Yazmir Torres

YouTube Content Creator

Yazmir Torres

About Yazmir Torres

Meet Yazmir, our YouTube LIVE Content Creator. Yazmir's journey to becoming a content creator started with her own personal finance journey. Determined to turn her finances around, she immersed herself in personal finance education and began implementing strategies to improve her financial health.

Through hard work and dedication, she was able to overcome her financial challenges and achieve financial freedom. Now, as a content creator, Yazmir is dedicated to sharing her knowledge and experience with others.

Her videos cover a wide range of personal finance topics, from budgeting and saving to investing and building wealth.

Clever Girl Superpower

  •  She trained as a powerlifter with the goal of competing. Her personal record was 210 lbs in deadlifting!

About Clever Girl Finance

Clever Girl Finance® is a mission-driven company aimed at providing women with much-needed financial guidance and support to build financial confidence and make smart money decisions in their day-to-day lives.

We do this through our completely free resources including personal finance courses, one-on-one mentor calls, articles, audio, and video content, an incredibly supportive community, and more.

Through our approach, we support our community in a fun, engaging, relatable, and non-judgmental way. Our team is dedicated to helping women to become accountable, ditch debt, save money, and build real wealth.

Learn more about us.

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Also featured in Forbes, The New York Times, Business Insider, Fortune, and more.

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