, there are easy things you can do to learn how to overcome envy.

So, in this article, we are going to discuss how being envious impacts your life, the characteristics of an envious person, and key tips on how to get rid of envy!

How being envious of others can impact your life

Being envious might not make you turn green, but it can have an impact on your life, including your finances, your mental health, and your emotions. Here are a few ways envy affects your life:

Financial impact

Focusing on others means you're not focusing on yourself. That can mean forgetting to focus on your finances, like setting money aside each month into your investment account.

Being envious can also cause you to spend money on things you can’t afford or don’t need as you try to live a life of keeping up with the Joneses. 

Emotional impact

Interestingly enough, research has shown that we tend to be more envious of things that haven’t even happened yet. Living in the future and imagining how things could turn out can take an emotional toll.

It can also hurt your relationship with others, as being envious tends to cause us to make things more difficult for others.

Mental health impact

Living with envy can also have an impact on your mental health. Multiple studies have shown that being envious can lead to depression and ill-will towards yourself and others. In other words, the more envious you are, the more your happiness decreases.

Characteristics of an envious person

The first step to learning how to stop being envious of others is to understand when and how you become jealous of others. Recognizing and acknowledging that you are an envious person can help you put in the work to become less concerned about others and live in the moment.

Here are some key characteristics of an envious person:

They get annoyed when others are complimented

Do you get irritated when your close friends are complimented or showered with attention? Maybe you snap at them and otherwise act out of character. Being annoyed when others are getting more attention is one of the first signs that you are an envious person.

They aren’t happy when friends or family are successful

How do you feel when your best friend or partner gets a promotion at work? Do you feel genuinely happy for them, or do you wonder why you haven’t gotten a promotion yet? If you immediately feel unhappy that others are accomplished, that’s a sign of envy.

An envious person feels the need to diminish others

Alternatively, when someone tells you about their success, do you immediately dismiss it as luck or downplay it?

Do you think that if someone is successful, it’s because they’ve had it easy and haven’t had to struggle? All of these are characteristics of someone envious of others.

They are happy when others face setbacks or struggle

Are you secretly happy when your friends are in and out of bad relationships, struggle with a toxic boss at work, or maybe just wear an unflattering outfit? One of the most apparent characteristics of an envious person is getting pleasure in the unhappiness of others.

So do you have a few of these traits? If so, don't worry! Overcoming envy is possible by following our key tips.

How to stop being envious of others: 6 Key tips

Overcoming envy doesn't have to be a daunting task. If you want to learn how to stop being envious of others, here are a few things you can do to try to overcome your envy.

 How To Stop Being Envious Of Others

1. Be grateful for what you have

Practicing gratitude is how to get rid of envy with ease. Chances are you have a lot to be grateful for. Others may be jealous of what you’ve accomplished. Think about all the blessings in your life, such as your home, loved ones, and your talents.

There are so many things that you have accomplished in your life. Instead of focusing on what others have, develop an attitude of mindfulness. Set aside a few minutes a day to write three things you're thankful for.

It might seem hard at first but finding three things to be grateful for every day can help you have a positive outlook on life. You can also practice meditation and breathing exercises. And spend some time in the morning to just be aware of your surroundings and the abundance you already possess.

2. Take a social media break

Social media can be devastating for your mental health and can even lead to depression. Plus, it can be an addiction that can fuel your envy of others and make overcoming envy much more difficult. If you want to get rid of your envy, one of the best things you can do is to take a break from social media.

Delete apps on your phone and instead spend the time doing something you love, like reading, a favorite hobby, or going for a walk. The trick is to find something else to replace the time you spend on your phone.

Or maybe you set your phone aside completely. You can also download apps on your computer to block specific websites during set hours, like Facebook and Twitter.

3. Don't compare yourself with others

It can be hard to not compare yourself to others, but if you want to stop being envious of others, you need to stop. Instead of comparing yourself with those around you, or influencers on social media, think about how much you’ve accomplished.

Focusing on yourself instead of others is one way to learn how to overcome envy. Look back at the last five or ten years of your life. Try to focus on how much you’ve grown in that time.

Write down a list of your top ten accomplishments. Maybe you were the first in your family to graduate from college.

Or maybe you moved across the country to start a new job. Then make a list of the things you like about yourself. Maybe you like your smile or how well you listen to others. Put these lists somewhere so you can remind yourself regularly of your strengths.

4. Focus on the things you love

Another great way how to overcome envy is to focus on the things you love to do. Do you love to paint or crochet? Or maybe you love following sports. Whatever it is, whenever you start to have envious thoughts of others, do something else that makes you happy.

That can mean signing up for a class or setting time aside for your hobby. If you're busy with something else, you won't have the time or energy to worry about what others are doing.

5. Celebrate others’ success

When a friend tells you they finally found their dream home or won an award, try to feel genuinely happy for them. If envious thoughts start to creep up, acknowledge them but don’t let them take control. Instead, focus on your friend and stop viewing life as a competition.

When someone gives you good news, tell them how great it is. Take them out for a special celebratory drink or dinner. Listen to them as they tell you about their new goal or accomplishment, and curb the urge to downplay what they tell you.

It might take some effort at first, but it's a key step in learning how to stop being envious of others.

6. Enjoy new experiences to help you stop being envious of others

One cause of envy is boredom. If that’s the case, spice things up! Sign up for a painting class, go to a local meetup for photography amateurs, or watch an online cooking class.

If you're on a budget, find tutorials on YouTube. You can also do something out of the blue, and go for a weekend trip somewhere. Or maybe even just camp in your own backyard!

Doing something fun and spontaneous will keep your brain occupied, so you won’t even have the time to think about being envious.

Learn how to stop being envious of others and enjoy your life

It’s normal to feel envious of others, but it can hurt your life if you find yourself constantly jealous of those around you. If you find yourself always annoyed when others are complimented, or put your friends down, then you should consider learning how to stop being envious of others.

These are the simple steps you can take to learn how to get rid of envy. Get off social media, think about your accomplishments, and do things you love to do. Soon enough, you’ll find yourself no longer envious and instead will be happy for others' success.

The post How To Stop Being Envious Of Others appeared first on Clever Girl Finance.

17 Stress Relieving Hobbies To Try Out Mon, 18 Apr 2022 18:57:50 +0000 […]

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Stress relieving hobbies

Do you have too much stress in your life? If you feel burnt out and are in need of some rest and relaxation, then the stress relieving hobbies shared in this article can help you take your mind off of whatever is causing you stress!

The key is to find a stress relieving hobby that you love. Luckily, there are plenty of options. That said, we've rounded up the best hobbies to reduce stress! But before we dive into our list, let’s talk about why you should try to reduce stress in the first place.

Why should you reduce stress?

So, why should you reduce your stress levels? After all, stress seems like such an unavoidable part of life for most of us. But unfortunately, stress can lead to long-term health consequences including heart disease, obesity, high blood pressure, and depression.

With all of these negative consequences of stress, reducing the issue as much as possible makes sense. The goal of picking up a hobby is not to eliminate stress completely. But instead, bring your stress level down to a more manageable level.

The benefits of reducing stress are extensive. But two big reasons to reduce stress include getting yourself in a better headspace to pursue financial and career goals. Without stress holding you back, you can reach your full potential. The good news is that there are many stress relieving hobbies.

17 Stress relieving hobbies to help you relax

It shouldn’t be too hard to find a hobby that you love. Below I cover some of the top suggestions. But view this list as a starting point.

If you don’t find a hobby that strikes your fancy, don’t give up on the idea of picking up a hobby. Instead, move forward with another hobby that calls to you. Let's get into them!

1. Journal writing

Writing down your thoughts in a journal is one of the best hobbies to reduce stress. Personally, I turn to my journal when I need to work through a particularly thorny issue. There’s something about putting pen to paper that feels very calming.

Not sure how to get started? Then check out our guide on journaling for self care. Or if you are looking for a way to relieve stress around your relationship with money, consider a spending journal instead.

2. Playing musical instruments

Do you love music? Take your passion to the next level by playing a musical instrument. Although it will take some time to become proficient in any skill, learning how to play an instrument can be a fun way to reduce stress.

If you aren’t ready to start playing, then consider listening to music that provides stress relief. For example, you could dedicate more time to listening to your favorite artist to reduce stress.

3. Puzzles

A puzzle is a challenge that can be fun to solve. You can pick up a puzzle with a picture that interests you. It might be surprising how quickly your stress fades away when you are wrapped up in solving the puzzle in front of you.

Putting together puzzles is not only one of the best hobbies to reduce stress, but it's also a budget-friendly activity!

4. Gardening

Gardening is one of the best stress relieving hobbies to try. Whether you start an indoor plant collection or plant an extensive garden outside, gardening can help to reduce stress.

Throughout the gardening season, you will feel a growing sense of pride in your small plant empire. If you want to get seeds for free, check out your local library. Many offer seedbanks with plant varieties designed to thrive in your climate.

5. Knitting

Knitting is a repetitive task that can help you get your mind off of things. Personally, I love knitting! It allows me to feel somewhat productive while enjoying my downtime. 

Plus, you can turn this newfound skill into a thoughtful gift. People love receiving handmade items. Even if it's something as small as a dishtowel.

6. Crocheting

Although crocheting also involves yarn, it is a different skill than knitting. Instead of using two knitting needles, you’ll use one crochet hook. Crocheting is another great craft to pick up. If you can master the skill, you’ll be able to create all sorts of beautiful items.

7. Drawing

Drawing is another great way to relieve stress. It’s a great way to clear your mind while focusing on the page in front of you.

If you don’t feel up to freestyle drawing, consider picking up an adult coloring book. With lines to guide you, there will be a beautiful image on the page in no time.

8. Dancing

Whether you want to dance around the living room or find a dance class, this form of exercise can help you let loose. This physical activity can help keep your body busy for a while. With a little bit of time spent dancing, you might come back to your problem with a fresh outlook. 

9. Exercising

Dancing isn’t the only way to get your heart rate pumping. According to the Mayo Clinic, almost any form of exercise can help decrease your stress.

So, it’s up to you to pick which physical activity best suits your life. A few stress relieving hobbies to consider include running, playing sports, yoga, swimming, and walking.

10. Baking

Baking is one hobby that results in delicious goodies. The process of baking can help to take your mind off of whatever is causing you stress. If you aren’t sure where to get started, try a simple baking challenge.

For example, you could start by making your very first batch of cupcakes.  Baking is one of the greatest stress relieving hobbies that also makes your home smell amazing!

11. Cooking

Although you may hate cooking or only cook to survive, cooking can become an art form. Not only will you have a delicious meal, but also enjoy the moments of peace in your kitchen.

If possible, try to focus on cooking healthy meals that align with your ultimate goal of stress reduction.

12. Reading

Does a temporary escape into another world sound appealing? That’s what you’ll find in a good novel. Luckily, there is no shortage of great options to choose from.

And the best part is that you can pick up this stress relieving hobby without spending a dime. Instead, head down to your local library to check out a free book.

13. Gaming

Another way to escape your current reality is to start gaming. Most games are centered in a new world without any relationship to whatever is causing your stress.

As with all hobbies, you’ll need to make sure you don’t indulge too much. Otherwise, gaming could become an unhealthy activity that adds to your stress levels.

14. Painting

Picking up a paintbrush can help you reduce stress. That’s true whether or not you’ve taken a painting class. There are no rules that should stop you from giving it a try.

If you aren’t sure where to get started, consider a paint by numbers option. But if you want to take things to the next level, give a painting class a try. Painting is one of the most fun hobbies to reduce stress.

15. Volunteering

Volunteering your time and talents is a way to give back to your community. Although the priority of volunteering should be to help other people, donating your time gives you the chance to set aside your stress for a little while.

Take a minute to think about how you’d like to make the world a better place. Then find an organization that needs volunteers like you.

16. Camping

Spending time in nature is an amazing way to reconnect with what’s important. And that often helps you reduce stress. Even if you can’t commit to an entire night out of the house, consider going for a hike in nature.

17. Scrapbooking

Scrapbooking is a crafty way to relive your favorite memories. Essentially, you combine visual arts with journaling to produce a beautiful finished product full of favorite moments.

You can scrapbook alone. But it’s also possible to scrapbook as a group, which can lead to even more stress relief.

These stress relieving hobbies can help you unwind!

Some amount of stress is unavoidable for most. But finding healthy ways to reduce stress is possible. Instead, of risking your finances with stress shopping, consider these stress relieving hobbies as a new outlet.

For even more ideas check out our post "70 Best Indoor Hobbies To Try Out." Which of these hobbies will you be trying out first?

The post 17 Stress Relieving Hobbies To Try Out  appeared first on Clever Girl Finance.

9 Ways To Start Loving Your Home Mon, 11 Apr 2022 19:26:18 +0000 […]

The post 9 Ways To Start Loving Your Home appeared first on Clever Girl Finance.


Loving your home

Loving your home is important to your well-being because it can help bring you joy every day. When you first moved into your home, you were probably filled with excitement for the new space. But over time, that wears off as we get used to our surroundings.

We stop seeing the good things about our homes and start nitpicking the things that we don’t like. Although you might not be able to change your home’s location, size, or layout, there are a few things you can do to start loving your home more right now!

Start loving your home today with these 9 easy tips

Your home should be a safe space where you can retreat and find peace. So if you've been asking yourself, "How do I love my house more?" you've come to the right place.

Here are some actionable tips to help transform your home into a place where you're excited to return to each day.

1. Add character to your home with DIY decor

The number one thing I do to love my house more is add my own DIY decor. So one of the easiest ways to make your house feel more like home is to add character with DIY decor projects. By adding personal touches, you can turn your simple house into a cozy and inviting space.

One great way to do this is by bringing the outside in with flowers. Not only will this add life to your home, but it's also completely free! You can even decorate the flower pots with waterproof stickers, acrylic paint, and even gold foil.

Another great way to add character to your home is with art pieces. There are so many tutorial videos on Youtube that could help you get your creative juices flowing.

Also, spending the time to create a beautiful art piece is super fun and therapeutic. With an extra pop of color on your wall, you'll brighten up your home and make it vibrant and lively.

2. Make upgrades without breaking your budget

One simple and budget-friendly way to upgrade your home is to rearrange the furniture. You'll be surprised at how much bigger your home may appear by just moving the sofa or chairs around.

Another way to change things up is by painting a room or two with colors you love. This can completely transform the look of your home and elevate your mood. You could also try adding some new window treatments or updating the hardware on doors and cabinets.

No matter what changes you decide to make, keep in mind that it's your home and it should reflect your unique style and personality. With a little bit of effort, you can make upgrades to your home without breaking your budget and make you love your house more.

3. Use candles or diffuser sets

Candles and diffuser sets are a great way to make your home feel more like your own. They can help you relax and de-stress, which is essential if you want to feel at peace in your space.

Not only that, but relaxing scents can also help you get into a better mood, making it the perfect addition to any room in your house.

Here is a list of aromatherapy scents that are great for street relief and relaxation:

  • Rosemary
  • Lavender
  • Peppermint
  • Ylang-ylang
  • Lemon
  • Frankincense
  • Bergamot
  • Lemongrass

Candles are an easy and relaxing way to help you love your house more!

4. Decorate your home with thrift store finds

Thrift stores are a great place to find affordable home decor items and pieces that can be repurposed. For example, an old picture frame can be turned into a mirror. An old tablecloth can be used to make curtains or a table runner.

And don't forget about thrift store finds that are already home decor items! You can often find vases, lamps, or pieces of wall art for a fraction of the price you would pay at a regular store.

So next time you're in a thrift store, keep your mind open to the possibilities. You may just find the perfect furniture or art piece to help you love your house even more! Remember you can be frugal and still find ways to spruce up your home.

5. Let the light in

One way to start loving your home more is to let in as much natural light as possible. Sunlight has numerous benefits for our physical and mental health, so letting it into your home can help you to feel happier and more energetic throughout the day. (Plus, it can help save on electric bills!)

If your home is dark, try opening up the curtains or blinds during the day, or even rearranging the furniture to let in more light. You might also want to add some mirrors to reflect light around the room.

Just a few simple changes can make a big difference in how you feel about your home.

6. Add some greenery

Plants make any space feel more alive and welcoming, and they have plenty of other benefits as well. They better air quality, boost your mood and even improve your health.

If you’re not sure how to add plants to your home, start small with a few potted plants on your windowsills or in your bathroom. You could also create a vertical garden on a wall if there's limited space in your home. Or, if you have outdoor space, consider planting a garden!

7. Try Marie Kondo’s decluttering method

What is one of the best ways to ensure you love your house even more? Declutter it! Marie Kondo is a famous Japanese organizing consultant who recommends a simple but radical approach to decluttering: Tidy your entire house in one go and then keep only those things that 'spark joy.'

The KonMari Method, as it’s known, has helped many people transform and simplify their homes — and even their lives — for the better. So if you’re struggling to love your home, it may be worth giving the KonMari Method a try.

8. Show gratitude for the home you have

How did I learn to love my house more? I learned to be thankful for what I have. There are many reasons why you might not enjoy your home right now. Maybe the home is too small, it’s in a bad neighborhood, or it just doesn’t feel like a place where you can relax and be yourself.

But one of the best ways to start loving your home more is to show gratitude for it. No matter what your home looks like or where it’s located, there are probably aspects about it that you can be thankful for.

Maybe you have a comfortable bed to sleep in, a cozy spot to relax in, or a place to cook your favorite meals. Showing gratitude for the small things you do have will help you start seeing your home in a new light.

9. Invest in the room you spend the most time in

When it comes to your home, the room you spend the most time in is probably your bedroom, living room, or your home office. And while all rooms are important, if you want to start loving your home more than anything else, then make sure that this particular space is perfect for you.

It’s worth investing in a few pieces of furniture or decor that will help to make this room a place where you can truly enjoy yourself. This might mean getting some nice bedding, adding artwork that you love, or investing in beautiful fairy lights.

Whatever it is, make sure this room is a space you can enjoy spending the majority of your time in.

3 Reasons to start loving your home a little bit more

Even with the tips shared above, it can be challenging to love your home if you've been struggling to do so. But here are some reasons to start enjoying it more regardless of how you've felt about it before!

1. It reflects who you are as a person

Your home is a reflection of you as a person. It reflects your values, your interests, and your lifestyle. Also, it’s the place where you create memories and share experiences with the people you love.

Your home is a reflection of who you are, and you should love it because it’s uniquely yours. Don’t compare your home to someone else’s — instead, focus on what you love about it. Embrace your home’s quirks and imperfections, and make it a place that you enjoy spending time in.

2. A comfortable home keeps you inspired and motivated

Your home is more than just a place to sleep and eat. It’s a place where you can find inspiration and motivation. When your home is messy, it’s hard to find the inspiration you need to be creative and productive.

But when you love your home, it'll show in the way you take care of it. This means that it's probably going to be a much tidier and more comfortable space to be in. And when your home is comfortable, it’s easier to find that inspiration to get your life together.

3. It’s a safe place for personal development

Your home should be the one place in the world you feel completely safe. It should be a haven where you can relax and focus on your personal development without fear of being judged or ridiculed.

It’s also a place where you can experiment with new ideas and grow into the person you want to be without worrying about what others will think. So to create a space that feels safe and comfortable for you, start by loving it more and filling it up with things that make you happy.

Use these key tips to start loving your home today!

Living in a space that makes you feel good can have such a profound impact on your life. Ultimately, it doesn’t matter how small or large the space is, what color it is painted, or what furniture is in it.

So what truly matters is if you can find joy in your living space. These tips helped me find ways to love my house more, and I hope they help inspire you to transform your home into a sanctuary you love!

The post 9 Ways To Start Loving Your Home appeared first on Clever Girl Finance.

9 Reasons Why We All Need A Lazy Weekend And How To Have One! Tue, 29 Mar 2022 00:51:40 +0000 […]

The post 9 Reasons Why We All Need A Lazy Weekend And How To Have One! appeared first on Clever Girl Finance.


Lazy weekend

How often have you felt like you should be productive when you really feel exhausted? Phrases like, "I've been so lazy, I really need to get some things done," are very common. Most people feel bad about being what they would consider unproductive, but maybe what we all need the most is a lazy weekend!

So, let's discuss why it's okay to be lazy and nurture yourself sometimes, plus how to have an incredible lazy weekend!

Is it okay to be lazy sometimes?

Sometimes we think constant busyness or working very hard is something to be proud of and an ideal. But actually, we need time to unwind and have a break. It's healthy to relax and let yourself recharge.

People often feel guilty when they're "doing nothing." But what is nothing, really? If you're doing something that you enjoy, like watching a tv show, reading a magazine, or sleeping in, that isn't really "nothing".

In fact, it can help you to feel rested enough to get back to doing work tasks. Laziness has a lot of positives, anyway, like innovative ideas and finding faster processes that don't take extra energy.

So rather than judging ourselves too harshly, it's essential to recognize that everyone needs downtime. We aren't meant to work constantly! In fact, rest helps us enjoy the time that we have free to do as we like. It breaks up our weeks and months, so we aren't constantly using our energy.

Why rest is necessary

Everyone needs time to rest and restore their minds, bodies, and emotions from a demanding workweek or a busy schedule. Rest is a core part of who we are. If it wasn't, we wouldn't need to sleep each night. We'd just keep going forever without stopping from work.

Fortunately, humans don't operate like this. We are wired to sleep and rest, just as much as to be productive. Let's check out more reasons why you need a lazy weekend.

Why you need a lazy weekend

Everyone needs time to be lazy, and there are many great reasons why. Some may resonate with you more than others, but here are some of the main reasons you most definitely need a lazy weekend soon.

1. The workweek is busy

You work hard, right? Working hours can be pretty stressful for some, and it's vital that you don't go back into your office on Monday feeling just as exhausted as you were on Friday evening.

Lots of people spend the weekend catching up on all the tasks they couldn't do throughout the week, such as cleaning the house, grocery shopping, or bill paying. But what if you saved those activities for another time and truly relaxed? You might feel better than you'd think when the workweek begins.

2. You'll feel less stressed or burnt out

When you add more activities and more work to an already busy schedule, you might think this will relieve stress because you're getting more done, but it could do the opposite.

A lazy weekend is an opportunity to let go of all that. Instead of checking items off a to-do list, you'll be waking up later than usual, enjoying some tea or coffee, and simply being present in the moment. After all, which one of those ideas makes you feel less burnt out?

3. Resting is good for you

People need rest. In fact, many people overwork themselves trying to get ahead at their job or attempting to make everything perfect in their family's lives.

But working too hard rarely makes people feel better in the long run. In contrast, time spent relaxing and resting can be great for your body and mind.

4. More energy after a lazy weekend

How often do you feel tired? Maybe you rely on coffee or energy drinks to get you through each day. You're encouraged to lay around, sleep more, and do less with a lazy weekend.

This should leave you feeling refreshed and brimming with energy. That way, during the week, you can stay awake and have the mental power to do well with your tasks.

5. Life is more than just work

Work matters, and it's crucial to spend your time doing something that you care about. But your job isn't all there is. There are other things that matter, too.

Think about your family and friends, hobbies, and relaxing. These are all incredibly important, too, but they may not get the best of your time regularly. Change that with a lazy weekend; it will remind you to live a well-balanced life.

6. You can spend time with the people you care about

Having a lazy weekend gives you the chance to spend time with your family and your friends (for instance a girls' day!). It can be quality time just being together, without rushing to various activities or being too busy. Sometimes this is the best thing for relationships.

During the week, you may run from work to school to after-school activities without feeling like you can genuinely connect with your loved ones. But during a weekend of relaxation, there is no schedule, and there is no rush. So you can sit together, talk, laugh, and enjoy the moment.

7. It can help you be more productive

If you're just as tired from your weekend as your workweek, you'll have trouble doing even the basic things needed for the day. Maybe this seems like the opposite of what would happen with a lazy weekend, but it might boost your productivity. You'll feel ready to tackle your day head-on when you're more rested.

If you give yourself the mental space you need to unpack your week and de-stress, you may find that your clarity improves. You'll come back to work and the rest of your life feeling invigorated and making choices that will enhance productivity.

8. More time for projects and creative pursuits that matter to you

If you choose to have an unplanned weekend full of rest and relaxation, you'll find time for creativity. You can work on hobbies and projects that are important to you but you've felt you rarely have time for.

A lazy weekend is a perfect opportunity to spend time outdoors, paint a landscape, or watch Downton Abbey while crocheting a blanket. Whatever is fun for you!

9. A lazy weekend validates the need to rest

Rest is not given the credit it deserves. In fact, it is often considered unimportant. But a lazy weekend completely validates your need to take a break and relax. And when you see how much better you feel, you'll understand the necessity of being lazy now and then.

If you feel guilty for wanting to be lazy or longing for a day off, you can plan to actually do this instead of pushing through your work and feeling more tired.

How to have a lazy weekend

It's super important to know how to have a lazy weekend. And you want to be mindful of creating too many complex weekend routines for yourself. Otherwise, you might find yourself innocently working on projects that would be considered work and miss the whole point. Here are some great ways to have a lazy weekend.

1. Plan properly

You might not be able to have a weekend where you do nothing without planning. That means you, on purpose, don't schedule any tasks or events for that weekend. You also take the time to get things done in advance, like laundry and meal prepping, so you aren't scrambling the rest of the week.

Planning your lazy weekend will help you feel more relaxed than ever because you know everything is getting done. And you'll still have time to enjoy yourself!

2. Sleep in to start your lazy weekend

On your lazy weekend, sleep in! Set your alarm clock for later, or eliminate it altogether. Sleep restores your mind and body, and when you give yourself some extra time to enjoy this rest, you can increase your energy levels, and your mood may even boost.

Even if you wake up at your usual time, try to fall back asleep and nap for a while longer. Or simply stay in bed with a mug of tea or hot chocolate, relaxing.

3. Make meals ahead of time

Do your meal prep for the weekend and the coming week before your weekend begins. That way, you don't have to spend any time making food. You can just reheat or put meals together quickly without much thought or effort.

Plus, if you do at least a couple of days of meal prep for the workweek, you won't be worried about that come Monday.

One good idea is to prepare meals for a crockpot if you have one. Gather all the ingredients into a Ziploc bag and freeze until you need them. Then, simply dump the ingredients into the crockpot in the morning, and have dinner ready that night with no effort!

Prepping your lunches for the week also saves you valuable time and money! You'll be feeling a lot better mid-week if you do this before your lazy weekend.

4. Gather supplies for your lazy weekend

To have a good lazy weekend, you need supplies. Include anything you need for hobbies, like paint, yarn, pencils and paper, woodworking supplies, etc. It's also nice to have some lazy-type supplies like movies, magazines or books, face masks, nail polish, and other fun things.

Make sure you buy anything you need in advance. Going to the store will totally defeat the purpose of laziness! So make a list and get what you need.

5. Don't work 

Do. Not. Work. This could turn your lazy weekend into just another work-from-home day. Ensure that all projects are finished. Consider putting emails, and your phone on do not disturb if you think you're likely to get messages from work.

Also, don't do tasks that you don't consider fun, such as errands or chores. These fall under the "work" category and don't belong in your lazy weekend. It should be a time to completely disconnect and really enjoy yourself. 

6. Spend time with a friend

You can be lazy and still hang out with your friends! Invite them over to watch a movie or simply spend time together. This is the perfect chance to chill out and be social at the same time.

Consider planning some somewhat lazy activities like a leisurely day at the park, a spa day, or something else that sounds like fun to both of you. Also, spend time asking your friend about their schedule and whether they feel that they have enough time to be lazy. You might change their life!

7. Journal or color

Both of these activities can be soothing and help you be more creative, too. Coloring is a great way to allow yourself to think outside the box while sort of meditating while also feeling like you're doing something interesting.

On the other hand, journaling allows you to get your emotions out and write down things about your life. You might discover stress that you didn't realize you were holding in, and this is a very healthy practice for feeling your emotions.

Plus, you may find new ways to handle situations in your life, and it can help you relax.

8. Lazy weekend Netflix binge

Everyone likes to take a break now and then and watch an exciting show. And yes, there's a lot of negativity surrounding tv, but really, in moderation, watching a show isn't a problem, and it's fun!

So bring on the popcorn and drinks, and enjoy a few hours (or a whole day) relaxing in front of the tv. This can be even more fun with family and friends.

9. Do some yoga or go for a walk

If you're the active type who prefers not to sit still, know that yoga and walking are two of the laziest exercise activities, if there is such a thing. So you can be lazy but not at the same time! Enjoy a walk on the treadmill or out in nature if the weather is nice. Or practice yoga stretches.

Enjoy a podcast or audiobook while you work out to make this even more fun. You can learn something while doing a somewhat relaxing activity.

10. Plan out the rest of your month

Wondering if this is a bit of a cheat on laziness? Being lazy has made people even more productive because it encourages you to optimize, which is precisely what you do when you plan in advance.

Grab a favorite drink and give yourself a whole morning or afternoon. Bring your planner or online calendar and get everything scheduled.

You can go above and beyond by adding in not just work and regular weekly activities but anything that doesn't happen as often but needs to be done, like doctor or dentist appointments. You'll feel super productive when this is done, and it can help you be lazier the rest of the month!

11. Go somewhere new and have a lazy weekend away

One of the best ways to totally relax is to go to an entirely new place to you and simply enjoy the sights and sounds of a different location. Take off for the weekend to somewhere relaxing like a small mountain or beach town.

Switch to something other than your usual activities, and spend your time reading, enjoying the local cuisine, and checking out any interesting or historical sights.

Plus, being somewhere different where you are on vacation may help you separate yourself from work and your usual activities. This can help you to breathe easier and feel more comfortable being lazy.

12. Catch up with your family

What's going on with the people you love? Plan a weekend full of quality time. Have dinner or breakfast together on the weekend. Or do a family activity like a board game or hiking, or simply ask each family member how their week was, and really listen.

This time to reconnect will definitely not be wasted, and you'll see the benefits in your own life and your family's!

13. Play a favorite game or sport

Wishing you had more time for sports like playing soccer or basketball? Your lazy weekend is the perfect opportunity to brush up on your skills. You can spend a whole morning or an entire day having a friendly game with your family or friends.

Or work on your technique to improve your game. This is a majorly healthy way to spend time that is still considered pretty relaxing. It's a great way to relieve stress, too.

14. Play a video game

If you enjoy video games, this is an excellent time for that. Spend your weekend getting to the next level or trying to beat a video game you like playing. You can do this with friends, or on your own if you prefer. This can relieve stress and help you to do something fun and relaxing.

Plus, when you plan ahead and set aside time for activities you enjoy, like video games, it can keep you from feeling guilty or like you should be doing something else. Remind yourself you are prepared for this, and it's okay to do something you enjoy.

15. Read magazines

Catch up on some favorite reading material. Go to the store or the library and grab some magazines about topics that interest you. There are magazines about everything from horseback riding to finance to knitting.

Find something that discusses a hobby you have or something you care about. Enjoy a leisurely day of skimming articles.

You can even collect magazines from friends and family when they're done with them if you're looking to save money. They probably have some newer issues that they aren't currently using.

We all need a lazy weekend!

Everyone needs a chance to have a super lazy weekend without a packed schedule. Use the time to unwind and prepare for another week by taking a break. You can include plenty of other activities for your lazy weekend; the above ideas are just to get you started.

So, will you give it a try? Plan an upcoming weekend designed specifically for laziness. If you'd like to discover more about using your time wisely, check out our articles about Productive Things To Do or Indoor Hobbies.

The post 9 Reasons Why We All Need A Lazy Weekend And How To Have One! appeared first on Clever Girl Finance.

Busy Brain? 5 Tips To Calm A Busy Mind Wed, 23 Mar 2022 17:52:35 +0000 […]

The post Busy Brain? 5 Tips To Calm A Busy Mind appeared first on Clever Girl Finance.


Busy brain

Whenever I get ready for bed, my brain races with busy thoughts: "Did I turn off the stove? "Did I send that important work email?" "Did I pay the electric bill?" This thought racing is known as busy brain syndrome and it can cause a lot of stress and anxiety, not to mention sleepless nights.

If you have a busy mind, it can harm your health and even your finances. Find out more about the symptoms as well as our tips on how to calm a busy mind.

How to know if you have a busy brain

How do you know if you have busy brain syndrome? Well, if you find yourself tossing and turning at night because you keep thinking about all the things you have to do, you likely have busy brain syndrome.

It’s not just racing thoughts that can indicate a busy brain. If you feel distracted and clumsy, it can be a sign that your brain is busy.

For me, it can feel like my brain is in a fog. I have so many things going on that I can’t focus on one thing and end up making mistakes, either in my writing or even in my personal life. I once almost put cat food in my coffee instead of sugar!

Another sign is going on autopilot. Have you ever gotten in the car to run an errand and found yourself taking the road to your work instead of where it is you intended to drive to? Your brain is so focused on other things that you forget what it is you are supposed to be doing at the moment. 

And of course, if you find yourself overthinking everything, going over every little item and detail, it’s a clear sign of busy thoughts. It can be overwhelming, as you replay loops in your head, planning and worrying over things that could or might have happened.

It can lead to a lot of stress and anxiety. And in turn, your bad mood can lead to many sleepless nights. 

How a busy brain can impact your finances

A busy mind doesn’t just impact your ability to sleep and your stress levels. It can be detrimental to your finances as well.

When you have busy thoughts, you may be so focused on other things that you forget to do things like paying your bills. Or you may be overwhelmed and unable to figure out what to invest in. Instead, you and your finances, are stagnant. 

Stressing over money can have a big impact on your finances and your mental health. It’s important to keep a budget so you’re on top of your bills. You can even consider automating your finances so don’t always have busy thoughts about money and bills.

How to calm a busy mind: 5 Simple tips

If you have busy brain syndrome, there are a few things you can do to calm your thoughts and bring back some peace into your life. Here are some top tips for how to calm a busy mind!

1. Take deep breaths

When you start to get overwhelmed or have a lot of racing thoughts, remember to take a deep breath. When you take deep breaths, it forces your heart to beat more in sync with your breathing. This, in turn, releases endorphins, a natural chemical in our brains that produce a calming effect.

Research has shown that deep breaths can have a positive impact on the whole body. The act of breathing deeply uses neural networks that are tied to emotion, attention, and body awareness and activates the relaxation portion of your nervous system. This allows you to take a step back and regulate your stressful emotions.

2. Practice mindfulness

Another great way to ease your mind when it’s full of busy thoughts is to practice mindfulness. Mindfulness is a type of meditation. It’s about being intensely aware of yourself and your surroundings – your breathing, the wind outside, the neighbor's dog, the fall of a leaf.

It usually involves deep breathing exercises and guided meditation. A simple way to practice mindfulness is to do a body scan. You can do that while you are at work or even walking your dog. Become aware of your body.

First, focus on the toes, then the feet, and work up to the top of your head. I find this body scan is a great way to calm my buzzing mind during a stressful workday. It takes no more than a few minutes and helps me to feel relaxed and calm afterward.

3. Listen to ASMR or calming music

When I can’t get to sleep because of my busy brain, I like to listen to ASMR videos on Youtube. ASMR is short for autonomous sensory meridian response. It’s a sensation some people get when listening to specific sounds.

For me, ASMR is a bit like meditation. It helps my brain forget all the things I need to do and instead fall into a deep sleep.

The same calming effect can happen when you listen to music. Some studies have found that listening to music that has 60 beats a minute can help you destress. I find that listening to classical music while I work helps me stay focused.

4. Go for a walk

Sometimes the best thing to calm a busy mind is to go for a walk. Just like breathing, gentle exercises like walking release endorphins, which can boost your mental health. Not the mention it’s a good idea to stay active for your physical health as well.

If you find your mind especially wanders during specific times of day, try to schedule some time to walk during that time. It can be just around the block and doesn’t need to be for long either. And being outside can also serve as a healthy distraction.

If you can, try to go to a park or somewhere in nature. It can help bring your thoughts back and soothe your busy brain.

5. Make a to-do list

Writing things down can be therapeutic. Offloading all the things you have to do and when you have to do them can get them out of your brain. So when you do need to remember what errands you need to run next Friday, it’s already on your to-do list.

Studies show that people who write down the things they need to do the next day tend to sleep better than people who write down the things they did that day.

Calm your busy brain and improve your life and finances!

Knowing how to calm a busy mind can not only lead to better sleep but can also help your finances and general well-being. So the next time you feel your thoughts racing, use one of our tips, like going for a walk, taking deep breaths, or listing to music to keep your busy brain at ease.

The post Busy Brain? 5 Tips To Calm A Busy Mind appeared first on Clever Girl Finance.

How To Create A Self Care Week: 7 Days Of Self Care! Sun, 13 Mar 2022 14:19:34 +0000 […]

The post How To Create A Self Care Week: 7 Days Of Self Care! appeared first on Clever Girl Finance.


Self care week

Are you feeling burnt out, overwhelmed, or tired? Are you not sure which way is up and which way is down? I hear you. Exhaustion can be a sneaky mistress who has difficulty letting you know that your cup is half empty. What if we told you there was a way to help with your feelings and help you set up healthier habits for your future self? There is, and it’s called a self care week.

What’s a self care week?

A self care week is just like it sounds: a week of nothing but self care days. After your workday is over, carve out the evening for you. Self care doesn’t have to be time-consuming but for at least one hour a day, try to have time to yourself to do something that will replenish your energy.

After the 7 days of self care, reflect to see how you feel. Chances are, you’ll feel better, more rested, and want to keep going!

How to design your own self care week

Try out the activities we’ve listed below for the next several days. Turn the phone off, tell the kids to do their homework, and zone out to pure bliss, over the next 7 days of self care!

Day one: Journal it out

For a healing experience that only includes a piece of paper and a pen, journaling is a great way to start your self care week. Chances are, you might feel overwhelmed if you’re starting a self care week in the first place. Writing it out is a significant first step to seeing what’s going on inside that brain of yours.

Journaling can help manage anxiety and depression by organizing your thoughts in a way you can understand. It can also help alleviate the feelings mentioned above by seeing what is bothering you so that you can find a way to cope. If you’re unsure where to start, here is an excellent list of journal prompts that can get you started.

Day two: Make a healthy meal

Many people hear self care and automatically think of bubble baths and fancy lotion. Self care goes deeper than that; it also includes what you put inside your body, not just the outside. Eating healthy is so important when caring for yourself.

By eating a balanced diet, you help prevent a variety of unhealthy diagnoses later on down the road, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, or worse, stroke. Balanced eating even affects gut health, which can influence your mind.

On day two, pull up your Pinterest account and make a healthy meal you’ve always been meaning to try. You could try this Italian Chopped Salad for a fast weeknight meal. After making it a few weeks ago, I can say it’s become one of my new meal staples!

Day three: Have a spa day

While I said above that self care goes deeper than bubble baths and fancy lotion, I didn’t say we need to skip it entirely. That’s why day three of our self care week is having a spa day.

Epsom salt baths are famous for a reason. Although technically not salt, this magical chemical formation of magnesium and sulfate can penetrate your skin through a hot bath and leave you with some beautiful results.

Not only can they help skin conditions and arthritis, but they can also loosen sore and tight muscles and provide relief from inflammation. So feel guilt-free to soak in the tub and put on a face mask while you're at it. Include some much-needed pampering in your self care days!

Day four: Feel the burn

On day four of your self care week, move your body. Exercise has so many benefits! Besides the obvious ones, it also has a lot to do with your mental health. Once your endorphins get going, the magic happens.

You feel more confident after a workout. You feel less stressed and, in return, less anxious or overwhelmed. Another benefit is that you can even feel exhausted, which lets you have a better night’s sleep.

Stress can hurt your health, and exercise is a way that will allow you to combat that during your self care week. And don’t think you have to run a marathon to feel the benefits. Even a walk around the block is enough to get your heart pumping and lower your stress levels.

You could also try a lighter exercise, like yoga. Youtube has some amazing yoga videos that I’m obsessed with, including Sarah Beth Yoga and Yoga With Adriene.

Day five: Focus on sleep

Do you ever feel frazzled and run down? Or have a hard time concentrating? I bet lack of sleep could be to blame. While many people brag about not sleeping, the fact is we DO need sleep. According to the Sleep Foundation, a sleep-deprived person cannot focus.

When we can’t focus, we lose out on important information, such as what is said to us by our boss or loved ones. When we lose out on important information, it’s harder for us to complete our tasks or be there for the person in question. We also lose out on our memory. No wonder we feel like crap.

Make it a point tonight to hit the hay earlier than usual. Wash your bedding and tidy up your bedroom to make sure it’s a pleasant, relaxing atmosphere. If you’re scared to fall asleep to a candle, try using an oil diffuser that you can put in a soothing essential oil blend containing lavender. Other scents that can help you sleep are ylang-ylang, chamomile, and peppermint.

Remember to prioritize sleep every night, not just on self care days!

Day six: Live, love, laugh

Try to have some fun on day six. A lot of self care advice is about taking yourself seriously, and while the stuff we’ve listed above is serious, we want you to have some fun too. Life in moderation is key to your happiness.

You’re not going to be working on yourself all of the time, nor is it healthy. So take time on this day to do something you like.

If you feel like staying at home, pick up an activity or craft you’ve been meaning to finish. If you don’t have any, the bullseye section at Target has a ton of crafts for adults that only cost a couple of bucks.

Watch a comedy on Netflix or pull up a standup routine from your favorite comedian on Youtube. If you feel more like a social butterfly, ask a friend to meet you for a happy hour so you and your wallet can both reap the benefits.

Day seven: Reflect on your self care week

Take time on day seven to reflect on your self care week. Get your journal out from day one and check-in with yourself. How do you feel today after 7 days of self care? Did you learn anything? When you reflect on your previous week, you can find out what worked for you and what didn’t.

Reflecting can help you decide what parts of self care are more important to you and what may need work. Once you’ve reflected on your week, you can move forward with confidence, knowing that you have what it takes to get your self care done.

This could also be a great way to channel how you felt on certain days and maybe boundaries you need to put in place.

Prioritize yourself with a self care week!

You only get one of you. Protect yourself, respect yourself and love yourself. A self care week can be a great way to restart your relationship with yourself. But why stop at 7 days of self care?

Why not try our amazing 30-day self love challenge to extend your self care days even further! Remember, you deserve to feel good, so take care of yourself.

The post How To Create A Self Care Week: 7 Days Of Self Care! appeared first on Clever Girl Finance.
